Closeup photos of the Phantom 4

Great pics, thanks for posting. Almost looks like Apple had a hand in the design...
Is anyone else wondering if the glossy white was influenced by Apple and the potential for Apple to buy DJI along with the selling of the new phantom both online and in store at Apple?

Sent from my iPhone using PhantomPilots mobile app
Great question since I saw a phantom pro in the Apple Store the other day. I was surprised to say the least.

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Is it me or does the P4 look more like a childs toy?? At least the P3's look more sophisticated. JMO

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Looks fat to me! but I like what's inside. Many pilots that have hours under their wings. will feel that the P4 is a waist of time.They will lose out on the edge of technology. I love all my birds and support DJI in there efforts to look like Apple or beat the competition in design. Now for a really great show with Go Pro and the Karma.
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Is anyone else wondering if the glossy white was influenced by Apple and the potential for Apple to buy DJI along with the selling of the new phantom both online and in store at Apple?

Sent from my iPhone using PhantomPilots mobile app
Don't forget that Apple also carries the BeeBop drones (pretty much all of them), and they also sell the Sphero-BB8 Star Wars Robot, Tech 21 cases, Otter-Box cases and a million more things I can't remember that they just sell, don't own.

They are a perfect outlet for high quality products that don't have a good brick and mortar presence. It would take a pretty penny for Apple to buy DJI now. 2 years ago, they probably could have had them for under 100-50mill off the cuff. Right now, they are evaluated at $10 Billion Dollars and Apple couldn't buy them without chalking up at least 5 billion and probably more dollars. Not that they couldn't, I just thought think this market while definitely looking like it will forever grow, is not out of the "fad" stage yet. It will always be a thing and when I say fad I mean all the people that are into it for a few minutes (months, maybe years) and then will be done.

The uses for these things though is just being touched. Serving drinks from bars and stuff like that will force the issue.

Anyhow, I don't think Apple had anything to do with the design, IMO. I think it just looks good, and DJI has always had award winning designers and they keep getting better. I don't love the bulge look so much but other part of this is beautiful.

I started a thread talking about how everything was made white of a reason. Even the gimbal is in a case and thats so it can be painted and matted green or blue for removal.
I started a thread talking about how everything was made white of a reason. Even the gimbal is in a case and thats so it can be painted and matted green or blue for removal.

Green or Blue can be painted over any color.
The Phantoms have always been white.
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Green or Blue can be painted over any color.
The Phantoms have always been white.
Firat, an all one color version is better even on its own and yes, birds can, have and do get painted. Correct.

And the weren't "all white" before. You had to remove stickers, plaques and the like and you didn't Habe a casing hat went around the camera. You didn't notice the plastic goes around the camera this time?
my question, what are we getting if not LightBridge. Confused.
Your premise of DJI designing P4 for VFX users by eliminating badging and such does not make sense.

It is an 'enthusiasts' aerial platform and stickers and badges aren't necessary [anymore].

The Phantom is Iconic and DJI need not be so conspicuous anymore.

While I have not seen one in person it certainly 'looks' much more refined.
I like that the underside lights have been pushed out to the corners; hopefully that means they're both easier to see and harder to get to show up on camera by accident (I presume the forwards can still be switched off). I do wish it had anticollision strobes though.
Your premise of DJI designing P4 for VFX users by eliminating badging and such does not make sense.


I like that the underside lights have been pushed out to the corners; hopefully that means they're both easier to see and harder to get to show up on camera by accident (I presume the forwards can still be switched off). I do wish it had anticollision strobes though.
You can buy them and stick them on yourself for under $20.
Is it me or does the P4 look more like a childs toy?? At least the P3's look more sophisticated. JMO

Sent from my iPhone using PhantomPilots mobile app
It's not you lol I totally agree the P3 looks far more professional.
Great job. So the P4 looks slimmer than P3. Wonder if it would just slip into a P3 case? Or just carry it around in the case it comes in.

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