Zenmuse H3-3D, YAW not working.

I've actually been experiencing the same issues. Grub screw is fully tightened. Also mine makes a squeeking sound and I've identified it's on the tilt axis (the one you can control with the controller) and in some possitions it doesn't make the squeeking noise. I've heard something wear you have to face the done at exactly 0 degrees or exactly north. This has not worked for me. Also controller sticks don't affect the pan/yaw. I'm going to replace the motor. Do you know anyweany I can buy the motor itself?

You might try DJI for a replacement motor or check eBay for a whole unit sold for parts. All three H3-2D, H3-3D and H4-3D Zenmuse gimbals use the same motors. Brushless motors will not squeak but the bearing or motor shaft might be the problem.

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