Fixing DJI's Compass Problem

d4ddyo said:
Sky Surv said:
I think for the short term ours will just be operated at low speed, easier to maintain heading and less likely to fling off into a tree. I don't seem to be getting any major TBE which helps. Lack of IOC certainly is real pain in the but however.

I am also going to see if my gain adjustments help slow the pronounced hook turn when centering sticks. I am going to do some testing today with my P1 as a control, and the P2 with various settings. I'll let people know how I get on, buuut more than likely will be same old story.


Never mind testing. we are in Project Drunken Sparrow Now.

haha fair enough. I'm just trying to see if I can operate it to compensate for the issue in the mean time, 3 x P2's is a decent investment and crucial to the UAS division of our business.

Anyway - power to the drunken sparrow, hopefully they sort this out asap!
I just got my new PV2+ this morning.. Aside from a weird camera problem, that a few posters think is an interaction between the sun and the props, I'm back to square one.. Took it out, away from everything.. Calibrated the compass, took off, and instantly the copter starts heading for the toilet bowl effect.. If you watch the video, every circular movement was not input.. I spent the whole flight fighting to maintain a hover.. When I moved forward about 40 feet-- even slowly, the copter would hook to the left, travelling just about 30 feet, then zip into the toilet bowl effect.. I didn't dare attempt a landing back on the table, as I'm sure I would have crashed.. The steady cam works great, as you can see by the flags, there was a bit of a breeze blowing.. ..Not too happy, as its acting identical to my original PV2.. Where I had to rotate the compass 30 degrees to obtain some decent control.. It's aggravating, as I was hoping the problem was with my PV2, originally.. But now I see this one is acting exactly the same.. Oddly, a fellow copter owner, who purchased his PV2 just after me, and lives 200 miles further North, has no problems.. It hovers like it was attached to a solid boom, yet his compass is still in the factory set position.. I don't know what to do, as moving the compass could void the warranty.. And yes, after the first flight, I recalibrated the imu, both basic, and advanced, and all my numbers are within the proper parameters.. Here's my first video Here is my second video.. Notice the huge left drift, after the straight run.. Then see it slip into the TBE... I stopped it, due to the close proximity of the trees.. But I have to tell you: if I was just flying this copter for the first time, I would have crashed it.. It was a fight, the whole flight, to maintain control.

DJI contacted me last night. Their engineers believe they have fixed the problem. They have a beta firmware they want me to test. The sparrow may be sobering up!

Let's put the media campaign in a holding pattern. Will report details as I get them.

ianwood said:
DJI contacted me last night. Their engineers believe they have fixed the problem. They have a beta firmware they want me to test. The sparrow may be sobering up!

Let's put the media campaign in a holding pattern. Will report details as I get them.

Amazing news. Keep us posted :D
What an amazing coincidence that the bug was diagnosed and an apparent fix developed just as the media campaign was gaining a full head of steam.

wkf94025 said:
What an amazing coincidence that the bug was diagnosed and an apparent fix developed just as the media campaign was gaining a full head of steam.


Kudos to Ianwood and the rest of the Drunken Sparrow campaign participants. We at least got their attention.

Hoping the fix is good....
onfourblades said:
Will Report Back in couple hours..... BYE BYE J HOOK (i Hope)

Hopefully not "Will Report Back in couple hours..... BYE BYE Phantom"
xgeek said:
onfourblades said:
Will Report Back in couple hours..... BYE BYE J HOOK (i Hope)

Hopefully not "Will Report Back in couple hours..... BYE BYE Phantom"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: sorry about the flood!!!!
The beta is probably specific to the P2 non-vision for the testing.

onfourblades and other beta testers, send an email back to Zach and just say "should the beta firmware cause something to go horribly wrong and the Phantom is damaged or flies away as result, I trust you will cover my costs to repair or replace it" or something to that effect. Just as a CYA in case the firmware is wonky.

I won't be able to test it until tomorrow AM as I am traveling at the moment. So it looks like onfourblades will get the honor of taking the leap of faith first.

Morituri te salutant.
onfourblades said:
ianwood said:
Well, I'll be...

The hook is dead! Long live the Drunken Sparrow!
noticeable clean up by 2nd pass!
I also noticed the spin/ yaw movement more precise !
Spins on a dime!
Someone else go test this firmware to confirm my findings.
I hope it fixes all Locations! ...

So it is true!!!!! I saw your post on the other thread and did not know you were a beta tester and they sent you a beta firmware. Nice!!! That is one step forward for DJI, but I hope they don't take 5 steps back.

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