I was assaulted...

Apr 15, 2014
Reaction score
New England
Has this happened to anyone else?

My husband and I are cruising on the coast of Maine, and I have enjoyed sending my Phantom up on several occasions to photograph the harbors and scenery. Each time. I have attracted curiosity and enthusiasm, and a fair amount of envy, from passerby who want to know all about my toy.

Yesterday, in Northeast Harbor on Mt. Desert Island, I was flying over the harbor on a beautiful evening. The normal crowd gathered, lots of questions, enthusiasm, normal stuff. Then, as I was bringing it down, with some folks looking over my shoulder trying to see the images live on my iPhone (that was fine, they were all happy and respectful), I became aware of some woman saying stuff like "I RESENT THAT. WHAT ARE YOU TAKING PICTURES OF? HOW DO I KNOW IF YOU'RE TAKING PICTURES OF ME? YOU CAN'T DO THAT." And on and on and on and on. Totally in my face.

I'm trying to get the Phantom down. The battery is getting low, the warning is squawking at me, there are people around and I'm trying to hover to hand-catch the thing (the nice folks backed off as I brought it down), and this woman is completely IN MY FACE. I try to say something like "I'm just taking pictures of the harbor." "It's really no different from anyone with a regular camera, or a cell phone camera, or a video camera." "I'm happy to show you the pictures." etc. She won't back off.

I finally get the copter down in my hands and turned off. She's still all over me, in my face. I get everything shut down and she still won't let up. I'm a pretty low key person and I always tend to diffuse situations if I can. I did my best: polite, friendly, open. I'm thankful my husband wasn't with me because he would not have kept his cool. He'd have ramped it up and probably called 9-1-1. Eventually I was able to back away from her, mumbling my same lines about "just taking pictures of a pretty evening" and "sorry if I offended you", and eventually I got separation, gathered my stuff and got back to my dinghy.

I should add that I try not to fly when there are a lot of people around, but there's always someone, especially in these coastal working harbors.

I was pretty shaken by this. I got no sleep last night as the scene replayed over and over in my head. I told my husband about it and he's on the warpath (figuratively speaking).

So what do you guys think? Anyone else had to deal with this anywhere?


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These things can be upsetting, I know, but all I can say is try not to let it weigh on your mind. There are absolutely no laws against taking pictures of someone in a public place, and you're absolutely correct in saying that it's no different to using any other camera. Sounds as if you were just unlucky enough to meet an idiot.
Sounds like a typical self-righteous moron. Always about them, reminds me of a similar incident I had. My reply was. Why would I want to do that and what redeeming quality do you think you have that'd make me want to take a photo of you? I'm just out here peacefully trying enjoying myself.
Usually I'm non confrontational, but that day I was so annoyed. Seems like you handled it well.
Some people in the U.S are really paranoid about drones. I asked questions about bringing my drone onboard a cruise ship on the Cruise critic forum and people just got totaly insane. Even after I explained that I didn´t plan on using it onboard and that I just wanted to take arialvideos like this:
I had similar situation on Venice channels in LA. One of locals came by me and said: "You filmed my house, give to me your phone!". It was disappointing. But he did not call to police.
I wouldn't let it bother you. As others have said, you were doing nothing wrong; for all you know, the woman may have been mentally unbalanced, on medication and on day release from an institution. There are some funny people about.

But I know how upsetting and frightening these sort of confrontations can be. Some years ago, when I and my wife were on holiday in Torrance, California, a black guy came up to us, cocked his 'finger pistol' and very deliberately and methodically shot both of us in the head. He even said 'Bang'. Now that was scary...

Put the incident behind you and don't let it spoil your fun.
Dorsal said:
Has this happened to anyone else?

My husband and I are cruising on the coast of Maine, and I have enjoyed sending my Phantom up on several occasions to photograph the harbors and scenery. Each time. I have attracted curiosity and enthusiasm, and a fair amount of envy, from passerby who want to know all about my toy.

