question about bringing my DJI phantom to the US

Sep 13, 2013
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Hey guys,

im planning to bring my dji phantom to houston texas from Japan. is there any law i should consider to fly a RC there?


HB 912 said:
(a) A person commits an offense if the person uses an unmanned aircraft to capture an image of an individual or privately owned real property in this state with the intent to conduct surveillance on the individual or property captured in the image.

The "intent to conduct surveillance" is a bit of a grey area, and gives them the opportunity to hassle you while they establish whether you had any intent.

Given that you're ferrn (that's redneck for "foreign"), I would advise not messing with Texas and only flying well away from any private property. You'd also be wise not to fly too close to anyone.
mroberts said:
gives them the opportunity to hassle you while they establish whether you had any intent.

Another reason to point out the main rule, never talk to the police. If they talk to you, don't answer questions. They are not there to help you, only use anything you say to try to find something by which they can cite or arrest you. They cannot determine intent if you don't answer any questions.
I wonder if there is a legal definition of "capture an image". Does that just apply to recording or any FPV?
The biggest worry is having it shot down.

Doesn't every American pack a submachine gun wherever they go? ;)

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