Anyone seen T-motor 2214's sold individually?

Jul 31, 2013
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Naturally I bought my T-motor Antigravity motors *just* before they started offering the set with 2 CW and 2 CCW threaded prop adapters. Would love to try out the Vision 2 props (and generally have the extra security of CCW-threaded prop nuts on those two motors) but not a fan of buying *another* complete set of T-motors.

Anyone seen these being sold individually so I could buy just 2 CCW motors? Any leads appreciated -- thanks! :)
Thanks for the quick response! Seller doesn't mention if they have the CW/CCW set, so I'll submit a question and find out. Worst case I suppose I can just buy another set of 4 and sell the two CW motors on eBay myself. :)
T-motors are not supposed to be sold separately in that they come as a set. I have found them for as cheap as $50 per motor but at that price point it is cheaper to buy a set.

If something happens it is possible to take the CCW or CW housing off the damaged motor and put it onto a new a new winding.

Why do you need a new motor?
Because I bought a set of 4 *before* they were 2 CW and 2 CCW. :) WIth the positive reports on the Vision 2 props, would like to be able to try these out. Since none of the "individual" sellers seemed to have the CCW motors, I just went ahead and bought a new set of 4 that comes with 2 CCW-threaded prop shafts, and I'll just pull two of the CW's from my current rig and replace them. Then I'll have CWs that I can sell as a set or individually.

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