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Re: Flytrex Live Question ??

I don't think you need a separate Flytrex account, but you do need to register your Live to your current account. Are you positive you are using the correct logon information?
I hadn't seen this before now.. I figured I'd share.. looks like it should be no mystery now where the Flytrex LIVE will NOT work at all [in the USA]..

I'm all for some kind of 3g upgrade, but at least some of us might have a couple years :)

What's Happening?
Telecommunication carriers are beginning to retire their 2G network towers, with more towers being shut down each month. By January 2017, AT&T's 2G network will be fully retired and Verizon's 2G and 3G CDMA networks by 2021 in favor of their faster 3G and 4G networks.

This totally explains your issue(s) Dirty Bird..
Hi all,

When installing the flytrex live did any of you need to use extra solder? I'm a total solder noob and have had a go but the existing solder bead won't melt to allow me to add the flytrex power cables. Have tried with a standard 40w iron and also a butane, no luck with either. I've watched Jayson Hanes YouTube vid and it looks like it takes literally a second!

Thanks for any (constructive) advice. :)
Couple solder "tips"

Make sure the tip is screwed in tight and clean.
ok, clean tip?
plug it in! Some irons may take up to like 5 minutes to heat up
make sure if there s multiple heat settings, you have it on the right one.
"tin" the tip.
lastly, make sure you're making good contact with the spot your trying to solder.

If you've truly NEVER soldered before, even if it looks like a simple job, Id still recommend practicing a little bit on something before going anywhere near a circuit board....
Lowepg said:
Couple solder "tips"

Make sure the tip is screwed in tight and clean.
ok, clean tip?
plug it in! Some irons may take up to like 5 minutes to heat up
make sure if there s multiple heat settings, you have it on the right one.
"tin" the tip.
lastly, make sure you're making good contact with the spot your trying to solder.

If you've truly NEVER soldered before, even if it looks like a simple job, Id still recommend practicing a little bit on something before going anywhere near a circuit board....

Thanks Lowepg for the tips. I've done some basic stuff and practiced a bit but I think there is something wrong with my technique. My personal preference would be not to do it at all if I could find someone to do it for me. Called a local hobby shop and they won't touch a PV2+.

PS. See you're from Raleigh? I'm from Lexington, NC now living in England. Nice to "see" someone from NC. :)
Jayson Hanes said:
I hadn't seen this before now.. I figured I'd share.. looks like it should be no mystery now where the Flytrex LIVE will NOT work at all [in the USA]..

I'm all for some kind of 3g upgrade, but at least some of us might have a couple years :)

What's Happening?
Telecommunication carriers are beginning to retire their 2G network towers, with more towers being shut down each month. By January 2017, AT&T's 2G network will be fully retired and Verizon's 2G and 3G CDMA networks by 2021 in favor of their faster 3G and 4G networks.

This totally explains your issue(s) Dirty Bird..

Thank you for some constructive additions to the subject at hand. However, even posting the link you did, there will still be people that wont except it and then go on how they just flew all day with no issues. I tried pointing this issue out 10 days after the FLT was 1st shipped. I think few listened to what was said and shown cause they may have thought I was fabricating info due what I had just experienced with flytrex at that time.

But this time I'll post from a conversation I had with Amit at Flytrex.

First, I'd like to reassure that we're working on a solution for such cases as well. We're definitely not planning to give up on the US market and our team is working around the clock to introduce a solution for this. Some solutions takes longer and I'm afraid this change is one of those. With that said, we already have some really good progress in that direction and I hope we'll have some very good news for our pilots in the states (and also Australia) in the next couple of weeks.

Before that, we're now trying to finish our re-sync tool which will allow pilots to easily re-sync all missions that are stored on the Live's internal memory to their Flytrex account. Using this tool our goal is to offer some kind of solution, even if not perfect yet, to allow pilots to recover their full flight data to their Flytrex Profile with a single click. We also have some really good progress in that direction and I hope we'll have some more news posted about this on our Facebook Page in a matter of days.
Job, the way I did it was like this: I tinned the tip of the soldering iron, then added more solder to the flytrex wires.. i then simply pressed the flytrex wire against the phantom's power point, and pressed the two together with pressure, with the soldering iron until it went molten.. then released.
Another week has passed without any sign of progress. Where is the Live's Mission Uploader tool? How difficult can this be? The thing doesn't work properly at least give us the means to retrieve our flight logs! :twisted:
Flytrex Live Registering Problem ??

