Drones Go on the Market for Consumer Use

Biggest thing I took from the interview:

1) Reporters are totally clueless about these things, which seems odd since they would be great for reporting news,

2) looks like Phantom won't be getting an automated waypoint system anytime soon.
What a jackass! He wasn't even trying to understand what the Phantom is all about.
Gotta love an anchor that remains combative for an entire interview. Fox is a joke.

Kudos to Colin for not losing his cool.
Wait..... Fox has a news channel?

I thought that was just for republican, gun loving rednecks to feel good about themselves?

Live and learn.....

Yes, Neil Cavuto, What a class act, I do believe he is a pervert, He's the one who can't seem to get off of the subject of spying on their neighbor.
Seriously, Fox blows. What a sh17head. He would ask a question, then interrupt Colin when he would answer them. Whoever thought the Phantom could be so quiet as to hover outside of someones window with bright blinking lights. Well, like they say "even bad publicity is still publicity, in the end".
Hey I love my guns and freedom, oh yeah I'm also Republican. Just sayin'.
Anyway politics is NOT for this thread. I'm just glad Colin showed more class than the other dude did. Colin would just shrug it off and laugh when said reporter would start bashing.
I wish he would have been able to give some exclusive info about the product, but lets be honest, it was designed to go poorly for DJI and make them a scapegoat for later ridicule. Media shouldn't have a agenda.
cssfly said:
What a A$$ hole Gota hate Fox News Jezzzzz :twisted:

And I'm obviously not afraid to admit it. I prefer both sides of the story - not ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN.
CameraGuy said:
Wait..... Fox has a news channel?

I thought that was just for republican, gun loving rednecks to feel good about themselves?

Live and learn.....

Wow. It looks like this forum is full of low-information voters.
let's keep politics out of this. everyone is running scared of the things flying in the sky due to misinformation from news media sources. they are scaring people into thinking that anything RC with a camera attach to it can invade your privacy by spying on you as if the consumer grade RC crafts will ever be able to do anything like the military grade drones can.

in any case, the uninformed and uneducated, lead by the hysteria and paranoia of others who are equally uninformed and uneducated, needs to be educated by everyone of us who are better informed and educated about this topic. We the people who know about this hobby, must reach out and educate our friends, neighbors, and strangers in order to prevent our hobby from being banned. STOP the media from spreading RUMORS, LIES, and HYPED UP SCARE about this hobby.
Adam said:
Fox Business News interview with DJI NA CEO Colin Guinn. News anchor is fairly hostile, Colin keeps his cool, as usual.

Just saw this. Anchor had no clue and tried to turn everything into a joke with a mean edge to it.


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Technically, according to Webster's dictionary, we've been flying drones even since our first 2-string tethered, control-line airplane we had as kids. So, what's the right word for a "spy drone?"

"Drone: .. [3] An unmanned aircraft or ship piloted by remote control"

Despite all the mini spy cameras on sale with very suggestive advertising about it's potential for misuse (and the prosecution of many people for doing so), we don't see anyone trying to regulate that industry.
TickTock said:
Despite all the mini spy cameras on sale with very suggestive advertising about it's potential for misuse (and the prosecution of many people for doing so), we don't see anyone trying to regulate that industry.
You hit the nail on the head. Just Google "spy camera". Of all the ways to spy, it seems like a drone would be the most difficult. http://www.amazon.com/b?ie=UTF8&node=12909791
TickTock said:
Technically, according to Webster's dictionary, we've been flying drones even since our first 2-string tethered, control-line airplane we had as kids. So, what's the right word for a "spy drone?"

"Drone: .. [3] An unmanned aircraft or ship piloted by remote control"

Despite all the mini spy cameras on sale with very suggestive advertising about it's potential for misuse (and the prosecution of many people for doing so), we don't see anyone trying to regulate that industry.

Thats what Ive been saying all along. Heck in the 80's people were trying to put cameras on helis. Then on model rockets.
I am a geological engineer who bought the drone to use in my very busy consulting business; so far, it has been a remarkable success!

I bought the Phantom about a month ago, and have used it on every single field assessment I have conducted in that time; here is a typical use (and, yes, I am applying for a Special Flight Operation Certificate (SFOC) from Transport Canada).

One of my clients is building a $60 million small hydroelectric plant in British Columbia. A 17 km transmission line is needed to bring the power generated to the B.C. Hydro grid. Trouble is, the transmission line goes along a very steep and rugged mountain slope that has over a dozen big snow avalanche slide paths.

Two days ago, I reviewed one pole location and found that it was dangerously close to a slide path that has big avalanches coming down it several times each winter season; here is a picture taken on the ground.


So I could have chartered a helicopter and completed a low level flight to better define the limits of the slide path- would have cost several thousand dollars and consumed a lot of organization time.

Instead, I launched the Phantom, and 5 minutes later, had beautiful aerial oblique pictures showing the slide path that made it clear where the pole should be moved to; here is one picture:


After reviewing the above photo, I re-launched the Phantom and this time used a simple mount (see it on this thread: http://www.phantompilots.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1070) I have designed to take vertical pictures of an area; here is one:


The engineering team (standing by the original pole location at lower left) was then able to walk over to the spot (at the white log in the middle of the picture) and immediately design a new pole configuration.

Colin: if you ever want some testimonials about how great the Phantom is, and how it can be used in engineering-related assignments, let me know.

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