Beta Testers requested to fix Compass Issue

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ianwood said:
I think this sums it up nicely. DJI, please pay attention to this:



Dear DJI
Please Fix
Hey DJI, hows about putting Ian on the payroll so we can get these expensive machines fixed before anyone else watches $2,000 fly away off into the blue yonder never to be seen again :geek:

Why does it fly better after a period of time flying has passed?

I fight my P2 until the battery is down to around 60% then the TBE is mostly gone.

Does it have to be in the air to do this or would it figure it out parked on the ground.

Maybe add a small capacitor to help it keep what it has "learned" while changing batteries?

ianwood said:
The right way to correct for declination is painfully simple: You have a lookup table of declination data which is roughly 3Kb to 4Kb in size and based on GPS lat/lon. Once the GPS position of the vehicle is known, the corresponding declination is pulled from the lookup table and applied to the magnetic heading. It's about 3 lines of code and a 2 axis table. Pretty simple. My suspicion is that the P2 Naza is actually doing this but it is applying it backwards (i.e. subtracting as opposed to adding) which is why many have to rotate their compass by roughly twice their declination.
It would be nice to hear an official update/Fix of this issue. DJI has remained quiet and hasn't updated the community on their progress.
DJI is present in these forums surly they can update us on an unofficial basis at the very least.
I'm really glad others are having this issue as I thought it was just my faulty unit. I did not notice the problem initially, but put that down to me being new to the whole multi rotor scene, but looking back at video it did seem to angle to the left a few degrees off straight. I am at 12.1 degrees so well within the area that are experiencing issues.

While I do get a J curve during the first few minutes of flight, my issue is more flying at an angle and that does not seem to get much better during the entire flight. I guesstimate around 3 or 4 degrees up to maybe 10 degrees off at times, and no compass calibration has managed to reduce it at all.

Fingers crossed for An update from DJI soon.
I've heard from them. They've had to shift focus to another pressing issue (H3-3D?, battery?) but would be back on this next week. Still no ETA.
ianwood said:
I've heard from them. They've had to shift focus to another pressing issue (H3-3D?, battery?) but would be back on this next week. Still no ETA.
ianwood said:
I've heard from them. They've had to shift focus to another pressing issue (H3-3D?, battery?) but would be back on this next week. Still no ETA.

Should we add this to our "Worry List" for those of us that have this gimbal Ian?
ianwood said:
The right way to correct for declination is painfully simple: You have a lookup table of declination data which is roughly 3Kb to 4Kb in size and based on GPS lat/lon. Once the GPS position of the vehicle is known, the corresponding declination is pulled from the lookup table and applied to the magnetic heading. It's about 3 lines of code and a 2 axis table. Pretty simple. My suspicion is that the P2 Naza is actually doing this but it is applying it backwards (i.e. subtracting as opposed to adding) which is why many have to rotate their compass by roughly twice their declination.
If it's that simple, and I don't doubt that it is, then one has to wonder why it's taking DJI so long to implement it.
Their most popular Naza-M v2 has the same issue but rotating the "Puck" eliminates the problem so I don't think its a simple fix or as mentioned above it would have been done by now.

ianwood said:
I've heard from them. They've had to shift focus to another pressing issue (H3-3D?, battery?) but would be back on this next week. Still no ETA.

What is more pressing?? Can't be a gimbal. In order of priority I am sure that it must be safety first... This worries me because what is worse than flight issues like the j-hook.

Is there a safety issue we don't know about?
onfourblades said:
ianwood said:
I've heard from them. They've had to shift focus to another pressing issue (H3-3D?, battery?) but would be back on this next week. Still no ETA.

what could be more pressing then faulty flight controlers?

:? not looking good.

Question - Are there issues with their A2 system as well?

onfourblades said:
ianwood said:
I've heard from them. They've had to shift focus to another pressing issue (H3-3D?, battery?) but would be back on this next week. Still no ETA.

what could be more pressing then faulty flight controlers?

:? not looking good.

Question - Are there issues with their A2 system as well?

Maybe it is the random battery shutdowns that seem to be on the rise.
I do appreciate DJI keeping us informed even if it isn't what we want to hear.

I had this ominous thought last night...
We know this declination problem brings us TBE, drift, JHook, and Course Lock offset angle.
Does it effect Home Lock? I bet it does. If you powered up, took off, flew out a 100 feet or more, turned on Home Lock and pulled back on the right stick would it come straight toward Home as it should or would it bow out in a curve due to the declination problem. I've used HL but only later in the flight when the declination error has been worked out.

I would also suspect that the declination problem will effect the long anticipated waypoint capability. I would suspect going from one waypoint to another is analogous to course/home lock. Terrifying thought.

The good news is it is likely just a single fix will fix all of them (declination table etc as ian and other have mentioned).
John Shaw said:
I do appreciate DJI keeping us informed even if it isn't what we want to hear.

I had this ominous thought last night...
We know this declination problem brings us TBE, drift, JHook, and Course Lock offset angle.
Does it effect Home Lock? I bet it does. If you powered up, took off, flew out a 100 feet or more, turned on Home Lock and pulled back on the right stick would it come straight toward Home as it should or would it bow out in a curve due to the declination problem. I've used HL but only later in the flight when the declination error has been worked out.

I would also suspect that the declination problem will effect the long anticipated waypoint capability. I would suspect going from one waypoint to another is analogous to course/home lock. Terrifying thought.

The good news is it is likely just a single fix will fix all of them (declination table etc as ian and other have mentioned).

HL and CL are GPS modes... yes they are affected.
two thoughts on John's concerns about compass error impact on Home Lock: 1) most of the value of HL (IMHO) is coming home from a distant disoriented position, so "close is good enough" until close to home and reoriented; 2) when one NEEDS home lock, its more likely in 2nd half of flight, when some degree of correction has presumably taken place.

Home lock = GPS and isnt effected its moving to a gps point which it can reliably do.
Course lock = Compass + GPS and is effected because its trying to keep a compass directions path

also the vear while flying isnt the bad part (unless your video recording is effected) its the hook AFTER you stop flying thats really the dangerous part of it
Yes and no on the HL vs. CL. CL is pure indication of the compass heading at the time it was set. It only uses GPS to stay on course say if the wind tries to push it off course. HL is moving relative to a GPS a point but still uses the compass to move in the direction it is trying to go as is the case for all GPS travel.

Depending if HL is trying to fly a path or only cares about the destination, it will either come home on a curve or it will come home in a straight line but it won't be pointing straight.
Any update from DJI on the Beta Testing?
Are they still holding off on the testing program?
Sorry Ian - I've gone rogue.

I know the plan was to wait to co-ordinate a campaign, but I've just upgraded to v3.04 and my P2 is now so unstable it is grounded. I've got nothing else to do but take it to Facebook. I'm going to be DJI's worst nightmare. :twisted:
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