Yesterday, in Northeast Harbor on Mt. Desert Island, I was flying over the harbor on a beautiful evening. The normal crowd gathered, lots of questions, enthusiasm, normal stuff. Then, as I was bringing it down, with some folks looking over my shoulder trying to see the images live on my iPhone (that was fine, they were all happy and respectful), I became aware of some woman saying stuff like "I RESENT THAT. WHAT ARE YOU TAKING PICTURES OF? HOW DO I KNOW IF YOU'RE TAKING PICTURES OF ME? YOU CAN'T DO THAT." And on and on and on and on. Totally in my face.

I'm trying to get the Phantom down. The battery is getting low, the warning is squawking at me, there are people around and I'm trying to hover to hand-catch the thing (the nice folks backed off as I brought it down), and this woman is completely IN MY FACE. I try to say something like "I'm just taking pictures of the harbor." "It's really no different from anyone with a regular camera, or a cell phone camera, or a video camera." "I'm happy to show you the pictures." etc. She won't back off.

I finally get the copter down in my hands and turned off. She's still all over me, in my face. I get everything shut down and she still won't let up. I'm a pretty low key person and I always tend to diffuse situations if I can. I did my best: polite, friendly, open. I'm thankful my husband wasn't with me because he would not have kept his cool. He'd have ramped it up and probably called 9-1-1. Eventually I was able to back away from her, mumbling my same lines about "just taking pictures of a pretty evening" and "sorry if I offended you", and eventually I got separation, gathered my stuff and got back to my dinghy.

I should add that I try not to fly when there are a lot of people around, but there's always someone, especially in these coastal working harbors.

I was pretty shaken by this. I got no sleep last night as the scene replayed over and over in my head. I told my husband about it and he's on the warpath (figuratively speaking).

So what do you guys think? Anyone else had to deal with this anywhere?

I would have joked with the surrounding people watching me "Here we go! The crazy one who thinks this is only around to spy on her"

....then much like your husband would have... thrown her into the river :) lol

I'm lucky, I've had nothing but positive experiences. But I really should set my phone to record video on voice command since both of my hands will most likely be holding a controller and/or drone. Dat evidence...
I was just recently flying at a beach very early in the morning just after sunrise. I am always very cautious about flying over people. I was 5-10 minutes into one of my flights when I noticed out in my peripheral vision someone running directly towards me. I immediately thought, oh no, here we go...now what? He stops next to me, as I'm preparing for the HandCatch and says "How's it going?" My fears quickly subsided as I found myself in a conversation with someone who just wanted to find and talk to the pilot who was flying the quad. He had all the usual questions along with a long list of more interest and technical related ones. I finally got one more flight in before I would have to pack it up and had him wear the Fat Sharks.
Well, that was it for him. He left, with written info I had given him on product info and dealers. He was off to make his first purchase.
I had another occurrence where I was into one of my flights where I was hearing off to my side what sounded like the distinctive chatter of police radios. I look over and low and behold two uniformed officers were approaching my position rapidly. Well, now I became nervous and remember my mind starting to spin and remember the laws and FAA and all the local rules and regulations. I quickly got it landed and packed up. I prepared myself to stay calm and approach the two officers in a sensible manner and discuss the matter. I said "Good evening. How's it going?" Officer#1- "Good. How are you?" I asked if there was a complaint and they said about what?
I pointed to my case and said "About this?" Officer- "What's that?" So I proceed to explain myself to them when a third officer now arrives. I think...Uhgg! This is not good.
Turns out they are not even interested in me or my quad I was flying out to 500m. They just got a report of a dui and were searching for a male who fled his car after driving up on a curb nearly hitting someone and ran down onto the beach nude. I just so happened to be one of the only ones in that area at the time but had not noticed anything. Needless to say it was a very strange encounter. Here I thought I was going to have my P2 confiscated. 5 mins later they found who they were looking for and made an arrest.
I am really not looking forward to being confronted by an irate citizen who thinks they are being spied on but I know it's coming one of these days.
You just can't fix crazy. Some people think it's all about them. Others insist on being the focal point of any gathering, regardless of how they grab the attention.

The problem really is that we're newsworthy and generally not in a good way. Some people think it's absolutely fine to verbally attack "drone" pilots because we obviously have evil intent... Would FOX news lie? ;) :) :D :lol:

new to the forum and just purchased and flew my Phantom 2 the first time yesterday.

I am constantly amazed at how certain people want to turn every technology into some nefarious plot to take away privacy. There are two things that immediately come to mind for me.

