Just Lost My 1 Week old P4P Help Please

Every one of these exclusions requires the the exclusion be the cause of the crash. Litchi was not the cause of the crash! There is no evidence of this!

And there's no evidence that it's not, that's why the balls in the OP's court to recover the bird then he'll have a leg to stand on until then he's got nada...
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Well problem is without the bird I can't prove it wasn't Litchi but I know it wasn't. I've flown Litchi for years without issue. Before the bird dropped out of the sky I had completed two batteries and since the crash I've used Litchi and no drop from the sky. They wouldn't even look at my data because it was Litchi.
Have Litchi analyze the flight log for you, and have Litchi tell DJI what the cause was. That should be enough, if you get the right person on the phone at DJI! Litchi is a respected DJI SDK Developer. Their word should be good enough. If it is a fault of Litchi, Litchi needs to know about it anyway, so they can fix it! :eek:
And there's no evidence that it's not, that's why the balls in the OP's court to recover the bird then he'll have a leg to stand on until then he's got nada...
Not true! He has the Litchi flight log, which is just as valid as a DJI flight log, but requires an expert witness, like Litchi themselves, to interpret the cause of the crash. No offense intended, but you guys are all pushovers, which is why DJI gets away with this crap! Don't take no for an answer! :cool: The burden is on DJI to prove pilot error or Litchi error, and if they can't prove either, on a 10 day old aircraft, in the hands of an experienced operator, familiar with both the aircraft and Litchi, infant mortality and manufacturing defect is more likely than not the cause. Burden met! :) Warranty crash. Pay up DJI!
Not true! He has the Litchi flight log, which is just as valid as a DJI flight log, but requires an expert witness, like Litchi themselves, to interpret the cause of the crash. No offense intended, but you guys are all pushovers, which is why DJI gets away with this crap! Don't take no for an answer! :cool: The burden is on DJI to prove pilot error or Litchi error, and if they can't prove either, on a 10 day old aircraft, in the hands of an experienced operator, familiar with both the aircraft and Litchi, infant mortality and manufacturing defect is more likely than not the cause. Burden met! :) Warranty crash. Pay up DJI!
This is a sensible approach and seemingly has merit. The principal issues might be 1) does the litchi flight log contain the same level of detail as a DJI GO log (to the extent it doesn't and the likely cause can't be ascertained, even by Litchi experts, what is the position then? 2) what might be done to demonstrate the litchi log hasn't been edited, if I understand correctly it is simply a .csv file that might be altered in a basic text editor.

Certainly worth exploring. Engage the appropriate consumer rights regulator (I don't know who that is in the US) armed with the litchi expert opinion (to the extent it might be obtained) and let them argue the case with DJI.
There is an SDK for the P4P, so it would seem software written for it should not automatically be considered at fault.
There is an SDK for the P4P, so it would seem software written for it should not automatically be considered at fault.
Precisely. DJI needs to establish that Litchi was the sole cause of the crash, to preclude warranty coverage, if Litchi was used to fly. Litchi uses the DJI written developer SDK.
Precisely. DJI needs to establish that Litchi was the sole cause of the crash, to preclude warranty coverage, if Litchi was used to fly. Litchi uses the DJI written developer SDK.
yeah and it was comical that her response was we can't read litchi log files I gave her a link to click and see the Litchi log file as well as the actual file itself
Precisely. DJI needs to establish that Litchi was the sole cause of the crash, to preclude warranty coverage, if Litchi was used to fly. Litchi uses the DJI written developer SDK.
Well if the OP is successful in persuing this, it will certainly set a precedent as from what the little I have read, Litchi Data on its own does not constitute sufficient grounds for data analysis (as WTB mentioned above). I fully agree with you that Litchi as approved third party sanctioned app should be sufficient as a source of interrogation, money has changed hands to enable Litchi to develop the software and should be held to account where sufficient concern arises. On a tangent, I run a BMW S1000RS with an Akropovic muffler that is used for sanctioned track days, I had some fuelling issues that I presented to them, they disputed it citing third party modifications, I produced the receipt showing that the unit was sold with that muffler as a sanctioned accessory. Bike fixed and case closed. Either retrieve the drone or step up and chase your concerns down.
yeah and it was comical that her response was we can't read litchi log files I gave her a link to click and see the Litchi log file as well as the actual file itself
I would follow gadgetguys suggestion that you seek assistance from litchi. That is, to the extent it might be possible, ask that they provide you with a written opinion as to what the cause of the incident was from a log file analysis. If DJI hardware/software I'd semingly the cause you may get DJI to the table
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I would follow gadgetguys suggestion that you seek assistance from litchi. That is, to the extent it might be possible, ask that they provide you with a written opinion as to what the cause of the incident was from a log file analysis. If DJI hardware/software I'd semingly the cause you may get DJI to the table
I have contacted litchi.
I have contacted litchi.
Good. Let us know what they can tell you, because, if Litchi is, in fact, the cause, they certainly need to, and will want to know about it, and if they aren't, they certainly will not appreciate DJI pointing fingers at them, making them a scape goat for manufacturing defects. Litchi is your friend. Use them as your ally. :cool:
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Just heard back from litchi. They are almost 100% sure this was not caused by their app. They said similar situations in past cases were either motor failure or esc failure.
Just heard back from litchi. They are almost 100% sure this was not caused by their app. They said similar situations in past cases were either motor failure or esc failure.
Did they give any more detail than that? To say almost certain it wasn't the app is a long way short of the log evidencing the likely cause. It would be a suprise if it was the app. Question is what can they give you to take to DJI? At the moment DJI might say you still have the AC and are trying to get a free spare out of them (I don't beleive that is a possibility btw).....
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Just heard back from litchi. They are almost 100% sure this was not caused by their app. They said similar situations in past cases were either motor failure or esc failure.

