P4P camera problem - mechanical shutter?

Jan 6, 2019
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Hi, I bought my P4P two years ago end never had a problem with it. But yesterday when I took a fly, I made some photos and video. Everything was nice on the display of my phone, but when i looked I put memory card in my laptop - what is happened!!??? Videos looks great, but still photos, overexposed, everything is washed...
I was disapointed, start reading forums and make I conclusion after reading some posts where users having the same problem that mechanical shutter don't working. When I turn off mechanical shutter everything is ok. I turn on, overexposed. Both auto mode, manual..
What now? My warranty expired.
I think that only way to fix this is to change the camera. But that is very expensive.
Live with this? Is there any differences between photos with and without mechanical shutter? I mostly shooting stacionary things, cities, panoramas, only sometimes moving subjects..
Enyone who has succeeded in solving this problem?
How about simply taking videos and then extracting screenshots from it ? Alas will allow you a workaround while you find the issue...
Then will be ok. But I am annoying because mechanical shutter is one of the reasons why I bought P4P...
I thought the mechanical shutter was for video - to avoid rolling shutter effect.
With video you I believe would be using the E shutter. Video frame rates of 30 FPS and higher cannot be shot with a mechanical shutter.

It’s my understanding the mechanical shutter on Phantom is only for stills where it can operate within its frame rate.

If you use the e shutter on stills you will see rolling shutter issues on fast moving subjects. Cars and sometimes people and the props on the drone.

Paul C
Yes Paul2660, I think you're right, the mechanical shutter is only for stills. And I use the drone for stills only, only sometimes for video.
Don't know what to do...

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