(Head Slap) I figured out what is wrong with the AMA!

Aug 27, 2014
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Westford, MA
I just watched yet another long, rambling AMA video, "AMA - FAA - AUVSI Panel Discussion AMA EXPO 2014", https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wW88UwfCa0s#t=134, and DOH! I just realized - Is there anyone in a leadership position in the AMA that is under 70?

Seriously, every time I see a video featuring someone from the AMA, they all look like they started flying models at the end of a pair of control lines a half-century ago. They probably still fly their state of the art R/C 27 MHz AM radios. The ones with the colored flags on the five foot long antennas.
SteveMann said:
I just watched yet another long, rambling AMA video, "AMA - FAA - AUVSI Panel Discussion AMA EXPO 2014", https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wW88UwfCa0s#t=134, and DOH! I just realized - Is there anyone in a leadership position in the AMA that is under 70?

Seriously, every time I see a video featuring someone from the AMA, they all look like they started flying models at the end of a pair of control lines a half-century ago. They probably still fly their state of the art R/C 27 MHz AM radios. The ones with the colored flags on the five foot long antennas.

I assume that is your photo as your avatar?
What, you were a freshman when they were seniors?
Middle School.
That's always been my issue with the AMA. I respect the old salts who've been using RCs since they were powered by coconuts but they're interests aren't necessarily aligned with mine. I have never flown at an RC field and likely never will.
FAA rep: "stupid human tricks" posted all over Youtube.

The interview looked very reasonable to me. Welcome to DC.
SteveMann said:
I just watched yet another long, rambling AMA video, "AMA - FAA - AUVSI Panel Discussion AMA EXPO 2014", https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wW88UwfCa0s#t=134, and DOH! I just realized - Is there anyone in a leadership position in the AMA that is under 70?

Seriously, every time I see a video featuring someone from the AMA, they all look like they started flying models at the end of a pair of control lines a half-century ago. They probably still fly their state of the art R/C 27 MHz AM radios. The ones with the colored flags on the five foot long antennas.
40 years of AMA membership, I have always assumed that 70 as a lower age limit for an administrative position was part of their bylaws. The AMA's decisions have always been out of touch in my experience.
SteveMann said:
I just watched yet another long, rambling AMA video, "AMA - FAA - AUVSI Panel Discussion AMA EXPO 2014", https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wW88UwfCa0s#t=134, and DOH! I just realized - Is there anyone in a leadership position in the AMA that is under 70?

Seriously, every time I see a video featuring someone from the AMA, they all look like they started flying models at the end of a pair of control lines a half-century ago. They probably still fly their state of the art R/C 27 MHz AM radios. The ones with the colored flags on the five foot long antennas.

That probably explains why commercial drones won't operate in U.S. airspace until 2030 or so. Too many old Luddites at the AMA and FAA control board who fear "flying machines of death" because they can still barely figure out how to boot into Windows and check email. Most of their VCR's are still blinking "12:00" from the 80's when they bought them.

And of course, drones can't be trusted unless they are tethered down with a 100 foot control string.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Now you understand why I am really afraid of the cozy relationship between the AMA and the FAA.
TimmyG94 said:
SteveMann said:
I just watched yet another long, rambling AMA video, "AMA - FAA - AUVSI Panel Discussion AMA EXPO 2014", https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wW88UwfCa0s#t=134, and DOH! I just realized - Is there anyone in a leadership position in the AMA that is under 70?

Seriously, every time I see a video featuring someone from the AMA, they all look like they started flying models at the end of a pair of control lines a half-century ago. They probably still fly their state of the art R/C 27 MHz AM radios. The ones with the colored flags on the five foot long antennas.

That probably explains why commercial drones won't operate in U.S. airspace until 2030 or so. Too many old Luddites at the AMA and FAA control board who fear "flying machines of death" because they can still barely figure out how to boot into Windows and check email. Most of their VCR's are still blinking "12:00" from the 80's when they bought them.

And of course, drones can't be trusted unless they are tethered down with a 100 foot control string.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

What a bunch of BS. I really could NOT care less if people dislike the AMA, but honestly, this kind of ignorance is too much to take.

While most of the AMA leadership is older, and I might add, completely voluntary, they are not a bunch of "luddites". In fact, the AMA Leadership is embracing drones to the extent that many members are not very happy about. Look at the Expo this weekend. It is dominated by drones. All but one speaker is drone related. Almost all of the new vendors this year are drone related.

Why you guys see the AMA as your enemy beats the crap out of me. But it would be nice to see your dislike based on at least some small shred of reality rather than simplistic nonsense about blinking VCRs.

