Usngg P4 to blow air on BBQ?

Jun 1, 2016
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Hey theres an old video of a P3 used to heat up the coal of a bbq grill.
Do you think its dangerous to use the P4 for this?
Is there a warning in the app if something is overheating?
If your goal is simply to speed up the charcoal, you could go old school and use a fireplace bellows. Otherwise you could use a hair dryer or maybe a leaf blower on idle.

Do I think it's dangerous to use a P4? Yeah a little, but I think it's more silly than dangerous. But I don't think heat rising up into the P4 would be the problem.

If you're goal is lighting charcoal competitively, I recall a Dave Barry column from 20+ years ago:


"We started by blowing the charcoal with a hair dryer," Goble told me in a telephone interview. "Then we figured out that it would light faster if we used a vacuum cleaner."

If you know anything about (1) engineers, and (2) guys in general, you know what happened: The purpose of the charcoal- lighting shifted from cooking hamburgers to seeing how fast they could light the charcoal.

From the vacuum cleaner, they escalated to using a propane torch, then an acetylene torch. (It worked pretty good)


But in the world of competitive charcoal-lighting, "pretty good" does not cut the mustard. Thus Goble hit upon the idea of using -- get ready -- liquid oxygen. This is the form of oxygen used in rocket engines; it's 295 degrees below zero and 600 times as dense as regular oxygen. In terms of releasing energy, pouring liquid oxygen on charcoal is the equivalent of throwing a live squirrel into a room containing 50 million Labrador retrievers.


Read more here: Classic '95: Need a light?
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Haven't tried the grill but it makes a good fan on a hot day. I was hovering one hot day about 10 feet off the ground while I made some last minute adjustments to my Litchi mission. My dog came over and laid down directly underneath it, panting. He seemed so appreciative of the breeze that I let it hover another few minutes before starting the mission.
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