Providence Journal

"............. Recently, the FAA carved out specific regulations for "model aircraft," unmanned vehicles being operated exclusively for recreational or hobby use, which have been extended to recreational drones.............."

More lazy "journalism" from the media. There are no "regulations", only "recommendations". There are no ethics left in this medium, and misinformation is seldom ever dealt with. Everything is presented with an agenda in mind. They don't even try to hide it anymore!
For better or worse, I emailed the reporter and used that exact word: misinformation. It's a reporter's kryptonite...I blasted him more or less, said he was a cheap hack :)

There's no point in using the "comments" section to correct these falsehoods, we all know where that I thought I would belittle and educate the author at the source...done and done.
I live in Rhode Island, but haven't had a chance to read the article. I think the awareness of quad copters (I hate using the word "drone") is picking up here because RI's first brick-and-mortar copter store is due to open in a few weeks, and of course the MISINFORMED public is starting to freak out, because all they ever hear is the BAD about quads, and it's the IDIOTS that fly in people's backyards or runways that make it worse for the rest of us that just want to have FUN with them.

Drive me crazy!!!!

(ok, I'm done...)

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