lightbridge firmware PROBLEM (and solution) - firmware version not found by dji assistant tool

Hi guys!

I'm going to try to express my self as clear as possible because I'm from Mexico and speaking or writing English it's really difficult to me.

I have the same firmware problem but a I have noticed something and I wonder if this could be a clue.

When my LB stopped working the first thing I noticed was that it wasn't charging my IOS device any more, but at the begging I thought that this lak of charge was related with some kind of device compatibility( when my LB is connected to an android device it still charges it).

So I was very frustrated because my LB video stream was not working, but suddenly one day when I connected my iPhone to the LB ground unit, the IOS device detected the LB unit and the video stream started working again( the GS was charging my iPhone again). Unfortunately I didn't keep my LB full charged and one day after the ground unit battery was fully discharged it stopped working again......

I hope that this could be some kind of clue but If not ... Sorry I haven't any engineering or programming knowledge...

Antonio Mendiola
Antonio, were you able to let your LB to work again? were you able to apply the same solution also the second time it happened?

My working LB, after one month had the battery fully discharged.
Actually I have 3 not working LB.
And i can not use my phantom.
I'm really frustrated because now I'm in holiday and i have the time to play with my drone.
The solution it should be to send the devices to DJI but this will take long time.
Plese let's find a solution.
Hi Gaucho.

You did a great job. And as far as I searched at web where you are is really amazing. I think you are so close to fix that **** problem.

I have the same problem. Talked to dji and they are asking me for 300 dollars.


At the begining of the post the linux screens says that the processor is ARM 432 Mhz. If I'm not wrong Arm processors can be programmed via Jtag ports. And you can see the pinouts for jtag is labeled as GND-TMS-TCK-3V3-TDO-TDI

Please take a look at the web about arm jtag programming. it may give you an idea.

I am trying to attach a photo for jtag interface's pinouts. hope i can do it.


  • arm-jtag-layout.gif
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maybe it can be done with jtag interface, but what will we flash? files, procedure... there is a lot still to know. It would be a lot easier if DJI would share some info with us.
Today I tried to search the serial port in the lightbridge by means of a oscilloscope.

I tried to do it with BSEL shorted to 3,3V and without this jumper.
I saved the samples with the oscilloscope on 3 files and now I will try to decode the data without connecting it to a serial port.

Here annexed you can find the 3 saved files.

The files were saved placing the probe on the following 2 places (the point is indicated by the screwdriver ):




The first thing that you can observe, looking at the oscilloscope, is that 1 bit is 8,68us, then the speed of the serial port is 115200bps

The second thing to note is that the amplitude of the serial port is around 3V, then we need a level adapter to connect it to a computer.


  • C3lightbridge00003.txt
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  • C3lightbridge00004.txt
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  • C3lightbridge00005.txt
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The second thing to note is that the amplitude of the serial port is around 3V, then we need a level adapter to connect it to a computer.
maybe is a TTL level serial, so you need an adapter USB or similar. Is not only a level matter, but also the signal is inverted.
as far as i can read about serial line, you have start bit, 8 data bit and stop bit. Everything seems to be in its place.
I wrote a macro on Excel to decode the data.
Here you can find the files with macro and decoded data:

this is the macro that i wrote:

Sub Serial232()
' Serial232 Macro

  Dim curSamplePos As Long

  Dim SamplingFrequency As Long
  SamplingFrequency = 1000000 '1MSps
  Dim SerialLineSpeed As Long
  SerialLineSpeed = 115200 '115200bps
  Dim oneBitDuration As Double
  oneBitDuration = 1 / SerialLineSpeed 'time in seconds (8,68us)
  oneBitDurationSamples = SamplingFrequency / SerialLineSpeed '8,68 Samples
  Dim signalThreshold As Double
  signalThreshold = 1.7

