!! UPDATE !! Is anyone else having multiple problems with the latest DJI GO 4 update ??

Hey guys,
I have three 10,000' out and 10,000' back flights with Litchi under my belt.
I still have screen cycling with green screen but with Litchi its much better.
I conducted an experiments to see if the interference was something other than my P4,
1st flight my Samsung S8 phone was on and sitting in the chair next to me while I flew,
2nd flight I turned my phone off,
3rd flight I unplugged my home wifi,
So my conclusion is the last update I did is the cause of this glitch.
Any thought on this ??
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I bought my P4 and everything in it. I re wrote the firmware parameters to my liking, blocked the dji servers from the app, now I have a drone that I own. I can fly as high and wherever i want and as fast as i want without Dji telling me i cant. Just because i can!

Wish I had your knowledge and skills to do this !!
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Hey guys,
I have three 14,000' out and 14,000' back flights with Litchi under my belt.
I still have screen cycling with green screen but with Litchi its much better.
I conducted an experiments to see if the interference was something other than my P4,
1st flight my Samsung S8 phone was on and sitting in the chair next to me while I flew,
2nd flight I turned my phone off,
3rd flight I unplugged my home wifi,
So my conclusion is the last update I did is the cause of this glitch.
Any thought on this ??
Without knowing what you are using, it's hard to tell. What drone (sorry if I missed that), what firmware, what version of Go4 and Litchi, any mods to your equipment? What type of environment are you in (city, dense neighborhood, farmlands, lots of tall trees). Do you have any obstacles between you and your drone when you are having these problems? Have you tried using the reflector type boosters? They work really well. Makes your signal directional and will block interference from your sides and behind you. They are fairly cheap, you can get them at Best Buy. I will try to help you out best that I can. I was able to overcome all the problems I had in the beginning. Once I got to a point where everything worked great, I stopped all updates for the App and Firmware. If it works, dont fix it.
Without knowing what you are using, it's hard to tell. What drone (sorry if I missed that), what firmware, what version of Go4 and Litchi, any mods to your equipment? What type of environment are you in (city, dense neighborhood, farmlands, lots of tall trees). Do you have any obstacles between you and your drone when you are having these problems? Have you tried using the reflector type boosters? They work really well. Makes your signal directional and will block interference from your sides and behind you. They are fairly cheap, you can get them at Best Buy. I will try to help you out best that I can. I was able to overcome all the problems I had in the beginning. Once I got to a point where everything worked great, I stopped all updates for the App and Firmware. If it works, dont fix it.

I have been doing some research on other forums and it looks like after the last update my ipad mini is no longer supported.
Im going to borrow a ipad mini 4 from a friend and see if these issues disappear, if they do and the guys elsewhere say they will Ill have to buy a new mini 4.
Ill keep you guys posted.
Hey guys,
I have an update,
Well the ipad was PART of the issue,
I replaced my ipad mini 2 which was purchased in Oct 2015 with a new ipad mini 4,
Here are the results after four flights 10,000' out and back;
#1...Interference, flashing green screen, screen cycling is 95% fixed,
I'm thinking what I'm seeing right now normal.
#2...High CPU usage message is gone.
#3...IMU error is still at start up but does not reappear after that.
Before the last update I NEVER saw a IMU error, ever.
#4...Sync flight records fail, cannot sync flight records. I still cannot sync flight records,
I checked my interned at 104 megs and I also just purchased a new Mavic Platinum
and did all the uodates no problem. Plus I downloaded DJI GO 4 onto the new mini 4
with no problem, there is not an issue with my internet. Its the update.
I now have a new problem, my range is down, I used to be able to fly consistently
out to 12k' and 14k' with no problem, now 10k' is about the max, keeping in mind
my test flight routes are the same as many, many flights I've flown in the past.
In conclusion the update I did on Oct 3rd was just enough to push my mini 2 to its limits,
So the devise issue is answered, however there are still issues with this update that I'm hoping
DJI knows about and will correct in the next update.
Of course I'm still a huge DJI fan, no flaming or bashing here, just my experience with
the current DJI Go 4 app.
Im a little frustrated.
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I got my Phantom 4 for Christmas this past year. I updated it out of the box and haven't updated it since. My P4 is flawless.. Stable, good video, good range. I for one will NOT be updating it.
And which version is that? IOS or Android?
WHY WOULD ANYONE KEEP UPDATING anything from DJI? Don’t you all ever learn? This Chinese company cares nothing about their customers as evidenced by their so called Customer Service! That is why they don’t take complaints or criticism at all! With all the reported problems with DJI GO and it’s mandatory updates it’s a wonder anyone still flies with it. I switched to Litchi almost a year ago and have no problems plus no required updates!
Good luck
WHY WOULD ANYONE KEEP UPDATING anything from DJI? Don’t you all ever learn? This Chinese company cares nothing about their customers as evidenced by their so called Customer Service! That is why they don’t take complaints or criticism at all! With all the reported problems with DJI GO and it’s mandatory updates it’s a wonder anyone still flies with it. I switched to Litchi almost a year ago and have no problems plus no required updates!
Good luck
Well if you have a plus (advanced or pro) controler (build in screen/android), it is very hard to get Litchi to run on that!
Is there a way to downgrade the version of your firmware on the Drone and if necessary the remote ?

