How is it possible that a drone is moving forward?

You won’t see much banking if your just feeding in a little rudder, the heading is simply altered by increasing and decreasing the speed of opposing prop pairs to create an imbalance in net torque around the Z axis.

True... I was just keeping it over-simplified!

It does do a pretty nice bank when you come to a mid-air full stop from high speed though. Fun to watch!
I consider these aircraft ugly as hell. If I was a pilot in charge of flying that ugly aircraft, I will not be proud about it.

Heeeyyyyy...I’ve been working on the wonderful machine for 20 years. In the military and as a civilian. Trust me, pilots, crews and the mechanics and technicians that maintain them are super proud to have the jobs we have. Most of us (mechanics), have served in the military at some point in our lives, so it means a lot to us to be able to keep this “thing” flying to pick up our troops and bring them safely home to families....sorry, a bit of a rant I know.

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