FPV Goggles

Feb 7, 2018
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Any recommendations on whose goggles to buy? Not using my cell phone and wanting most bang for buck.
Which drone are you flying?

What do you mean by "not using my cell phone"?
$800...Cinego Goovis G2 are the best there is..Check them out...I own a pair, and it would take a couple of paragraphs to list all of the areas in which they exceed anything on the market..Amazon..Worth twice as much..---.01ms lag..AMOLED..3,177pixels per inch..Like a 42 inch TV at 42" from your eyes or as a 15" computer screen 15" from your eves...etc, etc..I fly ( 2 ) P3S...
$800...Cinego Goovis G2 are the best there is..Check them out...I own a pair, and it would take a couple of paragraphs to list all of the areas in which they exceed anything on the market..Amazon..Worth twice as much..---.01ms lag..AMOLED..3,177pixels per inch..Like a 42 inch TV at 42" from your eyes or as a 15" computer screen 15" from your eves...etc, etc..I fly ( 2 ) P3S...
What kind of latency are you experiencing

What range or distance do you get and does the scale reduce the further you go?

Do use the hmdi connection?

No I don’t. I just posted the URL because someone mentioned it above. I’m suspicious of the smattering of posts in these forums that mentioned them without any in depth review. Plus it’s indigogo and they are already lying in their specs. They claim 4K but they arrived at that number by adding two 1080 displays which apparently gets you to 4K. It doesn’t. Plus they are using a super old version of android to power the thing. It might be an ok product but I could not find any good relevant reviews up except ones that were seeded a while ago.
Ravedog..I own these goggles and they are without a doubt the best there is..did not use Indegogo to buy..Bought these at Amazon $800. The advertisements are correct. I am using these and can verify that the specs are true..
No I don’t. I just posted the URL because someone mentioned it above. I’m suspicious of the smattering of posts in these forums that mentioned them without any in depth review. Plus it’s indigogo and they are already lying in their specs. They claim 4K but they arrived at that number by adding two 1080 displays which apparently gets you to 4K. It doesn’t. Plus they are using a super old version of android to power the thing. It might be an ok product but I could not find any good relevant reviews up except ones that were seeded a while ago.
I own and use these goggles..they are Amazing...Pictures form today with the G2 Goggles
Ravedog..I own these goggles and they are without a doubt the best there is..did not use Indegogo to buy..Bought these at Amazon $800. The advertisements are correct. I am using these and can verify that the specs are true..View attachment 96878 View attachment 96879

Sorry the specs are not true. They say 4K but their specs say 1080p per eye. Do you even know what 4K is? It’s capable of receiving 4K but can not DISPLAY 4K. You’re eyes have their own 1080p display but you don’t simply say that two TVs running at 1080p sitting next to each other can be added together and therefore equals 4K.

HD. 1080x1920
4K: 3840 pixels × 2160 lines

The fact that simply double the pixel count (one per eye) is marketing bs and would keep me from buying them along no matter how “awesome” they are... they lie.

Imaginary scenario:
CEO. “How can we market these?”
Marketing: “ 4K is buzzing now...”
CEO: “how do we get to 4K?”
Marketing: “Well you know, since we have two monitors and each one is 1920 wide, two next to each other = 3840, which is 4K!”
CEO: “but isn’t that cheating?”
Marketing: “4K is hot!”

Yes. The phantom can’t show you 4K on the feed. It’s not the point. It’s that they use incredibly deceptive marketing to sell their product which means I’ll never give them my money.
.01 milisecond latency when used with my Apple iPad Mini 4

How on earth did you get that number? How did you measure that? There isn’t a display on the planet has that low a latency.

And latency from what? From the drone? From the RC? From your iPad mini to the goggles themselves?
Ravedog..You are correct the screens are each 1920x1080..using the goggles on Roku Netflix, the TV and the 2 HD goggle screens appear to be 0 ( Zero ) milliseconds as I watch them all at the same time..The 4K is very misleading, HOWEVER..These are the BEST out there..Try them on Amazon..if you are not satisfied you can get a full refund..I am using them for FPV, video DVDs and as a monitor from my computer..They did not hide the screen specs from their descriptions...1920x1080..Stupid Marketing error..So I would say that..call them liars if you wish..I love these HD (1920x1080) goggles..Done with this thread..Hope you find something you will be satisfied with..SkyKing310
Sorry the specs are not true. They say 4K but their specs say 1080p per eye. Do you even know what 4K is? It’s capable of receiving 4K but can not DISPLAY 4K. You’re eyes have their own 1080p display but you don’t simply say that two TVs running at 1080p sitting next to each other can be added together and therefore equals 4K.

HD. 1080x1920
4K: 3840 pixels × 2160 lines

The fact that simply double the pixel count (one per eye) is marketing bs and would keep me from buying them along no matter how “awesome” they are... they lie.

Imaginary scenario:
CEO. “How can we market these?”
Marketing: “ 4K is buzzing now...”
CEO: “how do we get to 4K?”
Marketing: “Well you know, since we have two monitors and each one is 1920 wide, two next to each other = 3840, which is 4K!”
CEO: “but isn’t that cheating?”
Marketing: “4K is hot!”

Yes. The phantom can’t show you 4K on the feed. It’s not the point. It’s that they use incredibly deceptive marketing to sell their product which means I’ll never give them my money.
EACH screen has 3,177 pixels per inch...stil...NOT REAL 4K...
EACH screen has 3,177 pixels per inch...stil...NOT REAL 4K...

That means nothing. When people talk specs they talk in standards. 480, 720, 1080, etc

You quoting some number of pixels per inch is pixel density or ppi. Has zero to do with resolution. They are not interchangeable numbers.

If they work for you. Terrific. All I’m saying is I’ll never buy them because the company distorts it’s facts. Won’t buy from anyone who blatantly tosses around numbers, falsely I might add, to sound cutting edge. Snake oil.

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