That is really the way to deal with some of these problems, to be able to selectively go back to a previous version to see if that corrects the issue.
My dealings with DJI have been respectful and useful. They answer the phone (now) instead of long waits (previously) and have answered most of my questions. My #1 P4P went nuts on me and they sent a FedEx label for return, sent it back (no cost)...(no work either), so another label and another repair is underway (no cost).
My other P4P has been faithfully updated, and is extremely reliable. Latest mission using FPV camera (not DJI Go) aborted due to Smart RTH and took a shortcut, unfortunately toward some tall trees, but the obstacle avoidance stopped it, climbed up, went forward again, found another higher tree, stopped and climbed again, then RTH. Reading these complaints I seem to be dealing with another company. They have treated me very well and their P4P is a an astounding piece of equipment.
Like all computers this UAV does pretty much exactly what I tell it to. I take responsibility for most of its failures. The idea that someone can take it out of the box and toss it into the air without serious study and expect no problems is fallacious. Every day I find new things I didn't know about this device, new capabilities that I gloss over in my eagerness to fly.
May your missions be successful, your flight paths be clear of obstacles, and your batteries last longer than it takes to RTH.
WHY WOULD ANYONE KEEP UPDATING anything from DJI? Don’t you all ever learn? This Chinese company cares nothing about their customers as evidenced by their so called Customer Service! That is why they don’t take complaints or criticism at all! With all the reported problems with DJI GO and it’s mandatory updates it’s a wonder anyone still flies with it. I switched to Litchi almost a year ago and have no problems plus no required updates!
Good luck
Or use Autopilot . I've got bot Litchi and Autopilot. I agree that DJI frequent updates make one angry or pissed off !
Flight this morning. Same issue. Long write times after taking picture. I turned off CA to see if maybe it was interfering somehow. DJI app dumped 4 times. I am running on a 2017 mini 4 in airplane mode, 128 gb. No other apps loaded. I do know that every time I get home and transfer the images my Windows 10 based PC complains that there is an error with that drive-and do I want to fix it.
Maybe some bad sections on the SD card ? Anyone else let windows "fix" the perceived issue with the card-and live to fly another day :) ?
I bought my P4 and everything in it. I re wrote the firmware parameters to my liking, blocked the dji servers from the app, now I have a drone that I own. I can fly as high and wherever i want and as fast as i want without Dji telling me i cant. Just because i can!
Do you have a P4P+ by chance? Would you be willing to share the firmware you re-wrote in a version I can test on my drone ... I like your thinking and programming talent !!! I am on version '509' currently ... it works well and I am NOT planning to ever do another DJI update until if, and when it has been PROVEN by the masses over at least a month's time. But in the meantime, trying a fully functional and unfettered version would be neat.
Hey guys,
I have three 10,000' out and 10,000' back flights with Litchi under my belt.
I still have screen cycling with green screen but with Litchi its much better.
I conducted an experiments to see if the interference was something other than my P4,
1st flight my Samsung S8 phone was on and sitting in the chair next to me while I flew,
2nd flight I turned my phone off,
3rd flight I unplugged my home wifi,
So my conclusion is the last update I did is the cause of this glitch.
Any thought on this ??

Take a look at this video:
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My biggest problem with DJI Go 4 on my P4A+ is that the controller has only WiFi connectivity so when Go 4 decides I'm in a restricted area there is no way to clear the restriction without a WiFi connection, which is NEVER available at the rural place where I'm trying to launch a flight. Also it has happened more than once that I've gone into app settings and accidentally hit the exit button trying to get back to the control screen, but it exits the app, and then I can't relaunch the app without logging in, which requires a WiFi connection. So then I'm limited to flying 50 ft from the controller with no control over the camera or anything else that the app provides, like FPV picture. This is unreasonable *** covering by DJI. I can't even fly in my own living room because my house is within 1 mile of a rural airport that has no more than 5-6 flights a day in nice weather, and zero flights when not clear weather.