I hope this ain't a surprise to you no company is going to take responsibility for something like this without some proof, bird strike, lost prop,battery not properly installed are all possible reasons that DJI can say are the reason for it , No?
I'd keep tryin though they want you to give up
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Did they give any more detail than that? To say almost certain it wasn't the app is a long way short of the log evidencing the likely cause. It would be a suprise if it was the app. Question is what can they give you to take to DJI? At the moment DJI might say you still have the AC and are trying to get a free spare out of them (I don't beleive that is a possibility btw).....
dont they have a way to brick the drone if it signs on to the network?
Just heard back from litchi. They are almost 100% sure this was not caused by their app. They said similar situations in past cases were either motor failure or esc failure.
What you need is for Litchi to analyse your specific flight log and provide a definitive statement on their letterhead, that Ltchi was not the cause, and have Litchi contact DJI on your behalf, through their DJI contact, to shift the burden back to DJI to prove that it was pilot error, or else pay up!
I hope this ain't a surprise to you no company is going to take responsibility for something like this without some proof, bird strike, lost prop,battery not properly installed are all possible reasons that DJI can say are the reason for it , No?
I'd keep tryin though they want you to give up
In the past, in the absence of proof of pilot error, DJI covers the crash. In this case, once Litchi analyses the log and states it wasn't caused by Litchi, and that pilot error was not the cause, DJI should cover the crash under infant mortality in the hands of an experienced pilot, as long as the pilot doesn't give up first!
What you need is for Litchi to analyse your specific flight log and provide a definitive statement on their letterhead, that Ltchi was not the cause, and have Litchi contact DJI on your behalf, through their DJI contact, to shift the burden back to DJI to prove that it was pilot error, or else pay up!
I doubt that Litchi would do anything like that and there's no guarantee that DJI would respond if they did.
It's not that DJI have to prove pilot error - it's that DJI need to be able to see evidence that it was caused by a DJI error.
Since the flight record from Litchi doesn't show what happened (it just shows that the flight record stopped), the only way to get something out of DJI is to find the Phantom so they can examine the internal data.
In the past, in the absence of proof of pilot error, DJI covers the crash.
I don't believe they work that way.
DJI require evidence that the issue was due to a DJI error - not simply a case of not pilot error.
If it's a DJI issue - get a replacement.
If it's pilot error - it's pilot error
If a seagull takes out your Phantom - that's just bad luck and the warranty doesn't cover bad luck.
But whatever causes the incident, DJI want to see evidence themselves.
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What you need is for Litchi to analyse your specific flight log and provide a definitive statement on their letterhead, that Ltchi was not the cause, and have Litchi contact DJI on your behalf, through their DJI contact, to shift the burden back to DJI to prove that it was pilot error, or else pay up!
And here is where there is a good chance it all ends. Let's say litchi is prepared to issue the proposed letter, and even that it might be proven litchi isn't the cause. Great. There is still no evidence of what caused the incident.

To have a hope of success with DJI Litchi would need to provide a log analysis that demonstrates an issue with the AC. I can't see that happening unfortunately or they would have gone further than saying they think it's probably not their app.

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