Bad crash, now controller won't connect, worth fixing?

Jan 2, 2017
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I let someone fly the ol gal and it ended in about an 80 foot fall on to asphalt. It got upside down (after it hit the power line) and ended up landing almost perfectly upside down.
The camera went flying off and busted most of the rotors, but other than that there didn't seem to be much damage.
I took it apart to assess the damage and from what I could tell there were two things that looked damage from the naked eye.
1. The big black box on top of the mother board. The best I can tell it's the positioning sensor maybe? It came down so hard on top that the plastic shell flexed and it shoved the gps antenna in to this black box, effectively "squashing" the protective box around it.
2. The antenna that runs down the landing gear had pulled out of the plugin connector that is plugged in to the motherboard. (This could have been my fault when I was disassembling.)

I ordered a new antenna, plugged it back in where the old one was, I put a tad of hot glue to hold the box closed and tried it out but to no avail. The remote never even tried to connect.

I'm assuming that I need a new motherboard to make it functional again. With the price of the motherboard and the camera it doesn't really make sense.

Do I part it out and try to recoup some money to get a new one? Does anyone have any experience with something similar?
Thanks for the help in advance.


-Grounded it Georgia
keep it for spare parts, and buy the care insurance with next one.
I know I would like the controllers memory card myself if you hadn't updated the firmware to the new encryption. But you will probably format it and use in next camera.
But watch for all these christmas gift oops offers should be showing up this month.
Don't know when the FAA confiscation sales would be when they scoop up drones with no ID on them.

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