Afraid to fly

Yes had a similar experience while flying with the litchi app and thats the first thing everyone will blame but no
I think most of the time its a hardware fault or pilot error
In my opinion the litchi app is better than the dji go app
So instead of getting on your high horse because you are a moderator why dont you do something useful like maybe having a chat with DJI reps to START LISTENING to those of us WHO ARE having problems. I realize not everyone is but you have got to be a fool to not notice the DAILY new threads on this forum as well as others of all the problems people are having with these updates and tightening restrictions.

Its the attitude of you and other DJI shills on here that REFUSE to accept any responsibility for DJI's problems and blame them all on the people that are just too darn stupid to know how to make these drones fly correctly.
I don't have to accept any responsibility for DJI's problems.
I don't have a high horse .. I'm just someone that pays for their drones just like you.
DJI wouldn't pay any more attention to me than they do to you.
You seem to have a weird idea of how things are. possibly your idea of whatever problems you've had are similarly distorted.
I don't have to accept any responsibility for DJI's problems.
I don't have a high horse .. I'm just someone that pays for their drones just like you.
DJI wouldn't pay any more attention to me than they do to you.
You seem to have a weird idea of how things are. possibly your idea of whatever problems you've had are similarly distorted.

Your right.
Yeah Jeffames, I have to agree with you 100%. DJI's moderators are PAID employees of DJI and the results I had from them back in February was totally disgusting! I tried for all the month of February to get a simple answer to my problem and all the moderators I corresponded with would do anything. Then it got down to 4 missing retaining springs from q new Phantom 4 that they sent me to shut me up. These springs were removed before the drone was shipped to me and it took 5 weeks to get replacements! None of the moderators except the last one I contacted did a thing. If I could remember who she was I'd mention her name because she did what she said.

Anyway, DJI is notorious for their disregard for customer opinion and for sure, customer service! I doubt there is a company anywhere with worse service! Lets hope everyone who has this same problem with the ill fated updates will post a response and see how wide spread it is.

Don’t be afraid - warranty starts from when you activate the aircraft and don’t worry if it crashes DJI will usually fix it free of charge! :) - Just have fun! :)
Sorry, but you're talking utter nonsense. All warranties or guarantees, globally and regardless of type, begin from date of purchase or date of delivery. Normally, retailers will defer this date for items such as large domestic appliances, which they may hold in stock for you til you're ready for installation.
I've had my P4P for a little over 2 months now and haven't had any real issues (one firmware upgrade took a little longer and had to restart it, no biggie). I've updated all the hardware (Controller, iPad with DJI4Go, the aircraft) and haven't had any mishaps. I have logged into my account (I like keeping the flight logs updated on the server that way if there is ever a question of where and when I flew it I'm covered), I've had the aircraft to max alt of 400', I've flown it 2.1 miles away (LOS sucks here in Alabama do to all the trees), Hell I even built a custom drop system and tested it, Never have I had an issue short of going out of LOS and losing video and just hitting RTH and it came right back no problem. As the others said, life is a chance and your using something that is deifying gravity. Anything can happen good or bad.
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If you're that insecure and scared maybe you should stick to fidget spinners.
ummm....DJI differs if you read their warranty contract:
"DJI guarantees that, under the following conditions during the warranty period (see Chart), starting from the date product is purchased, warranty service will be provided." You could buy their 'swell' Refresh insurance after activation though which is 48 hours, but knowing it is DJI they might roll it back to when purchased as well.

Most all sales warranties begin once the register closes and clock begins ticking. You can sit, but then they'll ask for the "Proof of Purchase" and then find the OP or buyer has lost a month already. Most outfits will ask as part of the RMA process and gives them an out. Been there with home appliances prior to house being built.

If I were the OP, I would have done every update and I could do quickly. If it blows chunks and fails updating, then I'd get and exchange going with the seller (e.g. Best Buy's 15-day exchange policy, etc.) by saying "Gimme another one of these things as this one is busted."

Yes, when I purchased my P4 with DJI Care, it took 4 days from purchase for the P4 to reach my door, but the DJI care start date was 2 days after purchase. Before I even received the items.
Hi.. new poster to the forums, but have been reading many of your posts for over a year. My story started a year ago when I picked up a used p2v+ after learning on smaller quads.

I skipped over the whole P3 line and started researching the P4 well last month I finally bought one. I went down got insurance on it and then life popped up and did not get to even turn it on. This past week I was all ready to get it out and I started reading here and other forums of all the issues everyone is having and now I wonder if my decision to buy it was the right one.

I'm afraid to even take it out with all that is going on with DJI. What has happened That caused all these complaints I have been reading ? And do you guys feel that it will get straightened out or get worse ? Is it sad I feel more confident in keeping my P2 over the P4 ?

Which leads me to the question of does the warranty start the moment you buy it or the moment it gets turned on the first time ?
I bought my P4 about 6 weeks ago and have had zero problems. When the latest firmware came out the end of June 2017 I was happy to see the new flight modes but decided to hold off on the update to see how it would go. Long ago I stopped doing updates on computers and phones (except urgent security patches) when they first come out in case the update has issues. I will be taking the same approach with a drone, "if it works fine now no reason to rush into it".
Any of these forums are frequented by people having problems and it seems some who just like to complain. You have to wade through the crap but if you do, you should find a lot of good info that will hopefully make it worthwhile. Go use your Phantom they can be awesome!
I went to 4 different (surrounding) counties in my state of Florida and was always curious why NOBODY sold DJI. I asked, but they all said the same thing (We Don't Sell DJI Because When There Are Issues, We Are Swamped By Customers Wanting Us To Fix It... So We Stopped).. Apparently all of them sold DJI at one time, but when you could not get an answer, phone call, email, text, letter sent by pigeon... the stores dropped carrying DJI... So, it does not surprise me that DJI has such a TERRIBLE Customer Service. I just cross my fingers that I never have an issue.. Ha Ha, kinda like making plans for winning the Lottery on Wednesday.. Good Luck To ME!!!
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Warranty starts the moment you buy it, not when activated. To get a DJI RMA started, you'll need the proof of purchase receipt and that's the date the warranty began.

