UK announce registration required

Jan 24, 2017
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Grimby, UK
OK it has finally been announced that registration and training WILL be a requirement for all drone owners in the UK. No date announced yet, but all thanks to the idiots who fly near airports and clearly can't read the existing regulations. You will have to complete online training and then will be provided a registration number which must be written on the drone.

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Well I guess we all new this was coming thanks to the brainless minority few that don't comply with fairly simple and common sense rules.
Just wait now for the cost of this, I'm betting there will be a fee...
Drones will be banned in the UK.
Those to thank are those that refuse to stand together .
They are a flying camera that scares the living daylights out of authority.

The plan :
Crisis , reaction, solution.
Fake news articles, fake near miss reports, public encouraged to report drone sightings on 999 and we have a fake crisis.
Thick gullible brainless morons including many within the hobby react, creating reaction.

Next come the solution and step to the end game.
You will be giving total ownership of your drones to the government, this is known as registration.
Once registered (Latin legal term) they are no longer your property, they become the property of the registrar (owner of the registration)
You are then allowed to be keeper (trustee) of their property you registered to them.
Breakl any rules or conditions of trust and their polic(y) or policE officers can confiscate the property on behalf of the registrar.

The more that comply and give up their property for registration the more the Scheme (scam) will be a success.

Blindly following the leader and trusting authority will be a short fast road to the next step.
A total ban.

Do not spread fake news articles, wake up, fight back and refuse to give up your possessions to registration and lose ownership.
If nobody complies the scheme will fail and they will be forced to compromise.

DJI are already ahead of this, those that updated to the downgrade now will have no choice.

When I posted this last year I was called a conspiracy tin foil hat nut job.

Well sheep, here it is and those that helped them by spreading fake news articles, pat yourself on the back.
Your hobbies will soon be over.
I can't see how it makes a difference if its registered in all honesty. I mean.. Let's say I registered... Then I flew illegally... How are they going to get my drone registration number flying fast at 200 metres? Only way is to follow the drone and see where it lands... That's the only way it can be done regardless of being registered or not. My only concern is the geofencing being expanded. I fly by the Thames at a low level. If the geofence gets put in place then I will use litchi.
I can't see how it makes a difference if its registered in all honesty. I mean.. Let's say I registered... Then I flew illegally... How are they going to get my drone registration number flying fast at 200 metres? Only way is to follow the drone and see where it lands... That's the only way it can be done regardless of being registered or not. My only concern is the geofencing being expanded. I fly by the Thames at a low level. If the geofence gets put in place then I will use litchi.

Well you shouldn’t fly in London full stop... the River Thames is a helicopter flight path, even if you are flying at 10m high the FAA still hold the right to give you a massive fine!
OK it has finally been announced that registration and training WILL be a requirement for all drone owners in the UK. No date announced yet, but all thanks to the idiots who fly near airports and clearly can't read the existing regulations. You will have to complete online training and then will be provided a registration number which must be written on the drone.


Welcomed by me. Its a start but lets hope it doesn't escalate to a full out ban.

The question I ask is, who and how do the authorities propose to police illegal flights?
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I can't see how it makes a difference if its registered in all honesty. I mean.. Let's say I registered... Then I flew illegally... How are they going to get my drone registration number flying fast at 200 metres? Only way is to follow the drone and see where it lands... That's the only way it can be done regardless of being registered or not. My only concern is the geofencing being expanded. I fly by the Thames at a low level. If the geofence gets put in place then I will use litchi.
They can request it from DJI, they log your flights on with the new app.
Will take them tens seconds to find out who was flying where.
I use Litchi which uploads flight data to Air Data which I personally find very useful. And always review when I get home and often download the data to overlay using Dashware on my videos.
I really welcome this. As a pilot that abides my the current CCA rules, I am totally fed up of the small minority of people who choose to break the law and potentially ruin it for everybody else.
I really welcome this. As a pilot that abides my the current CCA rules, I am totally fed up of the small minority of people who choose to break the law and potentially ruin it for everybody else.

What law ?
Do you have the legislative act to which you refer ?
What law ?
Do you have the legislative act to which you refer ?

It's called the Drone Code developed by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and the National Air Traffic Service (NATS) here in the UK.

"When you fly a drone in the UK it is your responsibility to be aware of the rules that are in place to keep everyone safe. Follow these simple steps to make sure you are flying safely and legally."
It's called the Drone Code developed by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and the National Air Traffic Service (NATS) here in the UK.

"When you fly a drone in the UK it is your responsibility to be aware of the rules that are in place to keep everyone safe. Follow these simple steps to make sure you are flying safely and legally."
And where does it say this is law or legislation ?
Do you have the act in question ?

It may be civil "regulation" which applies to people conducting in commerce including commercial pilots and businesses , but I can not find a legislative act and would like anyone to publish this.
And where does it say this is law or legislation ?
Do you have the act in question ?

It may be civil "regulation" which applies to people conducting in commerce including commercial pilots and businesses , but I can not find a legislative act and would like anyone to publish this.

The primary piece of legislation that covers drones in the UK is the Civil Aviation Act 1982 and the Air Navigation Order 2009 made under the Act. Breaches of these aviation laws are criminal offenses, enforced by the CAA. There are also “rules of the air” aka 'The Drone Code' that apply to airspace over the UK,
The primary piece of legislation that covers drones in the UK is the Civil Aviation Act 1982 and the Air Navigation Order 2009 made under the Act. Breaches of these aviation laws are criminal offenses, enforced by the CAA. There are also “rules of the air” aka 'The Drone Code' that apply to airspace over the UK,
Which makes no mention of drones, just endangering aircraft which has laways been so .
There is currently no actual act of legalislation on the UK statute books.
However if you are a commercial pilot, you are a business (dont forget the tax return) and you are now covered by civil regulations.
The "general public" can only be ruled by an actual act of legalisation passed by parliament.
This is what they are looking to plug.
Well you shouldn’t fly in London full stop... the River Thames is a helicopter flight path, even if you are flying at 10m high the FAA still hold the right to give you a massive fine!
The fact is your meant to fly above 150 meters over building and 50 meters away. Since I am flying over the Thames I am breaking no rules so therefore I am allowed to fly in London as there is also no rules to say you can't fly over water

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