iPad Air 2 Freezes up

Feb 27, 2018
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I have a 64GB iPad Air 2 that I would like to use with my Mavic Pro and P4A but I've found that it seems to freeze up and become non-responsive when I am using it with the DJI Go 4 app and shooting pictures in AEB 5 mode. It has also been cold here so temperatures are usually between 36-44 degrees. Sometimes exiting the app and restarting it lets it work for a little while but the problem seems to be recurrent. I have also tried closing any other open apps and restarting the iPad but that doesn't seem to help. And the iPad has a bout 20 GB free. My iPhone 6S doesn't seem to have the same problems.

Is the iPad Air 2 simply underpowered, or is it something to do with shooting 5 exposure brackets, or could it be the cold? Has anybody experienced anything like this or have any suggestions? I much prefer flying with the bigger screen but obviously I can't have the screen freeze up and resort to RTH prematurely.
Latest iOS has something about working better with 3rd party apps. Might check it out in the apple Readme on it. (11.2.6 I think.).
My experience is that I am using an IPad mini 2 with great results, but with a P3a and DJI go, I did have to remove most other Apps from it to have it work properly, but at this point it works great. But maybe the 4 needs more juice.
I shoot 5 exposure AEB's on Go 4 all the time with no problem. Have you tried to delete and re-install Go 4?
I updated the operating system on the iPad with no impact one way or the other. I have been reluctant to keep updating the DJI Go 4 app since they seem to be headed in an increasingly restrictive direction but I guess that would be the next logical step.
I updated the operating system on the iPad with no impact one way or the other. I have been reluctant to keep updating the DJI Go 4 app since they seem to be headed in an increasingly restrictive direction but I guess that would be the next logical step.
I agree, don't ever change anything in firmware, app or OS version if unless you have a compelling reason. FREEZE IT ALL. In your case, if you can't figure it out, you may have no choice. Try flying your craft from inside your car where it's warm and see if that make any difference with your 5AEB shots. I fly from my car all the time, I can get good range if the craft is in front of the windshield.

I use iPad Air 2 all the time, never a hiccup, always worked flawlessly, however I never change anything. You can see my versions of f/w and app s/w in my signature.
I am having a similar problem.

I have a DJI P4, using an IPAD air 2 ios 11.2.6 with the DJI Go4 ap (4.2.6). I have the video cache set to re-write itself.(I also have no HDMI module)

During flights, the App will freeze. Just hang. The first time it did it, I panicked. Now it does it once or twice a flight. I just remove my fingers from the controls. Close the app wait 10 seconds and then relaunch the app.

I even broke my iPad and had it replaced and it is still doing the same thing (I did reload from backup)(so if it was Ipad software not hardware could be an issue)

I have removed/deleted the app and reinstalled it. Same issue.

The AP is taking up 523MB and the Data Size is 2.2GB.

Any thoughts?
I think when you get it sorted out you need to stop upgrading every chance you get. That invites trouble. Freeze the GO4 app, no auto-updating, freeze the firmware and OS and just have fun flying it. DON'T upgrade every time DJI has something new, it's not worth it! My setup has been frozen since last Spring and it flies great with an Air2. It can do things other P4Ps can't, because I froze everything back in May.
There is so much wrong with that statement. I have several degrees in IT and law. When you don’t follow published updates you are asking for trouble.

If you are “freezing” you are saying in a public forum that you $ont preform updates and are hackable. Soi coul$ send one email to, you and you would be hacked.

To say I don’t do upDates is dumb.

I think when you get it sorted out you need to stop upgrading every chance you get. That invites trouble. Freeze the GO4 app, no auto-updating, freeze the firmware and OS and just have fun flying it. DON'T upgrade every time DJI has something new, it's not worth it! My setup has been frozen since last Spring and it flies great with an Air2. It can do things other P4Ps can't, because I froze everything back in May.
There is so much wrong with that statement. I have several degrees in IT and law. When you don’t follow published updates you are asking for trouble.

If you are “freezing” you are saying in a public forum that you $ont preform updates and are hackable. Soi coul$ send one email to, you and you would be hacked.