I have just installed a new Flytrex Live Module on my Phantom Vision 2+ and when I go to register my device its giving me "Live ID Invalid" and also on the same screen the second part is a drop down which say: Link with Aircraft but when I click on it for the drop down its not showing my aircraft ?? What am I doing wrong ??

Thanks for any help !! I have sent several emails to Flytrex but have not received an answer yet !!
TxRider said:
I have just installed a new Flytrex Live Module on my Phantom Vision 2+ and when I go to register my device its giving me "Live ID Invalid" and also on the same screen the second part is a drop down which say: Link with Aircraft but when I click on it for the drop down its not showing my aircraft ?? What am I doing wrong ??

Thanks for any help !! I have sent several emails to Flytrex but have not received an answer yet !!

Hi, have you tried registering by scanning the QR barcode on the back of the Flytrex? I did that and it worked perfectly.
Re: Flytrex Live Question ??

Dirty Bird said:
I don't think you need a separate Flytrex account, but you do need to register your Live to your current account. Are you positive you are using the correct logon information?

Im under the same account that I had for my Flytrex Core Module....but again when I try to register its still telling me that "Live ID invalid. Please verify Live ID and try again. If this issue continues please contact us with this error details at: [email protected]"
job2310 said:
TxRider said:
I have just installed a new Flytrex Live Module on my Phantom Vision 2+ and when I go to register my device its giving me "Live ID Invalid" and also on the same screen the second part is a drop down which say: Link with Aircraft but when I click on it for the drop down its not showing my aircraft ?? What am I doing wrong ??

Thanks for any help !! I have sent several emails to Flytrex but have not received an answer yet !!

Hi, have you tried registering by scanning the QR barcode on the back of the Flytrex? I did that and it worked perfectly.

Yes ive tried that as well...ive also checked with T-Mobil today to make sure that my sim card was active and working and it is.....I figured it was because everytime I turn the Phantom on T-Mobile it charging me after another day !!
TxRider, did you add the 15 character reference from the barcode in your flytrex account settings?

I'm pretty sure once you are logged into the flytrex website, go to your account name in upper right/Account Settings/ from General Settings menu on left of page select Live/ Click the Link New Device button. Enter your Live ID in the dialog that just opened - your live ID is the 15 characters ID listed on the Flytrex Live sticker, just to the right of the QR code.
Once linked, all flight missions and telemetry data collected by your Live will automatically be logged and stored in your Flytrex Account.

When linking your Live device you will also be presented with the option to link your Live device with a specific aircraft from the list of aircraft you configured in your profile. Linking your Live to a specific aircraft will automatically assign all flight missions and data collected by this Live device to the selected aircraft. This option is ideal if you plan to mount your Live on a specific aircraft. You can change the aircraft linked with your Live at any time through the Live Manage page.
Hey FlyNFrank.....Thanks for your reply....and Yes I have done all the beginning to think that maybe FLytrex has given me the wrong ID that was assigned to my module.....and trying to get a hold of those guys is like pulling a tooth from an elephant !!

I read that if your getting a 5 flash and then 1 Red LED that your talking to their web site but just cant register do to the you know if this is correct ??

Thank buddy for your help !!

Yeah I had the same thing going on before I registered the ID I mentioned. I use email to contact the flytrex an experienced long & short response times. I have had plenty of issue with them, but I must say they have been turning this around. I'm pretty sure they do not work on fridays, but do work on sundays.

So after you entered the 15 ID what was your next step, if you remember?

Also what is your flytrex ID name?
flyNfrank said:
Bare with me as I sometimes take a long time responding having to leave and come back. So it may look like I'm behind on my posting.

- In regards to the discussion on FLT backup battery. I'm not 100% sure we're on the same page with what message we're trying to get across. To begin with, this is solely on the FLT as it is right now. From this end there is two areas of concern. The being the FLT to have the ability to transmit location signals in the event there is no power coming from the dji smart battery, only. Whether the battery is dead or off, there is no available power of any kind whatsoever. This means the FLT is unable to anything. Please understand I spent an additional $3000 this year due to being unable to locate my quad after a fly away, and a crash I watched take place and still could not find it. If this is not something you are interested in pursuing, then please by all means say so now. I can relate to a project that already has enough irons in the fire so to speak. I on the other hand would prefer to work on such an option with your company because anything else we are involved in will most likely interfere with the FLT in one way or another. On such a device there is just noway around it.

