Phantom 4 Critical Error

Feb 1, 2018
Reaction score
St Louis
I crashed into a stop sign .....
Nuff said ...

Now I have Critical Errors
ESC Status
Cannot Take off
1 No. ESC Error
4 No. ESC Error

Did I crash the motors 1 and 4
Or the ESC control board itself ?
Can I get a new ESC board if needed ? and where ?
How can I test if possible ?
Any ideas would be much appreciated

Sorry to hear about the stop sign that moved over in front of your bird. I had a building do the same thing a few years back.

There are a few ebay sellers in the US that sell P4 parts like you may need, I.e. part # 3, #44, and #45. Just research the seller a bit before you buy from them. Most are ok, but do your homework. Good luck getting back in the air. [emoji106]
Most likely motors 1 & 4 (or wires) are damaged, if repairing yourself buy 2 new ones or replace all. That means cracking open the phantom, not that hard if you know what you are doing. (ref. P4 left rear and right front are CCW motors.)
That’s what I had in mind but won’t be able to get to it till next weekend.
How are the motors numbered ?

1 4
3 2
Thank you
Ill be taking it apart on Tuesday
Hopefully its just wires, I’ll keep my fingers crossed.
I just put a new shell on it a month ago
Now Im into it again!
Nothing like getting the know the internal workings of a phantom, many times with my P3 pulled it apart again and now I am doing the same thing with my P4..never bored put it that
Dont get me wrong this what is required to do, its called trouble shooting, its all fun and games lol.
I cracked her open today and found
the ribbon cable from the Flight Control board to the ESC board had come out of its plug at the ESC
I reinstalled it and all is back to normal. (After complete recalibration)
Apparently when I replaced the shell it was not in place completely
because the ribbon itself was loose from the actual plug itself.
All I need now is a new LED light that got the wires pinched while replacing the shell.
I was expecting a major overhaul
but this kept me out of hot water with my better half
She doesn’t know I wrecked it ...
Again !!!

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