Firmware update 3/26/14

UKKey said:
Had a bit of a nightmare with 2.0

Upgrade went fine. However could not for the life of me get a correct compass calibration. The one time I thought I had the Phantom flew sideways and I had to quickly switch out to ATTI to regain control and land. Took it to various locations to do the calibration but nothing would work.

Rolled back the firmware to 1.8 and all is fine again. Calibrated perfectly (well apart from a slight left drift that I had previously!) Doesn't fill me with confidence....

I did the de-gauzing etc, followed all the updates, followed all the instructions out there for calibration etc but no joy...
If your slowly drifting left adjust your basic gain on your roll minus 10% that worked for me if it makes it worse plus 20 but i am pretty sure its minus 10 if its drifting left as your looking at it from behind right ?
stewdaddy said:
Not gonna touch this update until all the garbage gets worked out, my p2 is flying beautifully on 1.8. So its a "if it ain't broke" situation.
Well said ...... wish i had done this as this update has wiped out my Phantom no blades now.....waiting to hear back from DJI They being funny now as i have said i would like new blades as they said they had sorted out the bounce effect after landing but they have not and it wiped out my Phantom 2 and damaged the blades my last pair too
UKKey said:
Had a bit of a nightmare with 2.0

Upgrade went fine. However could not for the life of me get a correct compass calibration. The one time I thought I had the Phantom flew sideways and I had to quickly switch out to ATTI to regain control and land. Took it to various locations to do the calibration but nothing would work.

Rolled back the firmware to 1.8 and all is fine again. Calibrated perfectly (well apart from a slight left drift that I had previously!) Doesn't fill me with confidence....

I did the de-gauzing etc, followed all the updates, followed all the instructions out there for calibration etc but no joy...
If your slowly drifting left adjust your basic gain on your roll minus 10% that worked for me if it makes it worse plus 20 but i am pretty sure its minus 10 if its drifting left as your looking at it from behind right ?

Yes, thank you so much, will try this tomorrow.
OK. This is off topic slightly (or a lot). However, this is the best audience to ask. I did a Google search and noticed dozens of threads on this so I don't want to pollute with another one or two post thread (that's my excuse).

Why do you want the Ground Station capability? The other features and improvements (real or imagined) seem great. I have the Ground Station on my latest project (which is not finished) but I'm wondering what I would use it for. Gimme a reason to complain like everyone else.

Oh.. and I'm satisfied with my current functionality so will wait for awhile before upgrading.

So... sort of on-topic and sort of not.
I too want to go back to 1.8.
I have just installed the MAC version & cant see a way to revert 1.8 - And ideas ?
Does the PC version give a list of old versions to install ?
BirdMan4 said:
I too want to go back to 1.8.
I have just installed the MAC version & cant see a way to revert 1.8 - And ideas ?
Does the PC version give a list of old versions to install ?

All I did was use time machine on my mac to restore the older phantom assistant software. Then plug in and "update" which actually reverted it back to 1.8 from 2.0
ladykate said:
OK. This is off topic slightly (or a lot). However, this is the best audience to ask. I did a Google search and noticed dozens of threads on this so I don't want to pollute with another one or two post thread (that's my excuse).

Why do you want the Ground Station capability? The other features and improvements (real or imagined) seem great. I have the Ground Station on my latest project (which is not finished) but I'm wondering what I would use it for. Gimme a reason to complain like everyone else.

Oh.. and I'm satisfied with my current functionality so will wait for awhile before upgrading.

So... sort of on-topic and sort of not.
In film making-if you can make repeatable flights, on an exact path and altitude, you can use that video in digital production work-like "green screen" stuff. It has to be fairly precise. But, this repeatability allows the guys doing the digital animation and special effect, to use your footage.
There are also uses for agriculture, search and rescue(assuming it shows the aircraft's lat/long), still photography, cartography, and property boundary security and survey.
I've got a much bigger list-but, it depends on the capabilities of the software. The fact that I can receive 12 satellites, means that the precision should be there.
I believe that GPS information can be tapped from the Naza unit. however, I believe it's probably encrypted or coded. If it's just a raw GPS signal, then there are quite a few programs out there that can use this data. It opens up a lot more doors.

