Once your are on FW 1.9.2......

Nov 9, 2016
Reaction score
Beaver Co, Pa
There's seemingly no way to return from 1.9.2 to an earlier FW version because last night, I attempted to downgrade the firmware of my 2 yr old P3S from 1.9.2 to 1.7.9 and even though I was downgrading in steps (1.9.2 to 1.8.1 and then to 1.7.9) each time the downgrade process seemed to complete within 4 minutes.

DJI has often stated that downgrading the firmware was no longer possible but I assumed that downgrading was no longer allowed through the app's Academy page. Downgraded via SD card and after rebooting and tabbing "About" in the app, the downgraded FW versions were clearly indicated. In bench testing, all responses to my RC commands were normal except now there were two red warnings that the IMU and compass needed calibrated. No big deal but I was still worried.

I was using a downgrade method that I have used in the past where you power-on only the RC, then the AC and wait until the RC links to the AC but while the Status LED was still solid red, insert a newly formatted SD card with only the desired .bin file on it. Like I stated before, the downgrade seemed to go normally except for the unusually short time before the Status LED went from green-red-green back to solid green. Looked at the new LOG file and it was really short and each of last night's downgrade attempts ended with "aborted" So I linked my display device, started the app and in the app's home screen, I saw and then pressed the "There is a newer version of firmware available" button and the app downloaded version 1.9.2 and within 3 minutes a window popped up stating "Upgrade is complete" but the Status LED was still going green-red-green and I let it continue for maybe 12 more minutes until it finally turned solid green. Rebooted everything and checked the LOG file on the SD card and this time it appeared perfectly normal, all previously successful and aborted upgrade/downgrade attempts from day one were listed, the last entry indicated a successful upgrade.

Flew the drone this morning after calibrating the IMU and compass and it flew ok, no apparent issues. But I still wish it was back to running on 1.7.9 firmware. Still curious why the app said the upgrade was complete before the Status LED changed back to solid green. I can't imagine the possible result of not waiting for the Status LED to return to normal.
Thanks for reading my rant.

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