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I don't see how they can do that , why buy one then, I think its all cover my butt stuff , but surely they can't believe they can not be sued .
Brendan Schulman has been very busy drafting this 20+ page document, simply called "Terms"! :rolleyes: He merely wants your agreement before you can fly, after updating.:p
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Read the new EULA which is part of the mandatory reauthorization, after upating either the app or the firmware. You no longer own the aircraft. You are essentially licensing the use of a DJI drone under their terms, that they can change at any time, and can even disable your use, if they believe you have violated the EULA. No lawsuits under the new EULA either. :eek:
They will get sued anyway. Nowhere in the document does it say that you don't own the aircraft. It does say that you don't own the software. If they cripple the aircraft with mandatory software necessary to use the aircraft they will be sued. Doesn't matter what the EULA says. Doubt the EULA will hold up in court.
They will get sued anyway. Nowhere in the document does it say that you don't own the aircraft. It does say that you don't own the software. If they cripple the aircraft with mandatory software necessary to use the aircraft they will be sued. Doesn't matter what the EULA says. Doubt the EULA will hold up in court.
The net effect of the EULA is that DJI gets to unilaterally decide whether and when you can fly the aircraft they sold you. That's a license, not ownership. Anybody can sue anybody for anything. However, if you agreed to the EULA, your lawsuit will not survive, unless in Small Claims Court. Unless a local law overrides the EULA, the EULA controls. Give Brendan Schulman some credit. He knows what he is doing! :eek:

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