Disputed repairs after creah

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Duck, that is crazy. Everyone knows that the anti-drop pins only work when activated in front of the hill not out of line of site. Stupid DJI needs to place the pins on the front side of the hill so the RTH kicks in when the 'f'' switch goes to the other position. Plus the flight log needs to show that the hill was in the wrong place. Stupid grubscrew reverse thread.
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Duck, that is crazy. Everyone knows that the anti-drop pins only work when activated in front of the hill not out of line of site. Stupid DJI needs to place the pins on the front side of the hill so the RTH kicks in when the 'f'' switch goes to the other position. Plus the flight log needs to show that the hill was in the wrong place. Stupid grubscrew reverse thread.

sorry but I do not understand what you say can be more clear ????
IMU calibration done several times, the Gimbal goes to the normal position only after reinstalling the latest firmware, then turned off the P3a as usual.
evidence of which I speak were made before sending the P3a all'asistenza Europe in Germany, so having chosen not to have it repaired and do not spend 720 Euros for an object used and out of warranty, I wait I'll be sent back (hopefully in the same condition that I sent), the P3A before shipment flew smoothly the defect was only gimball
Sounds like they are charging him for a camera and gimbal and labor.

Seems appropriate
The repair cost mostly covered a new main board and a new camera assembly. It seems fair that the camera needs replaced. Not so much the main board. The rest of the repair cost is either cosmetic or labor. Which also seems fair.
Right or wrong, it sucks that a tiny little crash can basically ruin our Phantom 3s.

A friend of mine had a tiny mishap, hit some branches. The quad fell to the grassy ground and the motors were still spinning before he quickly turned them off. But it wasn't quick enough. He burned out the ESC. With some minor shell damage and small parts, his bill came to ~$650. For what is basically one bad ESC!!!

Adding salt to the wound, it took 2 months, most of the Summer.
Have you considered buying a new P3A and selling off all the extra parts. You might even get lucky and break even on the deal .
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The dji black Friday deals are very good right now!! Just a thought but good luck either way!! I hope you are up and flying soon!
I crashed mine right into a pile of hay in a field at full speed with no issues. I was thinking it was doomed and expected some damage..
the real problem is that we are spending so much money to have a drone that is very fragile and with a great technology, but that fails too often and assistance for repairs does not work, then those who say that a quote of 600 € + 22 % tax and 35E transport is right, it should go into psychoanalysis,
How do you think the material costs to assemble a P3A to DJI ???
I do not think it gets to 400 euro, then I understand that the policy of DJI is selling above all logic and win on all fronts.
Today dji europe responded to my question about why I could not take advantage of the guarantee, here coa was told:
Not having reliable data on motivivo fault we are obliged not to ripare warranty. HAVE YOU UNDERSTAND????? Expect these answers
Have you considered buying a new P3A and selling off all the extra parts. You might even get lucky and break even on the deal .

That's not such a bad idea. As I posted previously, I crashed mine but ordered another P3P and am using the other either as backup parts or will buy another camera and resell the unit (only the camera was totalled). But not everyone has that option.

But, other people have been successful as you have mentioned and some even come out ahead on the deal.
You've crashed your Phantom and don't like the price that DJI are asking to repair it.
You're running a similar thread over on DJI's own forum.
I think this thread has run its course and I can't see it achieving anything more.
In line with the forum guidelines, I'm locking this one up.
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