  Dim totalNumberOfSamples As Long
  totalNumberOfSamples = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).UsedRange.Rows.Count '  Rows.Count ' Range("B6").End(xlDown).Row
  'color all che cells to white:
  Range("B6:B" & totalNumberOfSamples).Interior.ColorIndex = 0
  Range("C6:C" & totalNumberOfSamples).Value = ""
  totalNumberOfSamples = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).UsedRange.Rows.Count
  'start from first sample, search the first transition (start bit)
  'from 1 to zero
  Dim MachineStatus As String
  MachineStatus = "searchBegin" 'status of the processign statusMachine
  Dim BitAquired  As Long 'it's the counter of the bits, from 1 to 8, inside the byte
  Dim currentByte As String 'it's the byte aquired in binary format
  Dim CompleteDecodedASCII As String
  CompleteDecodedASCII = ""
  Dim completeDecodedHex As String
  completeDecodedHex = ""
  Dim remainder As Double 'remainder from quantization (from oversampling of the bit)
  Dim hexByte As String 'temporary variable where the info about last byte is stored
For curSamplePos = 6 To totalNumberOfSamples

  Range("B" & curSamplePos).Interior.ColorIndex = 37
  Select Case MachineStatus
  Case "searchBegin"
  If (Val(Range("B" & curSamplePos).Value) < signalThreshold) Then
  Range("C" & curSamplePos).Value = "Wait..Status:searchingBegin"
  'found the nothing
  Range("C" & curSamplePos).Value = "Wait..Status:beginOfEmptyArea"
  MachineStatus = "searchStartBit"
  End If
  Case "searchStartBit"
  If (Val(Range("B" & curSamplePos).Value) > signalThreshold) Then
  Range("C" & curSamplePos).Value = "Wait..Status:searchingStartBit"
  'found the start bit
  Range("C" & curSamplePos).Value = "Wait..Status:beginOfStartBit"
  'found begin of start bit
  'now move to the middle of the start bit
  curSamplePos = curSamplePos + Int(oneBitDurationSamples / 2)
  If (Val(Range("B" & curSamplePos).Value) > signalThreshold) Then
  'maybe we found a spike, let's report it, and ignore it
  Range("C" & curSamplePos).Value = "Error:Spike Found"
  Range("C" & curSamplePos).Value = "Wait..Status:middle Of start Bit"
  MachineStatus = "acquireBits" 'go to next status
  'reset the variable for the byte that we are going to aquire
  BitAquired = 0
  currentByte = ""
  remainder = 0
  End If
  End If
  Case "acquireBits"
  'aquire bits
  'move on the next bit to acquire
  curSamplePos = curSamplePos + Int(oneBitDurationSamples) - 1
  remainder = remainder + oneBitDurationSamples - Int(oneBitDurationSamples)
  If (remainder > 1) Then 'if we accumulated big remainder, add one sample
  curSamplePos = curSamplePos + 1
  remainder = remainder - 1
  End If
  If (Val(Range("B" & curSamplePos).Value) > signalThreshold) Then
  'found 1
  currentByte = currentByte & "1"
  'found 0
  currentByte = currentByte & "0"
  End If
  BitAquired = BitAquired + 1
  Range("C" & curSamplePos).Value = "Wait..Status:middle Of Bit number " & BitAquired
  If (BitAquired = 8) Then
  'byte completed
  'print the output
  hexByte = Application.WorksheetFunction.Bin2Hex(currentByte)
  completeDecodedHex = completeDecodedHex & "-" & hexByte
  CompleteDecodedASCII = CompleteDecodedASCII & Chr(Application.WorksheetFunction.Bin2Dec(currentByte))
  Range("C" & curSamplePos).Value = "This is the last bit of the byte. Current Byte in BIN:" & currentByte & ", in HEX:" & hexByte & ", in ASCII:" & Chr(Application.WorksheetFunction.Bin2Dec(currentByte))
  'cerchiamo il bit di stop
  MachineStatus = "searchStopBit"
  End If
  Case "searchStopBit"
  'spostati al centro del bit di stop, che dovrebbe essere il prossimo
  curSamplePos = curSamplePos + oneBitDurationSamples - 1
  If (Val(Range("B" & curSamplePos).Value) > signalThreshold) Then
  'trovato stop bit
  Range("C" & curSamplePos).Value = "Wait..Status:middle Of Stop bit"
  'found 0 but the stop bit should be 1
  'report error
  Range("C" & curSamplePos).Value = "Error: Stop bit not found"
  End If
  'quindi ora possiamo ricominciare tutto daccapo.
  curSamplePos = curSamplePos + 1
  MachineStatus = "searchBegin"
  Case Else
  End Select
Range("C" & curSamplePos).Value = "Data ended. currently processing data: Current Byte in BIN:" & currentByte & ", in HEX:" & hexByte & ", in ASCII:" & Chr(Application.WorksheetFunction.Bin2Dec(currentByte))
  Range("C" & curSamplePos + 1).Value = "HEX Decoded Data: " & completeDecodedHex
  Range("C" & curSamplePos + 2).Value = "ASCII Decoded Data: " & cleanString(CompleteDecodedASCII)
MsgBox "Done"

