Phantom 2 will not catch satellites

You'll need to OPEN up your phantom, check to see off GPS is plugged in, as well as compass, if both are OK, then you need to remove your GPS UNIT ( it is under the top shell! Once removed, check the CERAMIC ANTENNA ( square antenna on top of compass ) see if it is cracked!

Let us know, thanks!

J Dot
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If your motors start, then your GPS module is working and connected. However, if its not picking up sats, then you may of cracked the ceramic GPS antenna. Replace it with a $10 4mm puck to get an extra sat and faster lock times.
Replace it with a $10 4mm puck to get an extra sat and faster lock times.

You, or anyone else, wouldn't happen to have a link to the 4mm GPS? I was thinking of doing the mod. Why not? I've already put a ton of money into my P2, what's another $10?? lol
Here is the antenna you want

Just type in those numbers/letters on bottom.

They all carry it, single band, 5dbi gain, 4mm thick.

J Dot
Here is the antenna you want

Just type in those numbers/letters on bottom.

They all carry it, single band, 5dbi gain, 4mm thick.

J Dot

Yep, I just ordered that one about 10 minutes ago. a whopping $5.08. I don't currently have any issues finding satellites, but it won't hurt to do the mod...
Doing the antenna mod ( for ME ) did not give me more satellites, , still never got above 9 on a good day, BUT I did get them MUCH faster, plus it will get satellite lock INDOORS! I was surprised, next I did the booster mod ( link above ) went from 9 to 11 on a good day, I've seen up to 13 before, but rarely. However the booster mod ( DOES NOT VOID WARANTEE ) where copper foil mods DO. Just my input, I tried the foil mod with little to no results, but saw instant results on the booster insert. I went back and bought 3 more, before he calls it quits.
Just my opinion, do what you want, but that is what my investigating has brought up.

J Dot

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