
Jan 23, 2017
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I was hiking with my P34K attached to my backpack in one of San Francisco’s open spaces (trying to convince myself that I can wait on the Mavic LOL). A man approached me with an off-lease dog behind him (off-lease is not allowed at this space as per the clear signs, but I said nothing).

He told me that I should not fly “that thing” around here because it makes too much noise (it made no noise at the time as it was not flying...). I told him politely that I actually think that this is a safe and legal place to fly. His response was “go back to your country, you f***ing immigrant”.
I was hiking with my P34K attached to my backpack in one of San Francisco’s open spaces (trying to convince myself that I can wait on the Mavic LOL). A man approached me with an off-lease dog behind him (off-lease is not allowed at this space as per the clear signs, but I said nothing).

He told me that I should not fly “that thing” around here because it makes too much noise (it made no noise at the time as it was not flying...). I told him politely that I actually think that this is a safe and legal place to fly. His response was “go back to your country, you f***ing immigrant”.

Was he a Native American?
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Reactions: Mimoid and Erised
Well that says more about him than you, don't worry we have that kind of people over here. Unfortunately they continue breeding...
Some people just hate, both people AND drones.
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Reactions: Budman
There not the majority but they tend to leave a mark. I'm glad you where nice ans polite and stay that way, because if you where like him you could have told him to keep his wife on a leash, it a park rule!
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Reactions: AnchorageAk
Look at it this way, at least you aren't married or related to that, what ever the hell it is, thing that looks like a person.
Irrational idiots like that cannot be dealt with. Their emotions rule their empty lives, leaving rational thought no room.

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