End Sub

Function cleanString(str As String) As String
Dim outstr As String
For i = 1 To Len(str)

  If (Mid(str, i, 1) = Chr(0)) Then
  outstr = outstr & " "
  outstr = outstr & Mid(str, i, 1)
  End If

cleanString = outstr
End Function

Unfortunately the data seems to be not readable:

file 3:
HEX Decoded Data: -7E-C0-0-E8-0-0-0-0-D-58-A2-7F-C6-87-7C-86-13-5F-2-0-0-C8-40-0-24-12-4-1-5A-D-B0

ASCII Decoded Data: ~À è
X¢Ƈ|†_ È@ $Z

HEX Decoded Data: -22-B2-CC-6C-1E-4-96-76-96-2E-96-86-36-96-5E-86-2E-96-F6-76-4-E-86-CE-CE-A6-26-84-B0-50-AA-42-32-4-A-4E-F6-26-AE-C6-2E-4-6A-A6-CE-96-F6-76-4-5C-4-22-52-92-B4-E2-CA-A-6E-4C-B4-CA-AA-A-A2-4A-B4-AA-42-32-B4-8C-74-C-B4-4E-C6-8C-14-4C-C-8C-2C-B4-C-1C-B4-8C-AC-94-B0-50-22-56-96-4-AA-42-32-4-6A-A6-4E-CE-96-F6-76-5C-4-8C-74-AC-8C-14-82-AE-E6-4-8C-AC-4-4C-C-8C-2C-4-B4-4-8C-6C-5C-AC-AC-5C-AC-2C-94-B0-50-42-F6-F6-2E-96-76-E6-4-C2-86-2E-86-36-F6-E6-4-42-F6-F6-2E-4-32-F6-86-26-A6-4E-B0-50-42-F6-F6-2E-B2-F6-26-A6-4-BC-4-72-82-72-22-B0-50-CA-2E-86-4E-2E-96-76-E6-4-72-82-72-22-4-C2-F6-E-9E-74-74-74-B0-50

ASCII Decoded Data: "²Ìl–v–.–†6–^†.–öv†ÎΦ&„°PªB2

file 5:
HEX Decoded Data: -4-42-F2-F2-2A-B2-A2-0

ASCII Decoded Data: Bòò*²¢
I did a mistake. The first bit is the least significant bit and the last bit is the most significant bit.
I corrected the macto and these are the decoded messages:


HEX Decoded Data: -7E-3-0-17-0-0-0-0-B0-1A-45-FE-63-E1-3E-61-C8-FA-40-0-0-13-2-0-24-48-20-80-5A-B0-D

