Increase in the number of crash threads recently?

Yes, from user manual page 6.
Thats definitely an improvement. But that still leaves at least a dozen single point of failures. And some of them can and IMO should be dealt with just through software:
- complete GPS or compass failures can be dealt with as the pixhawk proves, by resorting to dead reckoning or GPS ground track. It wont navigate very accurately, but it will fly towards home getting you back within control range.
- A single battery cell failure shouldnt cause the battery to shut down midflight, the phantom can surely land on 3 cells and I dont see why you'd want to "save" a faulty battery at the expense of the quad.
- A single prop/motor/esc failure is recoverable on a quad, potentially even a dual failure. I posted the link a few days ago, you just forgo yaw control. (in fairness, pixhawk afaik, cant handle this yet either on a quad, nor can any commercial quad Im aware off).

Anyway, even if all that gets implemented on a future P5, it will continue falling from the sky, but at least it should be getting quite rare.

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