Corrupt video file

Apr 25, 2014
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I have a corrupt video file. I must of shut off the quad before stopping the recording. I tried turning on the phantom/camera again with the microSD card inside, but that didn't fix the file. Any other tips?
I've been actively trying to figure out how to deal with this situation every night this past week. FFMPEG, various Mp4 repair tools, and so far nothing has been able to fix at least 6 files that I have (1+GB).

My corrupt files are NOT from turning the drone, extender or app off too soon -- I ALWAYS press the stop record button first, and then wait until the led on the camera is green (as opposed to red or flashing)

I do know for a FACT that I have had a couple files that were corrupt that DID get fixed by rebooting the drone -- but some just simply are not fixed this way.

Sometimes, I have perfect files with no corruption. Sometimes, 1st flight is effed, 2nd is fine.. sometimes, both are bad, sometimes, all are good.. no pattern. I have over 50 files from flights this past week, and 6 of them are bad files.

I have had these failures on both the stock 4gb SDcard and a new 32gb -- both sandisk UC (I don't recall the speed etc)

I went ahead and ordered a sandisk ultra the other day and it should be here today.. it's the only thing I can think of that is the problem. (and yes, I've tried formatting the card while in the drone, and still the problem unpredictably persists)

This is all reminiscent of issues I had with the AR.Drone 2.0 -- I've had many many files that the drone could not repair on it's own, nor could I repair with utilities, either. (but yes some were successfully repaired)
Make sure you format the card via the app when you get it - that might help (assuming you haven't done that already). If it keeps on doing it with other cards despite being formatted in camera then it might point to bad firmware or a physical hardware problem in the camera. You could try re-flashing the latest camera firmware, otherwise it might be a case of talking to your dealer about a replacement unit - if it's always done it from day one then it points to a manufacturing defect.
I had the same problem with a file the other wouldn't play on anything and when I connected the card to my PC it wanted me to reformat it. I put the card back in the camera, powered everything up, connected to wifi, opened the app and went into the album from there. I was then able to located the files and I played one of them down via the app. I then closed the app, turned everything off and pulled the card. After that the card and files were recognized by my PC and my Logitech Box. For the record this was a newer card (class 10), and I never formatted it on my PC or via the Vision camera.

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