ASCII Decoded Data:
~ °Eþcá>aÈú@ $H €Z°


HEX Decoded Data: -44-4D-33-36-78-20-69-6E-69-74-69-61-6C-69-7A-61-74-69-6F-6E-20-70-61-73-73-65-64-21-D-A-55-42-4C-20-50-72-6F-64-75-63-74-20-56-65-73-69-6F-6E-20-3A-20-44-4A-49-2D-47-53-50-76-32-2D-53-55-50-45-52-2D-55-42-4C-2D-31-2E-30-2D-72-63-31-28-32-30-31-34-2D-30-38-2D-31-35-29-D-A-44-6A-69-20-55-42-4C-20-56-65-72-73-69-6F-6E-3A-20-31-2E-35-31-28-41-75-67-20-31-35-20-32-30-31-34-20-2D-20-31-36-3A-35-35-3A-35-34-29-D-A-42-6F-6F-74-69-6E-67-20-43-61-74-61-6C-6F-67-20-42-6F-6F-74-20-4C-6F-61-64-65-72-D-A-42-6F-6F-74-4D-6F-64-65-20-3D-20-4E-41-4E-44-D-A-53-74-61-72-74-69-6E-67-20-4E-41-4E-44-20-43-6F-70-79-2E-2E-2E-D-A

ASCII Decoded Data: DM36x initialization passed!

UBL Product Vesion : DJI-GSPv2-SUPER-UBL-1.0-rc1(2014-08-15)

Dji UBL Version: 1.51(Aug 15 2014 - 16:55:54)

Booting Catalog Boot Loader

BootMode = NAND

Starting NAND Copy...


HEX Decoded Data: -20-42-4F-4F-54-4D-45-0

ASCII Decoded Data: BOOTME

This is the modified macro

Sub Serial232()
' Serial232 Macro

  Dim curSamplePos As Long

  Dim SamplingFrequency As Long
  SamplingFrequency = 1000000 '1MSps
  Dim SerialLineSpeed As Long
  SerialLineSpeed = 115200 '115200bps
  Dim oneBitDuration As Double
  oneBitDuration = 1 / SerialLineSpeed 'time in seconds (8,68us)
  oneBitDurationSamples = SamplingFrequency / SerialLineSpeed '8,68 Samples
  Dim signalThreshold As Double
  signalThreshold = 1.7

  Dim totalNumberOfSamples As Long
  totalNumberOfSamples = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).UsedRange.Rows.Count '  Rows.Count ' Range("B6").End(xlDown).Row
  'color all che cells to white:
  Range("B6:B" & totalNumberOfSamples).Interior.ColorIndex = 0
  Range("C6:C" & totalNumberOfSamples).Value = ""
  totalNumberOfSamples = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).UsedRange.Rows.Count
  'start from first sample, search the first transition (start bit)
  'from 1 to zero
  Dim MachineStatus As String
  MachineStatus = "searchBegin" 'status of the processign statusMachine
  Dim BitAquired  As Long 'it's the counter of the bits, from 1 to 8, inside the byte
  Dim currentByte As String 'it's the byte aquired in binary format
  Dim CompleteDecodedASCII As String
  CompleteDecodedASCII = ""
  Dim completeDecodedHex As String
  completeDecodedHex = ""
  Dim remainder As Double 'remainder from quantization (from oversampling of the bit)
  Dim hexByte As String 'temporary variable where the info about last byte is stored
For curSamplePos = 6 To totalNumberOfSamples

