What are you going to sell now that the new DJI Mavic 3 / Phantom 5 is coming?

Spectacular solentlife, one day I am going to get a fixed wing, so many advantages over a copter, gracefulness in the sky one among them.

I said it was just a feeling Meta4 and mikestrasser. But there are reasons behind my fanciful dreams. The Evo2 looks amazing and if DJI do nothing a lot of people could take a lot more notice and think about getting one. I would, if I was to sell a few things like the MP2 Zoom. I just can not see DJI sitting back and letting other companies start chipping away at their dominance of the market. We all know about the multiple problems with the drone industry and that is why in part DJI have started to diversify into other areas. No one will ever convince me that DJI have not been working, for a few years now, on the next generations of drone. With interchangeable and or zoom lenses more flight time and the rest. Maybe because of their track record of not delivering on time DJI have decided to wait to see if the Evo2 will eventuate in all its three forms. If you were in DJIs shoes would you not have something in the wings? (pardon the pun)
Maybe because of their track record of not delivering on time DJI have decided to wait to see if the Evo2 will eventuate in all its three forms.
DJI have never announced any drones until just before they are released to the public, so I'm not sure what you mean about their track record.
Autel on the other hand have a record full of drones and accessories that were announced and never released, or released long after they were expected.
I suspect when/if their new Evo2 is released, it's not going to be much different from what DJI's had with the Mavic 2 for some time already.
Whether it's significantly better remains to be seen.
I said it was fanciful. Sorry I was not clear enough about release promises, it was Evo that have not stuck to their deadlines DJI always have as far as I know.
Nothing wrong with a bit of fanciful talk as long as you say it is. Wishful thinking, imagination and entertainment :)
Wishful thinking because I would love DJI to bring out a drone with an even better camera with a zoom than the P4P and more portable in size and weight, seriously the P4P with 3 or 4 batteries and other stuff is big and heavy to carry around up and down dale. For an old guy no matter how many times I go to the gym. And no it's not either off the MP2.
As Captain Drone points out the Evo2 is not much different from the MP2 especially since so few people have the hardware to process 6 or 8 K. I can process 4K at 60fps but I cannot play it back.
But I still believe that fanciful DJI drone is in a lab being developed and ready to go into production if they think there is a market for it. It seems that with the reintroduction of the P4P 2.0 means that they do not think that time is now, not yet.
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DJI have never announced any drones until just before they are released to the public, so I'm not sure what you mean about their track record.
Autel on the other hand have a record full of drones and accessories that were announced and never released, or released long after they were expected.
I suspect when/if their new Evo2 is released, it's not going to be much different from what DJI's had with the Mavic 2 for some time already.
Whether it's significantly better remains to be seen.
I guess you didnt see the part were they have an 8k camera.. first drone company to produce a consumer 8k drone. 40 min flight time as well. If you havent seen the evo 2 check it out. Its bigger than a mavic 2 as well. Either way i give autel alot of respect. When you call them.. their tech support.. you get a real person.. usually one of the owners.. i talked personally with one of the owners who also makes their YouTube videos. Alejandra not sire sure how to spell his name but the 2 times ive called even this past weekend when they are in the middle of launching a new drone. They still had the time to answer the phone directly and handle my question personally which means alot. It wasn't one of 200 people in a call center. Anyway not trying to sway anyone. Just my 2 cent's.. gotta to work !
DJI over the years have produced far greater tech gear for commercial use ... movie companys etc.

As legislation gets tighter and tighter in the hobby world ... and you can include all your 107 and regulated registered in that group - is it really such a market anymore as it used to be ?

I have the 4 pro so it won’t work for me. How hard would it be to make the lenses interchangeable like a mirrorless camera
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I guess you didnt see the part were they have an 8k camera. first drone company to produce a consumer 8k drone.
You guessed wrong.
Perhaps you didn't pay much attention to it only having a 1/2" sensor?
So far the Evo2 sounds like something for those who are easily impressed by big numbers rather than knowledgeable photographers looking for a genuinely better camera.
It will be interesting to see when it appears on the market.

ps Think again if you believe you were talking to one of the owners.
Autel is a Chinese company based just down the road from DJI in Shenzen.
There is currently too much uncertainty in the drone world to make educated guesses about purchasing or selling a drone.

