Does 'RTH' still work with the hacked FCC/CE mode?

Jul 26, 2018
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Hi guys,

If I use the hack to make the drone think it's in FCC mode, will I still be able to set a homepoint to return to?

I understand that you have to make the drone 'think' it's somewhere in the US, but would that make drone fly in that direction in case of e.g. loss of signal or something?

Kind regards
But doesn't that mean that at that point the drone will realize it's not in the US anymore, and switch back to CE?
The telemetry information in litchi will tell you the altitude relative to the launch point and the distance from the recorded homepoint... FCC/CE mode is set at power on based on GPS. Setting homepoint is a different routine. Where do you think it might try and fly to on signal loss? The middle of the USA? Your probably overthinking this.
Where do you think it might try and fly to on signal loss? The middle of the USA? Your probably overthinking this.

Haha, i thought it would just start flying in the direction of the USA ;)

So if I have installed Litchi and modified the drone in 'thinking' it's in the USA (so the drone flies in FCC) I shouldn't have a problem with setting the Homepoint or using the Return To Home function?

Haha, i thought it would just start flying in the direction of the USA ;)

So if I have installed Litchi and modified the drone in 'thinking' it's in the USA (so the drone flies in FCC) I shouldn't have a problem with setting the Homepoint or using the Return To Home function?

Hopefully no- you should test to verify. I would be making sure I was 100% comfortable with how litchi operates before venturing out too far.
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I have already tried my bird was at 965 meters and i lost conection because i was in the mountains, the bird 3 seconds after i lost the video conection it returned home by it self the only thing was i didn't receive no more video image in my ipad with litchi i had to land by manually by my eyes and after that i had to restart the app and i got the video conection again.

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