  Range("B" & curSamplePos).Interior.ColorIndex = 37
  Select Case MachineStatus
  Case "searchBegin"
  If (Val(Range("B" & curSamplePos).Value) < signalThreshold) Then
  Range("C" & curSamplePos).Value = "Wait..Status:searchingBegin"
  'found the nothing
  Range("C" & curSamplePos).Value = "Wait..Status:beginOfEmptyArea"
  MachineStatus = "searchStartBit"
  End If
  Case "searchStartBit"
  If (Val(Range("B" & curSamplePos).Value) > signalThreshold) Then
  Range("C" & curSamplePos).Value = "Wait..Status:searchingStartBit"
  'found the start bit
  Range("C" & curSamplePos).Value = "Wait..Status:beginOfStartBit"
  'found begin of start bit
  'now move to the middle of the start bit
  curSamplePos = curSamplePos + Int(oneBitDurationSamples / 2)
  If (Val(Range("B" & curSamplePos).Value) > signalThreshold) Then
  'maybe we found a spike, let's report it, and ignore it
  Range("C" & curSamplePos).Value = "Error:Spike Found"
  Range("C" & curSamplePos).Value = "Wait..Status:middle Of start Bit"
  MachineStatus = "acquireBits" 'go to next status
  'reset the variable for the byte that we are going to aquire
  BitAquired = 0
  currentByte = ""
  remainder = 0
  End If
  End If
  Case "acquireBits"
  'aquire bits
  'move on the next bit to acquire
  curSamplePos = curSamplePos + Int(oneBitDurationSamples) - 1
  remainder = remainder + oneBitDurationSamples - Int(oneBitDurationSamples)
  If (remainder > 1) Then 'if we accumulated big remainder, add one sample
  curSamplePos = curSamplePos + 1
  remainder = remainder - 1
  End If
  If (Val(Range("B" & curSamplePos).Value) > signalThreshold) Then
  'found 1
  currentByte = "1" & currentByte
  'found 0
  currentByte = "0" & currentByte
  End If
  BitAquired = BitAquired + 1
  Range("C" & curSamplePos).Value = "Wait..Status:middle Of Bit number " & BitAquired
  If (BitAquired = 8) Then
  'byte completed
  'print the output
  hexByte = Application.WorksheetFunction.Bin2Hex(currentByte)
  completeDecodedHex = completeDecodedHex & "-" & hexByte
  CompleteDecodedASCII = CompleteDecodedASCII & Chr(Application.WorksheetFunction.Bin2Dec(currentByte))
  Range("C" & curSamplePos).Value = "This is the last bit of the byte. Current Byte in BIN:" & currentByte & ", in HEX:" & hexByte & ", in ASCII:" & Chr(Application.WorksheetFunction.Bin2Dec(currentByte))
  'cerchiamo il bit di stop
  MachineStatus = "searchStopBit"
  End If
  Case "searchStopBit"
  'spostati al centro del bit di stop, che dovrebbe essere il prossimo
  curSamplePos = curSamplePos + oneBitDurationSamples - 1
  If (Val(Range("B" & curSamplePos).Value) > signalThreshold) Then
  'trovato stop bit
  Range("C" & curSamplePos).Value = "Wait..Status:middle Of Stop bit"
  'found 0 but the stop bit should be 1
  'report error
  Range("C" & curSamplePos).Value = "Error: Stop bit not found"
  End If
  'quindi ora possiamo ricominciare tutto daccapo.
  curSamplePos = curSamplePos + 1
  MachineStatus = "searchBegin"
  Case Else
  End Select
 Range("C" & curSamplePos).Value = "Data ended. currently processing data: Current Byte in BIN:" & currentByte & ", in HEX:" & hexByte & ", in ASCII:" & Chr(Application.WorksheetFunction.Bin2Dec(currentByte))
  Range("C" & curSamplePos + 1).Value = "HEX Decoded Data: " & completeDecodedHex
  Range("C" & curSamplePos + 2).Value = "ASCII Decoded Data: " & cleanString(CompleteDecodedASCII)
 MsgBox "Done"
End Sub

Function cleanString(str As String) As String
Dim outstr As String
For i = 1 To Len(str)

  If (Mid(str, i, 1) = Chr(0)) Then
  outstr = outstr & " "
  outstr = outstr & Mid(str, i, 1)
  End If

cleanString = outstr
End Function

the Excel files are still corrected since i reuploaded them
now, I don't remember the association between the files and the point where i connected the probe.

anyway the strange thing is that last time, with just a level adaptator I wasn't able to see the printed characters on the serial line.
This may be related to the isolating material over the pins, so may be it was not completely removed, or may be some strange behaviour of the device, or may be because of me not pointing well the probe over the pcb.
anyway, I suppose now I should solder 2 wires over the right point, and try again the serial terminal at 115200 bps.
(moreover last time it was hard because i didn't know even the speed of the serial line.)
Last edited:
maybe is a TTL level serial, so you need an adapter USB or similar. Is not only a level matter, but also the signal is inverted.

ttl is 5V.

this is a 3,3V serial line, so commonly for this scope you use a level adaptator since the pc 232 works at +/-12V

the arduino works at +5V and then in that case you can use just two resistors to do a resistive partitor (to drop the 5V to 3V) instead the +3,3V TX going to arduino can stay as it is because the threshold inside arduino is around 2,5V.

