
Jul 29, 2017
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Hello all,
I'm contemplating filming of the eclipse.. I know the angle will not be ideal, but would like to shoot some of the ground affects.
My question: Would I need a filter to do this? If so, where would I find such a filter or could one be manufactured with local materials?

You don't need a filter for ground effects. And as you mentioned the sun angle will be too high for direct viewing.
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I've also heard that since the lens has such a wide angel you wouldn't need a filter anyway. If it was a zoom lens then yes, you would need a high grade UV filter.

I'm planning on doing the same thing. I think lots of trees or anything making a shadow on the ground would make interesting video.
I've also heard that since the lens has such a wide angel you wouldn't need a filter anyway. If it was a zoom lens then yes, you would need a high grade UV filter.

I'm planning on doing the same thing. I think lots of trees or anything making a shadow on the ground would make interesting video.

just a thought.......if it's an eclipse where the sun (the thing that casts shadows) is obscured by the moon what do you think the shadows (that the sun can no longer cast) will look like? :D

A drone is pretty much useless for recording the eclipse - leave it at home and enjoy the show.
If I happen to be near enough to see it I will probably take that cheap pair of solar eclipse glasses my wife bought us and hold it over my iphone camera lense. But there is going to be so many pics, vids and live feeds that I'm not to worried about catching it live. Curious about what the horizon will look like.
I don't see the need or uniqueness to capturing the eclipse, sorry. Ground affects will be unnoticeable, no different than a cloudy day when there are less distinct shadows. It would be way more interesting to shoot the sun with a 50X zoom lens camera with filter, than using a wide angle lens from a drone.

What's really cool looking, is on a full moon, use a 50X zoom lens camera to shoot the moon, then fly the drone in front of the moon, flying about 2000' feet from the camera. That's a fun shot, and not easy with a moving moon during moon-rise.
Well if I'm not in totality it shouldn't get completely dark. Just dark enough to have to change my camera settings but I think I can do that while recording video.
just a thought.......if it's an eclipse where the sun (the thing that casts shadows) is obscured by the moon what do you think the shadows (that the sun can no longer cast) will look like? :D

A drone is pretty much useless for recording the eclipse - leave it at home and enjoy the show.
Eclipses don't really go 'dark' if they are in daylight hours. As John Locke says it just seems like a (slightly eerie) cloudy day. If it's a really clear day you'll see a shadow track across the ground - just like a cloud does.
It gets cold as the sun goes behind the moon too, been a while since I seen a total eclipse but that was one of my memories of it :)

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