Here: After-Sales Service Policies - DJI and look at the "What is Covered" part.

"The warranty period for the product starts on the original date of purchase specified on your sales receipt or invoice unless DJI informs you otherwise in writing."

And yeah, DJI service could be much better. Sony warranty camera stuff ain't so hot either and may even be worse.
Hi.. new poster to the forums, but have been reading many of your posts for over a year. My story started a year ago when I picked up a used p2v+ after learning on smaller quads.

I skipped over the whole P3 line and started researching the P4 well last month I finally bought one. I went down got insurance on it and then life popped up and did not get to even turn it on. This past week I was all ready to get it out and I started reading here and other forums of all the issues everyone is having and now I wonder if my decision to buy it was the right one.

I'm afraid to even take it out with all that is going on with DJI. What has happened That caused all these complaints I have been reading ? And do you guys feel that it will get straightened out or get worse ? Is it sad I feel more confident in keeping my P2 over the P4 ?

Which leads me to the question of does the warranty start the moment you buy it or the moment it gets turned on the first time ?

I flew my updated P4 last Friday. Lucky issues. Though others HAVE had issues. I would support the "don't update" idea until DJI resolved the fw issue(s). But, seriously, do go fly and have fun. Also agree with the idea that you might want to purchase the Litchi app for your mobile device (Android or iOS). Don't know current price, but around $25-$30. Waypoint missions and the Litchi Mission Hub alone make it worth the money.
I will probably try the Litchi app also since it has a good following but not until after my DJI warranty is out. Have read accounts of DJI not honoring warranty issues if flown by an app other than DJI Go.
Lots of backtalk about newbies who are having problems by those who are not having problems. My two cents: After trying for several weeks, to get my P4P+ started to do ANYTHING, I relented and drove half a day through much traffic to visit a drone store; after talking to the owner, he and I felt confident that they could get it going in under an hour. Actually, it took all 4 techies over 4 hours to get it going; after calling tech support in Miami and the factory in China!!! All of the above failed except for the two techies who eventually got it to run. Except that during a trial run during which a video and pictures were taken, nothing was actually recorded. At home the next day, I formatted the chip and ran a video and photos in my shop when it then recorded. I flew twice manually (I had been flying my P2 for some years). Then I selected the "Point of interest" at which time it AGAIN asked for my password. Previously, it had shut down over and over innumerably until I supplied a password, and accepted no password of any kind. Now there it sits again asking for some unknown password; but it will accept nothing. It refuses to connect to my network; or rather it does for about 3 milliseconds and then trips off. The guys at the store were EXCELLENT. But have no more ideas. I can readily accept my incompetence but when the people who built this thing cannot get it to run, I find it hard to pass it off as just complaining. Just saying. And while I'm complaining: When I ask on the forums for help, what I get is "read the manual". If you are talking about the 59 page manual I downloaded and read through twice, It does nothing to enlighten me. Evidently it doesn't enlighten many others either or we wouldn't be having all these problems. I never ask for a free ride so if there is anyone who can help long distance to get me running, I will be glad to compensate for your time. Even better; if there is anyone in Northern NM or Southern CO close enough for me to drive or fly to, I will gladly pay for help.
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Lots of backtalk about newbies who are having problems by those who are not having problems. My two cents: After trying for several weeks, to get my P4P+ started to do ANYTHING, I relented and drove half a day through much traffic to visit a drone store; after talking to the owner, he and I felt confident that they could get it going in under an hour. Actually, it took all 4 techies over 4 hours to get it going; after calling tech support in Miami and the factory in China!!! All of the above failed except for the two techies who eventually got it to run. Except that during a trial run during which a video and pictures were taken, nothing was actually recorded. At home the next day, I formatted the chip and ran a video and photos in my shop when it then recorded. I flew twice manually (I had been flying my P2 for some years). Then I selected the "Point of interest" at which time it AGAIN asked for my password. Previously, it had shut down over and over innumerably until I supplied a password, and accepted no password of any kind. Now there it sits again asking for some unknown password; but it will accept nothing. It refuses to connect to my network; or rather it does for about 3 milliseconds and then trips off. The guys at the store were EXCELLENT. But have no more ideas. I can readily accept my incompetence but when the people who built this thing cannot get it to run, I find it hard to pass it off as just complaining. Just saying. And while I'm complaining: When I ask on the forums for help, what I get is "read the manual". If you are talking about the 59 page manual I downloaded and read through twice, It does nothing to enlighten me. Evidently it doesn't enlighten many others either or we wouldn't be having all these problems. I never ask for a free ride so if there is anyone who can help long distance to get me running, I will be glad to compensate for your time. Even better; if there is anyone in Northern NM or Southern CO close enough for me to drive or fly to, I will gladly pay for help.

I wish you luck my friend. I have been on the fence about updating but now I know I will not.

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