I'm about to give up on the Plus controller and buy a normal one so I can use my 7" Android tablet and fly with Litchi, Drone Deploy, and other third party apps. The Plus screen is bright, but not bright enough to overcome the limitations on what app you can use and the tiny screen on the Plus controller, and the ridiculously over-restrictive flight area restrictions imposed by Go 4, and the lack of a cell data connection.

Anybody got a spare RC unit that's compatible with the P4A and P4P? Message me.
I agree 100%. DJI just doesn’t care PERIOD! They make a great drone if they would leave it alone! My problem is aggravated by the fact I knew all this about them and still bought a Phantom 4 anyway just hoping I didn’t get their many problems. Then mine flipped inverted at 200 feet and powered into the ground! I fought for all of February with their dreaded customer dis-service and they never once told me the truth! It was as if they had a computer generated script with flow charts that directed their answers! When I asked for a person by name that person did not sound like they did before and I usually got transferred to someone else who had no idea why I was calling or what had been told to me previously and half of the time they simply disconnected the call!!! I had paid the repair bill almost immediately hoping to get my drone back sooner and they even furnished me with a “fake” web page where I could follow my drone through the several stages of checkout, repair, flight testing and shipment back! But st this last step I noticed the serial number had changed somehow. The next time I got through to someone they told me that my original drone was not repairable and they sent me a new one!!! I questioned the mentioned repair steps I had observed and no one knew anything about it. So I just waited and my Phantom arrived in new condition but for some reason they had removed all four retainer springs/clips that lock the props on! I immediately called and had to send a video showing these missing pieces before they agreed to send them to me. However it took several more calls, emails and forum posts to their moderators before they mailed them to me FIVE WEEKS LATER!!!

So everyone should seriously send anything to them! Period!!!

And they still refused to tell me why and how the flip over happened.
I bought my P4 and everything in it. I re wrote the firmware parameters to my liking, blocked the dji servers from the app, now I have a drone that I own. I can fly as high and wherever i want and as fast as i want without Dji telling me i cant. Just because i can!

Share share dood! I guarantee there are literally thousands of people that would gladly pay you for that!!! I'm one of em. $10 immediately for a clean download buddy! (I'm very serious). If you've managed to make GO stable, you're doing more than the entire chinkese dev team! Props!
WHY WOULD ANYONE KEEP UPDATING anything from DJI? Don’t you all ever learn? This Chinese company cares nothing about their customers as evidenced by their so called Customer Service! That is why they don’t take complaints or criticism at all! With all the reported problems with DJI GO and it’s mandatory updates it’s a wonder anyone still flies with it. I switched to Litchi almost a year ago and have no problems plus no required updates!
Good luck
Jim, you are spot on! I'm like you if it ain't broke don't update it!!

I agree 100%. DJI just doesn’t care PERIOD! They make a great drone if they would leave it alone! My problem is aggravated by the fact I knew all this about them and still bought a Phantom 4 anyway just hoping I didn’t get their many problems. Then mine flipped inverted at 200 feet and powered into the ground! I fought for all of February with their dreaded customer dis-service and they never once told me the truth! It was as if they had a computer generated script with flow charts that directed their answers! When I asked for a person by name that person did not sound like they did before and I usually got transferred to someone else who had no idea why I was calling or what had been told to me previously and half of the time they simply disconnected the call!!! I had paid the repair bill almost immediately hoping to get my drone back sooner and they even furnished me with a “fake” web page where I could follow my drone through the several stages of checkout, repair, flight testing and shipment back! But st this last step I noticed the serial number had changed somehow. The next time I got through to someone they told me that my original drone was not repairable and they sent me a new one!!! I questioned the mentioned repair steps I had observed and no one knew anything about it. So I just waited and my Phantom arrived in new condition but for some reason they had removed all four retainer springs/clips that lock the props on! I immediately called and had to send a video showing these missing pieces before they agreed to send them to me. However it took several more calls, emails and forum posts to their moderators before they mailed them to me FIVE WEEKS LATER!!!

So everyone should seriously send anything to them! Period!!!

And they still refused to tell me why and how the flip over happened.
They did the exact same thing to me! I filled a complaint with the better business bureau...not much luck with them either, I'm thinking of contacting our Senator since they Import into the United States....No wonder the Army and Navy Grounded all DJI Products...

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