AnywaY I will first look for a level adaptator cause I want to connect it to a Windows pc.

Unfortunately I think my level adaptator was fried last time I used it cause I made a short circuit over some component and I felt the smell of the plastic.
we will see..
Last edited:
I think that this should do the trick: FT232RL 3.3V 5.5V FTDI USB to TTL Serial Adapter Modulo Arduino Mini Port

anyway, I found a "not broken" level adapter at home.
I soldered pins, and it worked.

First of all, I show you some pictures:



I started hyperterminal at 115200bps with flow control NONE and stop bit 1.

When you start LB without the BSEL shorted to 3,3V you get the following print:
DM36x initialization passed!
UBL Product Vesion : DJI-GSPv2-SUPER-UBL-1.0-rc1(2014-08-15)
Dji UBL Version: 1.51(Aug 15 2014 - 16:55:54)
Booting Catalog Boot Loader
BootMode = NAND
Starting NAND Copy...
Valid magicnum, 0xA1ACED66, found in block 0x00000019.
Valid magicnum, 0xA1ACED66, found in block 0x0000001D.
No valid boot image found!
NAND Boot failed.
when you make a shortcircuit between 3.3V and BSEL you get the following print:
and it continues to print BOOTME

In both cases it seems that I can not get any result by pressing ENTER key on the keyboard.


  • IMG_0830.JPG
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Just to summarize, this are the points where to solder the wires:

(download it to watch it better)

Note: You have to solder wires, don't use rigid jumpers header (pins) directly soldered on the pcb because otherwise it will be easy to break the PCB by unvolontary forcing the soldered pins.
I downloaded from TI website the DaVinci-PSP-SDK- and inside it I found the tool to flash the firmware by means of the serial line. It is named sfh_DM36x.exe (it is for windows) and you find it here annexed.

this is the help:
  TI Serial Flasher Host Program for DM36x
  (C) 2009, Texas Instruments, Inc.
  Ver. 1.50

  sfh_DM36x < -norerase | -nanderase > [<Options>]
  -norerase  Do a erase of the NOR flash.
  -nanderase  Do a erase of the NAND flash.
  sfh_DM36x -norflash_noubl [<Options>] <Application binary image>
  -norflash_noubl Restore NOR Flash with bootable application (typically U-Boot).
  sfh_DM36x -norflash [<Options>] <UBL binary image> <Application binary image>
  -norflash  Restore the NOR Flash with bootable UBL and application (typically U-Boot).
  sfh_DM36x -nandflash [<Options>] <UBL binary image> <Application binary image>
  -nandflash  Restore the NAND Flash with bootable UBL and application (typically U-Boot).
  sfh_DM36x -sdflash [<Options>] <UBL binary image> <Application binary image>
  -sdflash  Restore the SD/MMC Flash with bootable UBL and application (typically U-Boot).

  <Options> can be the following:
  -APPStartAddr <Application entry point address> Specify in hex, defaults to 0x81080000.
  -APPLoadAddr <Application image load address>  Specify in hex, defaults to 0x81080000.
  -UBLStartAddr <UBL entry point address>  Specify in hex, defaults to 0x0100 .
  -h  Display this help screen.
  -v  Display more verbose output returned from the DM36x.
  -p "<PortName>"  Use <PortName> as the serial port (e.g. COM2, /dev/ttyS1).

the problem is How to use it without breaking the LB? which is the correct file to flash? which is the correct address? will the default address supplied by the tool be ok?


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