1) We have new FAA remote ID being considered, 2) We need to hear how the drone market will accommodate the new rules yet to be announced, 3) we have substantial tariffs in place that increase the cost by 15-20% for all Chinese made drones sold in the USA, 4) we have a CES 2020 that concluded with many drone options, 5) we have the Skydio II albeit not expected in stock until 2021.

I just think these are crazy times and since I have a decent drone (MP2), I am in no rush to press buy or sell. Like many, I am super excited about what the future holds but I have a strong feeling that patience is the operative word unless you're ready to be very disappointed for your impatience. These drones are too expensive for the non-commercial user to keep pressing buy every time someone pipes up and exclaims "newer, better" is here. Trust me, you don't have to work hard to sell me but the prices are keeping my impatience in check and the FAA writing rules to enable the commercial market while disabling the hobbyist, is potentially a real game-ender.
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Nice thought. But the drone traffic on those days would be pretty dense. Would you fly if know that few dozen of drones are up in the air around?
Did I miss something? I've never seen any description of remote ID where DJI said the pilot could see surrounding craft. All I've seen is DJI's commitment to send our drone ID and pilot LOCATION information OUT to be received by others, INCLUDING easy public access. Can you imagine the problems caused if the public had access to car license plate data? Chaos! It seems that's the plan for drones. So far I'm not optimistic the FAA is doing this implementation right.
Ha, I wish Kristina. No such thing is in the public arena. All supposition, hope and my educated guess. It is unlikely to look anything like the Phantom. Nor I think like the Mavic or Inspire.
If anything Kristian it is fun to speculate. What would you like it to look like and have that the present Phantom/ Mavics have?
Definitely vocc77, take the batteries with you on the carry on and well insulated. If they find you have put them in the cargo you could be in very deep nasty stuff.
The aircraft is fine in the cargo, again no battery inside it. I have always taken four with me on with me and never an issue. I always put the P4P in the case and box it came with, then tell the staff at the airport it is a delicate drone and it goes on a seperate fragile section with big red "fragile" bands. When it arrives at the other end it will always be in a separate open box/tray. Never had one damage and many many flights. Happy flying for you and your drone :)
The batteries should be at 50% power but then never check I use them on the plane to charge my laptop, phone and stuff, there is a little adapter for usb charging.
What about the controller? Does that have a LiPo?
To reply to the OP, nothing! I inherited my P3A from my son and as a pensioner here in the UK I could never afford to "upgrade" to one of the new ones, much as I would like to??
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Spectacular solentlife, one day I am going to get a fixed wing, so many advantages over a copter, gracefulness in the sky one among them.

I said it was just a feeling Meta4 and mikestrasser. But there are reasons behind my fanciful dreams. The Evo2 looks amazing and if DJI do nothing a lot of people could take a lot more notice and think about getting one. I would, if I was to sell a few things like the MP2 Zoom. I just can not see DJI sitting back and letting other companies start chipping away at their dominance of the market. We all know about the multiple problems with the drone industry and that is why in part DJI have started to diversify into other areas. No one will ever convince me that DJI have not been working, for a few years now, on the next generations of drone. With interchangeable and or zoom lenses more flight time and the rest. Maybe because of their track record of not delivering on time DJI have decided to wait to see if the Evo2 will eventuate in all its three forms. If you were in DJIs shoes would you not have something in the wings? (pardon the pun)
You threw in, at the very end, a comment about “it‘s a feeling” but your thread title says “...Phantom 5 is coming.” And the rest of your text leads the reader the same way (except for the line at the end which may not be clear to which part you refer.) Since others fell for it, I must be on to something. i felt this was clickbait.
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