To say I don’t do upDates is dumb.
In terms of IT, you're right. However I have a degree in DJI shenanigans.

Were talking about drones from DJI. That's apples and oranges compared to IT. The risk of problems are much greater from changes in DJI firmware, GO4 app or incompatibility of an iOS or Android update, compared to your fear of outside intentional hacks. In fact I've never heard if anyone hacking a DJI drone from the outside as you seem to fear. The only hack I know if is Iran hacking one of our military drones over their country, and I don't plan flying over Iran anytime soon.

Law says I own the drone, it's my property, I get to do whatever I want with it. However it's my responsibility to fly safe, and I do IMO. I fly with DJI firmware and GO4 app software, most the time. Compare that with flying with Litchi. Is Litchi more, or less safe than DJI GO4? Risky in your mind?

I haven't had a problem with my P4P since I bought my P4P last May. How many problems have you had? I rest my case.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and you ask for thoughts. I gave you mine, but that doesn't mean you have to agree. Others here don't agree with me either, and I have a lot if respect for them. I just don't agree and feel much more confident I won't have problems when freezing a working drone setup. I won't be surprised with new factory defaults from an unannounced app auto update, which is a serious KNOWN flaw in DJI app updates. And updating craft firmware became higher risk last year when DJI removed the ability to revert to the previous version. Freezing things is my preference and it works for me. I hope you get yours fixed, it must really $uck not being able to fly.
Apps and Drones are part of IT (Software and Hardware). It only takes one person to find a whole in an app to gain control of an Ipad. Just because it has not happened, when you have data for work or home or even client data. Why would risk exposing that because you want to freeze in place?

Yes, DJI has problems, but if you have a crash with your drone and the FAA ask why you did not have the patch on your system from 18 months ago that fixed the issue that caused a crash you have problems.

Next, let's assume that none of that happens, and you have bug that just cost you to lose your $1,200 to $2,000 drone. Why risk the money. The ROI/TCO does not help say you should hold off.

Also, the law does not say "Law says I own the drone, it's my property, I get to do whatever I want with it. "You need to read the licensing agreement you agreed to on your drone. As DJI own the code on both the app, the controller, and the aircraft. They own the IP that makes that fly. While you are not required to update, DJI can change the terms of service at any time.

Again, you are risking your tablet security, your drone security, and loss of your craft. Again it fly and I do fly it. I just take precautions knowing the app freezes.

Again, what I stated is best practices from the FAA and IT side. Many people find out they have been hacked and go, why did I know that. Then you find out they have been doing windows or apple update in years. I have come and investigated so many hacks I am not shocked any more.
if you have a crash with your drone and the FAA ask why you did not have the patch on your system from 18 months ago that fixed the issue that caused a crash you have problems.
This is an easy answer. I don't trust DJI, and I prefer to fly safe with what I know. That's the truth.

And if there was really a bug that caused a crash, DJI's going to be way more liable than me because they didn't disclose any warnings in their release notes about the patch. However that's a far fetched scenario IMO. You worry too much, you should fly more and have some fun!

I just take precautions knowing the app freezes.
In 3yrs flying DJI with over 1000 miles on my odometer, my iPad has NEVER froze up. That's because when I find something that works, I don't change it. Compare that to others that upgrade every time something changes. You will find loads of problems in this forum when something changes and people change their setup, including yours. They think the same as you.... Oh, something new, it's free, and it's the latest, and I'll be ensured of better performance, bugs fixed, bla bla bla. Yeah right. Go ahead, convince yourself you're protected from flaws and problems when something changes. I deem this as smart a calibrating your compass everything time you fly, but that's just me.

There are 5 code elements that comprise the integrity of a DJI drone:
1. Drone Firmware
2. Battery Firmware
3. RC Firmware,
4. Tablet app (Go4)
5. Tablet OS version

If you change any one of these it can fowl things up and you won't be able to fly. Now you've got to figure out the incompatibility you've introduced, because others don't have the issue, in general. Congratulations, you've found something to waste a lot of time to figure out, in an effort to "do the right thing" by updating code that you hope will work.

