Which (Inexpensive) Remote ID Module to Get???

I've been researching this too. It's tough to find an inexpensive RID module, especially in the $50 range. The prices I've seen are higher. As for the grace period, I'm still waiting for official info as well. Fingers crossed for some clarity soon!
I'm still waiting for official info
The FAA has provided 6 month extension on compliance. If what you fly is more than 250 grams and has the broadcasting hardware, you should be broadcasting a signal.
If what you’re flying is not capable of broadcasting because of a firmware update delay, you have until March 16 2023 to receive and update that firmware. If what you’re flying does not have the hardware needed built in, and will not have broadcast ability via a firmware update, you need to acquire an external module.
Some information here.
Also go to the FAA website.
If what you fly is more than the 250 grams and it doesn’t have built in RID broadcasting hardware, you will need an external module. Post #11 is the cheapest one i‘ve seen. Recreational pilots only need one that can be moved to different aircraft as long as you have them listed with the FAA.
200.00 a pop is a bit to steep for my little wallet.
You will not need and RID, even if the drone is over 250gms, if you fly at a FRIA.
The FAA has provided 6 month extension on compliance. If what you fly is more than 250 grams and has the broadcasting hardware, you should be broadcasting a signal.
If what you’re flying is not capable of broadcasting because of a firmware update delay, you have until March 16 2023 to receive and update that firmware. If what you’re flying does not have the hardware needed built in, and will not have broadcast ability via a firmware update, you need to acquire an external module.
Some information here.
Also go to the FAA website.
Not meaning to spilt hairs, but the compliance deadline remains September 16, 2023. It is only the enforcement which is being delayed until March 16, 2024, for those who are unable to comply. If you have no legitimate excuse for not complying (willful refusal), you can still be currently cited for noncompliance!
Correct. That’s why I mentioned the FAA site for further info.
Yes, but your first statement was still inaccurate.
You stated,
"The FAA has provided 6 month extension on compliance."
Not true.
Only the enforcement was extended, not the compliance.
It is a critical distinction, yet most people still don't understand the difference.

I wanted to clarify and correct your misstatement.
Mentioning the FAA site for further info about your false statement doesn't correct your mistake. It implies support for your statement can be found there, when, in fact, it will contradict your statement.
99% of people reading your post will neither watch Greg's video nor go to the FAA site, where they will likely just get lost in all the legalese! They'll just read your first sentence.

Glad we got it sorted out before more people get confused!

To put a bow on it, the real issue isn't the extension of FAA enforcement.
It is insurance coverage being in jeopardy because the compliance deadline remains unchanged!

Most drone liability insurance requires compliance with all FAA regulations. Since the compliance date remained unchanged, those insurance policies may all now be voidable by the insurance companies and all claims denied, if the drone pilot is not in compliance with RID, no matter why! That the FAA isn't enforcing it is not an excuse for noncompliance to the drone insurance company.
Has anyone looked at this guy? Can accept up to 30v and doesn't have a case unless you order one. It could be buried inside and hooked into a convenient power on spot. Wherever that is. I think this is my try, $99 online
OK then I spoke with a commercial drone dealer/repairer who told me that everybody will need one of these for their drone if it weighs more than 250 grams. He said that it did not matter if one is strictly recreational and that the 400 ft limit also did not matter. Of course, he sells them, at $200+ a pop. That may color his reply just a bit. I am strictly recreational, keep my drone at or below 400 ft, avoid airports and all that stuff and I cannot find good info on whether or not I need one of these, Any help here, thanks in advance,
Remote ID required for anything over 250 grams whether flying recreationally or part 107. Only exception is if you are flying in a FAA-Recognized Identification area kind of like going to the archery or shooting range.
Remote ID required for anything over 250 grams whether flying recreationally or part 107. Only exception is if you are flying in a FAA-Recognized Identification area kind of like going to the archery or shooting range.
You can also fly indoors! LOL!
So, has everyone decided on which third-party remote ID module (RID) to get for their Phantoms?

Is there an inexpensive option in the $50 range? I watched a video comparison and the cheapest one was like US $160 or something like that.

Thans in advance.

Also, if anyone has heard anything OFFICIAL abour a grace period. about a week ago there were RUMORS that there would be a grace period / delay, as the FAA is backlogged with the FRIA approvals and manufactures were struggling to provide RID modules. But they were just rumors and I haven't seen anything official yet.

Thanks in advance.
cinnamon Drones is going to be releasing a module for about $60 here in the next couple of weeks!
So if you have the part 107 you don't have to have one? I thought everybody did. Haven't been flying much so I haven't kept up with it.
If what you fly is more than the 250 grams and it doesn’t have built in RID broadcasting hardware, you will need an external module. Post #11 is the cheapest one i‘ve seen. Recreational pilots only need one that can be moved to different aircraft as long as you have them listed with the FAA.
200.00 a pop is a bit to steep for my little wallet.
Have you seen one any cheaper than 200.00?
Now to get into trouble. Lol.
I fly my mini 3 pro all the time. I don't like to draw attention and it is very Stealth. I rarely fly my Phantom 4 any more. Although I love the feel of flying it. I live in a remote area and don't think I will get RID. Is RID going to be a thing like when I was into CB radio in the70'S? Most people didn't get licensed or do the protocol for using a CB radio. How much do you think it is going to be enforced? Unless you do a lot of dumb things and make yourself a target. Is it gonna make any difference? I know we should do what is right. Like driving the speed limit, using your turn signals and make a complete stop at the sign. RIGHT
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