How should I charge? $$$$$

For movie productions, you need a 333 exemption, a COA, a licensed pilot, a commercial registration number and aircraft insurance and general liability insurance is recommended as well. In addition, you need an MPTOM, FOPM and for each location a POA submitted and accepted and a NOTAM filed along with the usual film permits, fire and PD production clearances.
Dan the FAA 33 is the easiest of all and it is a PITA
OP, it helps if you tell us where you are and where you plan to do this. The information I provided is for the US.
For movie productions, you need a 333 exemption, a COA, a licensed pilot, a commercial registration number and aircraft insurance and general liability insurance is recommended as well. In addition, you need an MPTOM, FOPM and for each location a POA submitted and accepted and a NOTAM filed along with the usual film permits, fire and PD production clearances.

OP, it helps if you tell us where you are and where you plan to do this. The information I provided is for the US.
...and if you could tell us all the acronyms meanings.....I know some know them but not all :)
Most insurances won't cover the complete loss so if you want to collect you better own some diving gear. Crashes happen I sure wouldn't want to risk my phantom 3 loss over a 300.00 job in a risky environment.

A full day of filming should gross you at least 700.00 which would replace a P3 Pro if you order just the aircraft.
State Farm insures mine, for personal use, not for commercial use, it covers the whole thing, for no deductible, for a whopping $60 annually

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