1. Most people are good and don't want to do anything other than enjoy a new technology and feed a hobby and challenge themselves or see the world from a different perspective

2. What are you doing that you think some random stranger is going to care about it?

Granted... You could be sunbathing by your pool and not wanting people subverting your privacy fence. I get that. But in a situation like described here, in a public place... The privacy thing is wayyyy overboard.

I hope this individual gains some perspective sometime soon.
Dorsal said:
I became aware of some woman saying stuff like "I RESENT THAT. WHAT ARE YOU TAKING PICTURES OF? HOW DO I KNOW IF YOU'RE TAKING PICTURES OF ME? YOU CAN'T DO THAT." And on and on and on and on. Totally in my face.

LOL I love when these anti-drone idiots start spouting off their "expert" knowledge of laws and statutes such as "You're not allowed to film me in public".

When you're in public --- ANYONE can film you --- from land or air. That's why Google Maps or Bing Maps hasnt been shut down over fictitious "privacy laws".

I've also heard from morons claiming they "own" the airspace over their property and that I can't fly my P2 over their house. So that means every plane that flies over their house is committing a felony?

Why do so many nitwits think they have law degrees and expert knowledge of our country's statutes?

The eastern part, yes. But not "The Hahbahs", I dont believe.

EDIT: if you look at the park map, the park covers large portions of the island, especially on the eastern coast, but stops short around the parameter of all the harbors. I suppose someone could claim that your Phantom is flying OVER park land in order to shoot back onto the harbor... which... TECHNICALLY... would be against the rules... but that's a stretch for the casual observer to prove without the exact coordinates of your bird.
To the OP;
I hope you are able to put all this behind you and con't to enjoy your hobby. Unfortunately, especially now that I'm getting up in years, I can feel pretty vulnerable while focusing on one thing and trying to avoid another. When I fly in "Public" areas where I know there are going to be other people my wife is with me. Her only instructions are to back off from the situation and record the events. You never know which way a crowd will turn these days.
ProfessorStein said:
EDIT: if you look at the park map, the park covers large portions of the island, especially on the eastern coast, but stops short around the parameter of all the harbors. I suppose someone could claim that your Phantom is flying OVER park land in order to shoot back onto the harbor... which... TECHNICALLY... would be against the rules...

No, it wouldn't be. Overflying a National Park is fine. You just can't take off or land in one. Taking off from outside it and flying into it is permitted.
So far I've stayed way from people for these reasons but... it's coming.

Most of the Hype is because of the Negative poop on Government Drones. So far everyone I've had a conversation with about the Quad says "I Bet You Can Spy On People"! Why? It hasn't crossed my mind. I "was" the person that installed cameras for HR in my previous job. If I wanted to Spy on you, it wouldn't be with a Drone. :twisted:
ProfessorStein said:
The eastern part, yes. But not "The Hahbahs", I dont believe.

EDIT: if you look at the park map, the park covers large portions of the island, especially on the eastern coast, but stops short around the parameter of all the harbors. I suppose someone could claim that your Phantom is flying OVER park land in order to shoot back onto the harbor... which... TECHNICALLY... would be against the rules... but that's a stretch for the casual observer to prove without the exact coordinates of your bird.

Northeast Harbor is definitely not part of the park, and neither I nor the drone were within even a mile of any park borders. I wasn't even trying to take pics of the park (except for maybe hills in the distance). I was taking pics of/flying over very public harbor and waterfront spaces. I didn't go anywhere near any of the nearby homes. It's pretty clear that this particular lady's concerns weren't about the park or park rules. She was just any angry, nasty person.
ChuckMRN said:
To the OP;
I hope you are able to put all this behind you and con't to enjoy your hobby. Unfortunately, especially now that I'm getting up in years, I can feel pretty vulnerable while focusing on one thing and trying to avoid another. When I fly in "Public" areas where I know there are going to be other people my wife is with me. Her only instructions are to back off from the situation and record the events. You never know which way a crowd will turn these days.

My husband has vowed that he will do just this for me from now on. His first reaction when I told him what had happened was "Did you record it?" Well, um, no. Kind of hard to do when you've got the phone clipped to the controller and linked to the camera. But I know I should have tried. I was just too busy.

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