I wonder how many of you drone wizards could fly a 200cc powered 42% aerobatic model, or a 200 mph electric pylon racer, or a turbine powered scale model jet doing 250 mph? Given how many people I see on these forums that cannot fly a Phantom without hitting a tree, house, or whatever, I'm betting not too many.
What a bunch of BS. I really could care less if people dislike the AMA, but honestly, this kind of ignorance is too much to take.

While most of the AMA leadership is older, and I might add, completely voluntary, they are not a bunch of "luddites". In fact, the AMA Leadership is embracing drones to the extent that many members are not very happy about. Look at the Expo this weekend. It is dominated by drones. All but one speaker is drone related. Almost all of the new vendors this year are drone related.

Why you guys see the AMA as your enemy beats the crap out of me. But it would be nice to see your dislike based on at least some small shred of reality rather than simplistic nonsense about blinking VCRs.

I wonder how many of you drone wizards could fly a 200cc powered 42% aerobatic model, or a 200 mph electric pylon racer, or a turbine powered scale model jet doing 250 mph? Given how many people I see on these forums that cannot fly a Phantom without hitting a tree, house, or whatever, I'm betting not too many.

++1. Thank You.

A better question would be how many folks have any interest in that kind of RC geekitude.

You are only reinforcing the OP's point with your whine.

Your attempted insult is simply based on ignorance and naivete. Silly.
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Right. The OP, newly arrived on the scene, has determined what is "wrong" with an organization that has been representing model aviation since 1936. Geekitude?? Wow, for a card-carrying member of the grammar police I am surprised that you embrace the use of neologism so readily. So flying a sophisticated model aircraft is being a geek? What is the illegal modification of a Phantom by hanging so many antennas off of it that it looks like a deep space probe? Nothing geeky there, right?

Now that the OP has determined what is wrong with the AMA, does he, or anyone else have actual constructive ideas on what it could do better and how? Or how about the idea of starting and building your very own CBO to do what the AMA is doing so poorly in your estimation? It is easy to criticize, much harder to actually do something.
SilentAV8R said:
I wonder how many of you drone wizards could fly a 200cc powered 42% aerobatic model, or a 200 mph electric pylon racer, or a turbine powered scale model jet doing 250 mph? Given how many people I see on these forums that cannot fly a Phantom without hitting a tree, house, or whatever, I'm betting not too many.

I'm getting a little fed up with all the AMA lifetime members coming in here to belittle us Phantom pilots as if we are dumb little kids! :twisted:

I could care less if you can fly a turbine-powered RC jet thru a Fruit Loop, bud. Most of us are in here because we passionately CARE about the future of the UAV hobby and desperately want it to be in the right hands going forward. We know all too well the paranoid Luddite nature of the federal govt. (just look at how long it took for HDTV and 3G to develop in the U.S. compared to Japan) and it looks like the AMA board is deep in bed with them, and that's serious cause for concern.

Drones are the future of America and the world. Of course, it's an industry that needs to progress with a LOT of common sense and healthy dose of precautions for safety. However, we can't let this new industry succumb to fear-mongering old farts that you typically see running a federal agency and dictating their paternalistic ideology onto the rest of us. :oops:
Is it just me, or is anyone else seeing all the humor in this thread?

One old fart calling other old farts...."Old Farts"! :lol:
and then:
MacCool said:
"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king."
and then that chart about "I could care less" :D
Now I really do have to pick myself up off the floor from laughter! :lol:
TimmyG94 said:
SilentAV8R said:
I wonder how many of you drone wizards could fly a 200cc powered 42% aerobatic model, or a 200 mph electric pylon racer, or a turbine powered scale model jet doing 250 mph? Given how many people I see on these forums that cannot fly a Phantom without hitting a tree, house, or whatever, I'm betting not too many.

I'm getting a little fed up with all the AMA lifetime members coming in here to belittle us Phantom pilots as if we are dumb little kids! :twisted:

Just as many AMA members are getting weary of Phantom pilots bringing undue attention to our hobby. BTW, I own two Phantoms. They are an amazing tool. But based on the preponderance of stupid videos and crap that shows up here, and on other forums, I think it might be easy to understand why traditional modelers have a negative attitude towards drones. Then when we see drone pilots complaining about the AMA based on little or no experience and knowledge of the organization, well, you get my point I hope.

Drones are the future of America and the world.

