Can you get in trouble from posting a youtube video of drone shots?

There’s a possibility.
Won’t argue the odds but there are confirmed cases, here, that such postings have led to contact from the FAA. No fines reported, just warnings.
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For example, I once flew over people. If I put that on Youtube, is it likely I'll get busted?

Likely? Probably not "likely" but it's def possible. Anything you put online can be evidence against you.

As @N017RW eluded to above, we have seen members get the "Phone Call" and visit from the FAA for posting incriminating video and images online. While I can't prove it I highly suspect the FAA browses these forums and YouTube on occasion. Also you have to remember that someone can see your "violation" and then report it to the FAA. If reported they are required to make contact and give you an "Educational Moment". Also once that happens you are officially on the FAA Radar and can no longer try to play dumb if you bust a rule/regulation later on.

Is it worth it since you've already admitted it shows you doing something wrong? Probably not....

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