I'm just now(Today), starting to wrap my head around the possibilities. I do understand that currently the PC software is a bit clunky. But, this is just the start.......
So-I need to travel 2000M, beyond radio control, and the flight path must be within around 2.5M plus or minus in both altitude and path. That equates to about 15 minutes of flight time.

The short answer is....there are so many uses for unmanned aerial, beyond radio and visual, that the market is wide open right now. It's a very new market. And I believe in 6 months or a year, more and more uses will become apparent.

I agree with Ben. It seems to me also that your issue is pilot error. I would guess that you're shutting down the Phantom the same way as you started it up (i.e. both sticks in and down to 5 o'clock and 7 o'clock respectively). That normally results in the tip over with racing motors and broken props.

You should bring it down slowly to its landing point and then keep the left stick all the way down (even after it lands), at which point it will sense that it's no longer descending and shut the motors down quietly and calmly. After the motors have stopped, let go of the stick.
Took the plunge today after reading this thread wanting the GS to work.
Thought I would pass on my experience which has been positive so far today.
Everything went smoothly and works ok no noticeable errors.
Checked all configuration settings they were ok did not change them, only completed RC and compass calibration.
Tested GS works fine with the current apple app. Completed a few test runs manually and with the GS nothing major all with in visibility can confirm joy sticks on iPad also work ok.
(Note I did not update the BT module so it will work with the existing iPad App. Will update the BT once Apple releases the new app.)
UKKey said:
UKKey said:
Had a bit of a nightmare with 2.0

Upgrade went fine. However could not for the life of me get a correct compass calibration. The one time I thought I had the Phantom flew sideways and I had to quickly switch out to ATTI to regain control and land. Took it to various locations to do the calibration but nothing would work.

Rolled back the firmware to 1.8 and all is fine again. Calibrated perfectly (well apart from a slight left drift that I had previously!) Doesn't fill me with confidence....

I did the de-gauzing etc, followed all the updates, followed all the instructions out there for calibration etc but no joy...
If your slowly drifting left adjust your basic gain on your roll minus 10% that worked for me if it makes it worse plus 20 but i am pretty sure its minus 10 if its drifting left as your looking at it from behind right ?

Yes, thank you so much, will try this tomorrow.

please let me know how it goes.
Peter Evans said:

I agree with Ben. It seems to me also that your issue is pilot error. I would guess that you're shutting down the Phantom the same way as you started it up (i.e. both sticks in and down to 5 o'clock and 7 o'clock respectively). That normally results in the tip over with racing motors and broken props.

You should bring it down slowly to its landing point and then keep the left stick all the way down (even after it lands), at which point it will sense that it's no longer descending and shut the motors down quietly and calmly. After the motors have stopped, let go of the stick.
this is a well known problem the phantom takes of after landing and doing what you said that is what this update was supposed to fix but it has not

you should not have to shut the motors of to land thats what this update should have sorted out i have landed and shut my phantom of the way you have described every time as i knew it bounces as it happened to me on the very first flight this update was supposed to sort that out i was testing it to see if it had been sorted out this is not pilot error at all this is firmware error

its number 7 in the release notes if you do not believe me
So you're NOT using CSC for shut off ever but always keep the left stick full down?
havasuphoto said:
ladykate said:
Why do you want the Ground Station capability?
In film making-if you can make repeatable flights, on an exact path and altitude
There are also uses for agriculture, search and rescue(assuming it shows the aircraft's lat/long), still photography, cartography, and property boundary security and survey.

So-I need to travel 2000M, beyond radio control, and the flight path must be within around 2.5M plus or minus in both altitude and path. That equates to about 15 minutes of flight time.

It's a very new market. And I believe in 6 months or a year, more and more uses will become apparent.