I've seen it happen in this forum countless times. If something gets out of sync for compatibility, you can waste hours, sometimes weeks trying to figure it out. It's way safer to freeze things, unless you have a compelling reason to change. IMO it has to be a really compelling reason, and when I do update (rare occasion), I hold my breath each time, because I know I'm exposing myself to the unknown with DJI. Fortunately I've never had a problem with an upgrade, but since I rarely upgrade that increases my odds of a good score card.

So far my score is better than yours, and you are doing what you believe is the right thing. I'm OK with that, you can continue doing what you're doing. It's certainly acceptable to expose yourself to issues from DJI updates, or incompatibility with a new iOS/Android release, in the effort to "do the right thing". :D
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Then don't buy a DJI Drone?

You are trusting them with the Bird/aircraft and the Control. Yet you are not doing the updates they release to keep the bird flying?

That as Spock would say Jim "Is illogical"
Then don't buy a DJI Drone?

You are trusting them with the Bird/aircraft and the Control. Yet you are not doing the updates they release to keep the bird flying?

That as Spock would say Jim "Is illogical"
DJI has it's flaws, but they do make the best drones, bar none. I'm a huge fan of DJI, contrary to what you might believe. My 3yrs experience flying DJI craft is the basis of my "logic" to freeze my setup when I'm happy with the performance.

The bird won't stop flying because you have old firmware. In my case my P4P flies much better with old firmware and Go4 app from last May 2017. I can capture incredible shots nobody else can touch using the current firmware and Go4 app.

Exposing yourself to problems is illogical IMO, hence the thoughts I've shared here. It's as simple as that, minimizing my risk to problems, and maximizing my joy to fly. I'm sure you understand the complexity of these drones is quite a feat for any company, DJI drones are truly amazing. But with that comes a high risk of software problems, especially with the task DJI has for compatibility with many tablet vendors and scores of tablets.

It's your choice, either update your stuff often and take the risk of compatibility issues, or freeze your setup and rest assured it will always fly when you turn it on.

The risk of crashing from pilot error, weather, bird hit or ESC failure is 1000X that of having a bug in an old firmware/app that might cause a crash, no matter how good of pilot you are, IMO. Just want to put things in perspective.

The biggest flaw that still exists in the Go4 app is AUTO UPDATING, thanks to DJI's stellar software team. This will often change the RTH height to the factory default when the app auto updates. The newbie may not notice that his previous custom setting of 350" RTH height was reset to the default 120' height, without him knowing it, which can cause an unexpected behavior during RTH, potentially crashing into trees upon auto RTH, flying lower than his expectation. That bug has been in the app since day one, and DJI can't seem to fix it. Since I know about this flaw I definitely don't allow auto update on the app. I don't like surprises.
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Make sure to turn video caching off, hardware decoding on, and choose a custom transmission channel with the bit rate set to lowest. Power cycle the air 2 before flight. Try a different SD card too. My air 2 runs flawless but I too have not updated the iPad or app. When it comes to flight and dji I don't fix what ain't broke.
I am having a similar problem.

I have a DJI P4, using an IPAD air 2 ios 11.2.6 with the DJI Go4 ap (4.2.6). I have the video cache set to re-write itself.(I also have no HDMI module)

During flights, the App will freeze. Just hang. The first time it did it, I panicked. Now it does it once or twice a flight. I just remove my fingers from the controls. Close the app wait 10 seconds and then relaunch the app.

I even broke my iPad and had it replaced and it is still doing the same thing (I did reload from backup)(so if it was Ipad software not hardware could be an issue)

I have removed/deleted the app and reinstalled it. Same issue.

The AP is taking up 523MB and the Data Size is 2.2GB.

Any thoughts?
When my app freezes it will not reconnect when I relaunch the app. You say yours reconnects? I always have to launch Litchi when Go4 crashes. Interesting difference.
For poops n giggles try another (Apple) lightning cable.
I have tried that and everything but a different iPad. Maybe I should steal my wifes iPad? Now there's a th
For poops n giggles try another (Apple) lightning cable.
I have tried that and everything but a different iPad. Maybe I should steal my wifes iPad? Now there's an idea.

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