Is there such a "thing"..

Nov 24, 2018
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Is there such a thing as a sticker that fits around the controllers that says "Up", "Down" "Forward" Back" etc. I'm not sure what to call it, but cars have P, D, R, N. It seems like someone here had something like that.

Anyone know where to get or make something like that? When you're a new pilot, an aircraft is up in the air, it's not always easy to tell if it's coming home or flying away... We don't exactly have simulaters to practice with using our particular controllers. Well, maybe there are some and I haven't found one I like. :grin: (asking for a friend..)
Is there such a thing as a sticker that fits around the controllers that says "Up", "Down" "Forward" Back" etc. I'm not sure what to call it, but cars have P, D, R, N. It seems like someone here had something like that.

Anyone know where to get or make something like that? When you're a new pilot, an aircraft is up in the air, it's not always easy to tell if it's coming home or flying away... We don't exactly have simulaters to practice with using our particular controllers. Well, maybe there are some and I haven't found one I like. :grin: (asking for a friend..)
Up and Down won't change, but Forward and Back will and so will Left and Right, depending upon the aircraft orientation! When you are flying back to yourself, all directions of the right stick controls are reversed! Stickers are readily available, or can be made with any label maker. The right stick labels are only correct when flying the aircraft with the nose pointed away from you. If you are unsure about what the stick will do in each direction, give it a gentle nudge, and see, and adjust accordingly. Good luck!
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Is there such a thing as a sticker that fits around the controllers that says "Up", "Down" "Forward" Back" etc. I'm not sure what to call it, but cars have P, D, R, N. It seems like someone here had something like that.

Anyone know where to get or make something like that? When you're a new pilot, an aircraft is up in the air, it's not always easy to tell if it's coming home or flying away... We don't exactly have simulaters to practice with using our particular controllers. Well, maybe there are some and I haven't found one I like. :grin: (asking for a friend..)
Yip both are here,if want flash ones,,pretty cheap
Is there such a thing as a sticker that fits around the controllers that says "Up", "Down" "Forward" Back" etc. I'm not sure what to call it, but cars have P, D, R, N. It seems like someone here had something like that.

Anyone know where to get or make something like that? When you're a new pilot, an aircraft is up in the air, it's not always easy to tell if it's coming home or flying away... We don't exactly have simulaters to practice with using our particular controllers. Well, maybe there are some and I haven't found one I like. :grin: (asking for a friend..)

Do you mean something like this?


You will find it here: Identification Markings Decal Sheet for DJI Phantom
Is there such a thing as a sticker that fits around the controllers that says "Up", "Down" "Forward" Back" etc. I'm not sure what to call it, but cars have P, D, R, N. It seems like someone here had something like that.

Anyone know where to get or make something like that? When you're a new pilot, an aircraft is up in the air, it's not always easy to tell if it's coming home or flying away... We don't exactly have simulaters to practice with using our particular controllers. Well, maybe there are some and I haven't found one I like. :grin: (asking for a friend..)
Unfortunately in this situation stickers won't always need to know to where the drone is pointing to or traveling to to be sure is that is the way you want to go or reverse or go sideways
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I don't think I've ever looked at my RC while flying except when my USB came loose once. Display said "Disconnected" and everything went grey. Just pushed the RTH button. I glance at the power LEDs once in a while, but that's about it.
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Someday I hope to be trusting enough to be be able to take my eyes off of the aircraft. I check the screen every so often for warnings and battery levels, but not knowing where the front is, I can't tell if I'm going away or coming back. I didn't want to lose the dang thing.. lol! I haven't flown that much at all, but I'll get there.
Hey who stands backwards and flys,,,sposed to face aircraft at all times,,,,saying orientation is wrong is just picking at something,,,,,,
Does anyone here face opposite direction when flying,,,uuuhhh NO
Thank you! Ordered a set. I'm going to screen shot a pic, so I know where they go. ?
Hey who stands backwards and flys,,,sposed to face aircraft at all times,,,,saying orientation is wrong is just picking at something,,,,,,
Does anyone here face opposite direction when flying,,,uuuhhh NO
Except that when flying the aircraft back to yourself, nose in, all the right stick controls are reversed from the stickers! Does anyone ever do that? ;)
Every time you fly, unless you always hit RTH, instead of flying home manually.

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