Thanks - I needed some context for all this. I think many will just implement it because they can... which is what I will probably do. I'm wondering how many of us are going to lose a Phantom and not know where to start looking? :shock:
ladykate said:
OK. This is off topic slightly (or a lot). However, this is the best audience to ask. I did a Google search and noticed dozens of threads on this so I don't want to pollute with another one or two post thread (that's my excuse).

Why do you want the Ground Station capability? The other features and improvements (real or imagined) seem great. I have the Ground Station on my latest project (which is not finished) but I'm wondering what I would use it for. Gimme a reason to complain like everyone else.

Oh.. and I'm satisfied with my current functionality so will wait for awhile before upgrading.

So... sort of on-topic and sort of not.

My immediate use of GS is for real estate development. We have several projects with considerably activity on each, and I can't be everywhere each week. No one else has much expertise beyond "wow, this drone stuff is really cool!". So I would program a fixed route for a weekly (possibly daily) route over the property. If I put a quad at each project, at some point I am confident a reasonably tech savvy person could put a clean SD card in the camera, a fresh battery in the P2, power it up, along with GS and FPV (if they want to watch), then send it on its way from a safe takeoff point. Afterwards they upload the .mp4, recharge camera and P2 battery, and repeat a day/week/month later. With our golf course under major renovation, and new driving range under construction, dailies would be of interest (as well as a time lapse of the driving range as it evolves from dirt to emerald turf). Another flight that would be of interest to non-golfers is a low pass over the surf, following the coastline.

And speaking of surfing, defining an aggressive but known safe route low over the break would be really interesting, especially if I could hover outside, waiting for a set, then hit "play" on GS to follow my subject rider in. Though I am not sure I would roll the $3,000 dice on that one.

In the non-for-profit department, my kids' school has been jonesing for a nice video of their campus. I will be curious to see if I can program a quality route via GS, or whether hand flown is a better outcome. If GS can work, I like the idea of flying the same route every five or ten minutes at dawn and dusk to find best light on various parts of the property. Then combine best-of in post, maybe with some cross-fades on the exact same route being flow at dawn, mid-morning with kids on the playground, sunset, etc.

The applications are infinite IMHO.

wkf94025 said:
In the non-for-profit department, my kids' school has been jonesing for a nice video of their campus. I will be curious to see if I can program a quality route via GS, or whether hand flown is a better outcome. If GS can work, I like the idea of flying the same route every five or ten minutes at dawn and dusk to find best light on various parts of the property. Then combine best-of in post, maybe with some cross-fades on the exact same route being flow at dawn, mid-morning with kids on the playground, sunset, etc.

The applications are infinite IMHO.


After Havasuphoto posted his reasons, I thought of something like your last one for my area. Do a four season flight that takes off in the Spring and lands the next Spring. Other than my pessimistic outlook (this is going to open a whole new category of fly-aways) I can see the attraction.

I looked at the ground station video demo and suffered dain brammage. Need to actually download it and play with it.
REALLY like your idea of a four seasons flight! One of our projects is in Napa Valley, and it would be fabulous to capture in one flight the vines bare in winter, then surrounded by mustard flower bloom in early spring, then vines leafing out, then bud break, then green grape clusters in June, then ripened grapes in Aug, then workers harvesting in Sept, then fall colors on the leaves in late Oct, then back to bare vines in Dec. To fly that precise route precisely several times each year, and cross fade as you "fly through the calendar" would be epic. Wondering if time of day on each flight should be consistent, or whether you play with early/late light on each clip.

My apologies this post has nothing to do with firmware.

please let me know how it goes.

You Sir are a legend!

This has all but cured the drift. I have altered my other gains for smoother flight control from stick (Attitude) and quicker GPS control (Basic) but I kept the roll at 10% below the other figures and it has worked a treat.

The drift angle is very very small now and not noticeable. This will make an incredible difference to my videos where I was having to compensate with the controller in flight and then smooth edit out the drift/compensation in Final Cut Pro.

Thank you again!

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