WOW :eek: :shock: The WORLD?? Drones are an emerging technology that will prove to be a very useful tool and on the commercial side I agree. However, the AMA, the topic of this thread, is not concerned with commercial use. They are a hobby oriented organization. So it is not here to help commercial use grow, to represent potential commercial users or anything of the sort. To be critical of it for that position demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of what the difference between hobby and commercial use it.
SilentAV8R said:
WOW :eek: :shock: The WORLD?? Drones are an emerging technology that will prove to be a very useful tool and on the commercial side I agree. However, the AMA, the topic of this thread, is not concerned with commercial use. They are a hobby oriented organization. So it is not here to help commercial use grow, to represent potential commercial users or anything of the sort. To be critical of it for that position demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of what the difference between hobby and commercial use it.

If that's the case, then the AMA is headed for extinction and is probably already irrelevant in the eyes of the FAA.

Anyone with common sense can see that commercial drones will be the 900-lb. gorilla in the room in the years ahead. The potential uses for these kind of industrial-strength drones is ENORMOUS and every Fortune 500 company already knows it, and probably a good number of U.S. politicians who pander to those huge mega-corporations. Naturally, even small business will care about commerical drones since it will affect their profit margins. Nobody is going to care about what the hobbyist-centric AMA is mumbling about when HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of dollars are being made from commercial drone use around the globe.

The drone industry is unfolding exactly how the desktop PC industry progressed in the late 70's and early 80's. At first, it was mostly hobbyists who were spending the money to buy the machines and champion their interesting uses. But soon enough,the business world opened it's groggy eyes and saw the enormous potential of a desktop computer in every office cubicle, and a worldwide Internet to transfer business data back and forth. So who writes all the rules for the computing industry now and dictates what developments are made --- big business or individual hobbyists?

I think you see my point here. :roll:
Well. I should take offense as I qualify for a Senior Citizen discount!

Also, what is wrong with having many decades of experience in RC? Do we want a college graduate with a degree in RC, which I feel certain that it doesn't exist! As for me, I pick extensive experience over a 22 year old with none or little RC experience.

There is an anti-experience movement all over. It is as simple as this: Let's fire George, at 55, with 33 years of experience and get a fresh, 22 year old and we will save X amount of dollars in salary. Which depending on the company/corporation, might have a total salary expenditure of 5% of the total budget.

It is extreme stupidity! And least let the old fart train the 22 year old how to do every aspect of the job that George will soon be "let go." That means if you don't take our package deal for you to retire, then we will just fire you.

I saw this happen to a fellow engineer who was extremely dedicated and knowledgeable. I had been working there for many decades and I suddenly realized that they didn't care how dedicated we were. In fact, the company said: Say three people are to dig a hole in the ground and you have to fire one. You see one guy digging the hole, while the other two are watching. Who do you fire? Their answer: Fire the one digging the hole as that will motivate the other two to work!

Completely false! What it does is show the other two that hard work isn't rewarded. The morale of the company's employees take a very steep dive, as you have just shown them, that is the company would fire a hard working co-worker, then it doesn't matter how hard I work and why should I be dedicated.

This major utility went from having happy and dedicated employees to employees who didn't give a d___! Plus, you used to feel that as long as you work hard, you have great job security. Now, the utility has shown their employees that you can be fired for no reason at all. What was a really great job, became extremely stressful and I absolutely dreaded going to work. I also quit working overtime, that I used to do without being paid for it.

Sorry for the novel. What I described, I lived. Firing old farts just to have younger employees is NOT good for the company. I vowed that some day I will have my own company (corporation instead) and I will treat employees right and I will never do what my previous employer did.

The End. (I hear that!) You are saying: "Finally, the old fart is finished!
TimmyG94 said:
SilentAV8R said:
WOW :eek: :shock: The WORLD?? Drones are an emerging technology that will prove to be a very useful tool and on the commercial side I agree. However, the AMA, the topic of this thread, is not concerned with commercial use. They are a hobby oriented organization. So it is not here to help commercial use grow, to represent potential commercial users or anything of the sort. To be critical of it for that position demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of what the difference between hobby and commercial use it.

If that's the case, then the AMA is headed for extinction and is probably already irrelevant in the eyes of the FAA.

I disagree on both accounts. So does the FAA since they executed a MOU this time last year with the AMA and AMA personnel are well known to the FAA people and have a decent working relationship. So it is hard to understand how you can say that the FAA views the AMA as irrelevant.

Anyone with common sense can see that commercial drones will be the 900-lb. gorilla in the room in the years ahead.

No argument that commercial drone industry will be huge, but that has nothing to do with the hobby world. Hobby users will certainly benefit, as we did with the advent of microcomputers, computer radios, solid state gyros, multiaxis gyros, etc. But again, hobby is not commercial and vice versa. AMA can, and will, go on representing those interested in model aviation as a hobby/recreational endeavor.

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