lightbridge firmware PROBLEM (and solution) - firmware version not found by dji assistant tool

which is the command and the password to decrypt it?
inside the update.tar.gz there are those 4 files?
so next step - find console UART , if you cant i can find but after few days, at now i dont have LB.

then when you find Uart , find 3.3v pin and BOOTSELECT PIN (BS, BOL,...or etc ) . but without UART you cant update.
why can't i use upgrade port?
i never try to recover via upgrda port because them USB , but you need hardware UART (not software) , virtual UART (over upgrade USB) started work after Linux starting. no Linux- no virtaul UART
I removed the board from the chassis, and i made a picture of the rear side.
There is a special connector on the pcb (on rhe left of the picture, it is white)
there is no jumper and there is no label on the pcb and there is no test point.


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what is bootselect?
do you think that the internal UART works without this jumper wire?
internal uart work without BOOTSEL , in standart mode , but when you shortcut bootsel to 3.3.v UART work in BOOTME mode. via this mode you can load UBL or UBOOT trough serial port
for fast finding uart i use logic analyzer like Saelae 16 or 8 . i connect analyzer to all pins and get info. or try oscilloscope . because uart can be inverted , also analyzer can show speed of UART
today i used another level adapter, just to be sure.
i removed the isolation material from all the test points, to do a better contact.
then i tested with multimeter each test point in order to don't try the pins where the voltage is greather than 3,5volt.
then i started the serial line at 115200bps and i tested al the test points (ground pin screwed on one of the two antenna connectors, and rx pin of the level adapter moved on each test point during boot time).
each time i power off and on the device, and on some test points i found some printed data.
on those pins i tried to change the speed, but the data is never readable.
The only connector that i wasn't able to test, is the one on the bottom, but the contacts are too small.

I'm thinking to another possible solution: may be we can reset the board but not the upgrade port driver.
By this way, the upgrade port will always be enabled, and not just at the end of the boot process.
the problem is how to find the board schematic. where is the upgrade port driver? is it embedded in the main chip?
Is it there a method to allow the pc to stay connected on the upgrade port?

p.s.:i found that on the board there is a RESET test point. shorting it to ground, the board is resetted.
I also tried to short BOOTSEL to 3,3V then I tried to open the flasher tool over upgrade port, but no luck. ofcourse when i reset the board, the serial port is lost, untill the usb detects it again.
another idea: if the ground unit gets connected to the air unit, it is possible that i login via ssh, telnet, or some other method, via WIRELESS?
can i connect to the upgrade port of the air unit, enable linux, then connect with an ip address via ssh to the ground unit?
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ssh can coonect over ip to RC TRANSMIITTER ( , AMBARELLA (inside a camera) and... .. my be any other, but i didnt find any additioanl info about this.
RC transmitter? I'm talking about my Lightbridge, not other DJI devices... is the ip address of the ethernet interface of the Linux in the Ground Unit, but I don't know if it is used on LB.

The air unit has no ethernet interface on...
Air unit like Ground have USB connection to Cypress mc . which connected to FPGA(Altera Cyclon) and then goto WiMax chip - Analog Devices AD9363
so, it seems to be too much complicated to login on the ground unit from the air unit.

I need someone to tell me where is the serial port on the ground unit, if there is any..
Hi Gaucho, have you solved the problem with Lightbridge?
I sent my unit to reseller, ad he sent me a new unit. Just arrived it work, but after two month without using it, I have the same problem, some parts of firmware don't start. Maybe is a problem that happen when battery is discharged.
Yes William, I think you are right.
I wasn't able to do more than what I wrote.
I hope that someone can do some further step. I think we are close to the solution

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