Minnesota - Area Code 952 - 651 - 612 Meetups & Flyins

Hi all! Newbie P4 Pro+ Owner here, and am looking for folks to fly with and recommendations of places to fly! I live in the South West metro, Eden Prairie.
Hi Pokerstar,

I've had a Mavic for about a month now and it's kind of daunting to find so many teensy airstrips dotted all over the place to have to call to inform of flying within 5 miles. There's a spot run by a local RC shop, Control Freaks, that has public use something like every second Sunday or some such. No NFZ there! Out by Delano, called Area 51. Made my first iMovie video of it -

I almost hit the buy now button on the Phantom 4P, but thought I might see what else DJI offered and chose the Mavic instead, for its' portability mostly.

I'm now located in Robbinsdale, was out in Medina but wasn't enjoying the big empty house with mortgage. Now freed of that I can afford a few toys!

Maybe meet you there some day.
That is a very cool movie! Looks like a fun place to fly. I appreciate your fast response, too! I think I will head out there next open fly day, hope to meet you there.
The next one is June 11th, 2pm, I will be out there. I will probably be out early to take care of the track as I plan on racing, I'll also have my bird along! Hope to see you guys there!
I've been flying the wisconsin/minedota boarder farms for a year now. Just found this group. Looks awesome becasue although I hear of people out there I've never run into anyone else with a drone.
Hi there! Just picked up a P4 Pro (1.0 version) and trying to learn. I live in the Minnetonka area and would love to meet up and do some flying.
Hi there! Just picked up a P4 Pro (1.0 version) and trying to learn. I live in the Minnetonka area and would love to meet up and do some flying.

Welcome and congrats!
I live in the Buffalo area, hoping it warms up some and get out myself. I’m always up for flying, give a shout.
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Re: Minnesota - Area Code 952 Meetups & Flyins

I am located in Edina as well. I don't have a Phantom yet, but hopefully this will change soon. I would certainly be interested in getting together to learn more about the Phantom (or any other multicopter for that matter).
I have a Phantom 3 se for sale
Re: Minnesota - Area Code 952 Meetups & Flyins

Sorry for butting in on 952 but is anyone up north(way north 218) flying these phantoms? I'm on the cusp of buying and it would be neat to see one in person. Just to far from cities to be practical. thanks.
I have a Phantom 4 Pro and live in Fergus Falls, MN

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