And unfortunately the other area of concern falls right into the same scenario. As you know I emailed you the end of August with questions on the FLT's abilities, and mentioned I may have a fix for based on your response. I want to do all that I can to help you. But your response did indeed pull the plug on what I had hopped would not happen.

Hi flyNfrank :)

Thanks for the feedback! I'm also sorry for running behind on replies -- we've been corresponding together in the past, so you're familiar with my limitations when it comes to answers to all emails/posts quickly. Since I'm also managing the entire software side of the Flytrex project I barely find time to sleep, so I'm really sorry that replies are going rather slow.

At the end of the day, I prefer to grab as much feedback as I can and get things done. I'm doing my best to reply as quickly as possible and honestly wish I could reply faster.

We are in no way against the idea of adding some external backup power option for the Live with future versions, but this will take us a bit to get something like this. However, with the understanding of how batteries work, and assuming the Phantom doesn't have any special power cut-off circuit (like you'll usually see in appliances such as shaving machines etc..), which I don't think it has one, you should keep in mind that the battery voltage doesn't drop to absolute zero just like that..

The Live consumes much (much) less than your quad engines. Generally speaking, the engines consume much much more than pretty much any other component in your quad. This means that in the event your battery can no longer run your quad engines, it will still have a lot of juice to run the Live for plenty more hours -- the two simply consume completely different levels of power.

The only thing that I can think of would be if the battery exploded completely and goes completely dead in mid-air, but I honestly haven't heard any story like that up until today.

I hope this feedback explains a bit our design decision with the Live. :)
Lowepg said:
Love the transparency in those last few posts!

I'm a Live 2.0 buyer the MINUTE 3G is announced.

In fact, Id even buy one now if flytrex committed to a free upgrade once a 3g solution is released.

In the meantime, I will keep using the (bulletproof) core 2.... only think I could even wish for is actual date stamps on the files- but thats a minor niggle.

Thanks Lowepg for the support! :)

Again, I'm really sorry for the slow response times here -- doing my utmost to review and reply to all posts as quickly as possible.

Please stay tuned here and at our Facebook Page for upcoming updates, we have a lot of new things coming both for the Live and Core 2 and I think you'll find those relevant and interesting. :) Really hope to have more news soon..
rrmccabe said:
Lowepg said:
only think I could even wish for is actual date stamps on the files- but thats a minor niggle.

I thought I was the only one annoyed by that :)

It's a bit tricky to get this one fixed -- but we are trying to include this fix as well with the upcoming Core firmware update. I hope to have some good news on the file date-stamps this upcoming October. :)
allemtura said:
Can anyone tell me which pin the orange cable goes into the small white connector please? I accidentally pulled mine out but I don't know which of the three remaining pins it was.

The red pin for example is still in the last/first pin.


Hi Allemtura :)

I'm sorry for missing this until now. Basically the two pins red/orange, should go to the two ends of the connector (first and last, depending from which direction you're looking at). So if you still have the red wire connected, you should place the orange wire to the opposite far end.

I hope this helps! :) Let em know if you need more details about the cable setup or if you'll need us to ship you a new replacement cable, I'll be glad to help with this quickly.

allemtura said:
On another note, I've seen the LED status on my live swap between flashing green and solid red, for at least 5 cycles while up in the air. Does anyone know what this means please?

This page doesn't help I'm afraid: ... reference/

Hi allemtura :)

I'm afraid the LED Reference document needs to be refreshed. We've had many new firmware updates since this was first written so it is out-dated by now. We have a new firmware update planned tomorrow and I'll make sure to update the LED Reference after the new update (v41) is announced and released tomorrow morning.

Regarding the red LED during flight - this usually indicates that the Live have lost connection and re-established it back again. The Live automatically tries to re-establish connection if its lost during the flight. Furthermore, it also tries to recover any data that was lost during this time and re-send it to the server. We still have more to do to improve on this, but already should behave much better than with the initial firmware versions.

I hope this helps. :)

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