This dog killed my P4P in 3 seconds.

Beware of dogs in parks. I was talking to the owner of this dog and the guy said "I am surprised the dog isn't going crazy over your drone, it looks like he doesn't care." So when I brought it down to land. Bang! The dog jumped up and killed my Phantom.

Yes sir, I killed your drone, it was me!
View attachment 107760
Click on pic to see the Drone killing dog.
My Border Collie got mine the other day as i was taking off she came from behind me jumps up 6 foot and grabs the landing gear and took it down. Thank god it didnt hurt it or my dog . But it sure scared the crap out of me .
Although I am not a pet owner (allergies), I am a bit of a techie. So I decided to research the question of if a dog can hear ultrasonic sounds. All the sties I checked out said yes. In fact, some of the sites even went on to say that strong ultrasonic sensors that can detect motion from several meters away can actually damage a dogs hearing!

This was one of the more reputable sites I found. Interesting read. I will be more mindful of our furry friends from now on whenever I fly.

Can Dogs Hear Ultrasonic Sound? - Wag!

We know that the Ultrasound Dog Whistles work ... I lived in UK near a Gun Dog trainers and they offered US whistle training for Gun Dogs if the owner chose.

But the question is - the frequency of the DJI gear - is that in the range of the dogs hearing ? The Ultrasound pest control devices are said to not be in a dog or cats range.
Despite advertising hype ... there are test reports online that debunk them ... especially the ones that reckon they do flies, mosquito's, mice, rats ... in fact all the peskies !!
When I was younger and still living with my parents, my father made a high frequency device the size of a pack of cigarettes. We lived in a coal mining camp that had a dog problem. People wouldn’t keep their dogs contained, plus there where a lot of wild dogs. They would get in everyone’s garbage. The device my father made was 35,000 (?) at 150 disables. All well above our hearing range. It worked like a dream. No matter how aggressive the dog was, it would turn around and run away. I found out it didn’t transmit through a window. As soon as I hit the button, it sent pain to the base of my brain and made me very nauseous. My father loaned it to a friend that had a barking dog problem. The dog was on a chain and couldn’t get away. That man killed the dog without realizing it. I want the device as self protection device. My dad didn’t have it anymore and cannot get the parts anymore to make another one.
John, tell me about your insurance. If you don’t mind.
Sorry jephoto, not been on the channel for a while. My insurance is with the biggest in Australia. I have home and contents covered which includes electrical goods. However mine is an unusual case. I have been with this company for 15+ years and never claimed until I retired about 6 months ago. So I have been categorized as "life long no claims bonus". I never claimed because I was too lazy to do so, while I was working. Now I am not working full time, I claim for everything that I lose or items that get damaged. From what I have heard in most countries you can get good insurance for your drones, you just have to shop around, they want your money so will often agree to your conditions.
Interesting page 16 of P3P manual ....

States : Keep animals away from P3 while VPS is on ....
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Sorry jephoto, not been on the channel for a while. My insurance is with the biggest in Australia. I have home and contents covered which includes electrical goods. However mine is an unusual case. I have been with this company for 15+ years and never claimed until I retired about 6 months ago. So I have been categorized as "life long no claims bonus". I never claimed because I was too lazy to do so, while I was working. Now I am not working full time, I claim for everything that I lose or items that get damaged. From what I have heard in most countries you can get good insurance for your drones, you just have to shop around, they want your money so will often agree to your conditions.
Can you give a bit more or a clue on the name of the insurer? The biggest underwriter is IAG but none of their major policy retailers will cover a mishap with a sUAV while being flown.
I will privately, in a mo. Maybe you need not to mention UAV but make sure all electrical goods and out of the home you should be ok such as cameras. And I would do it sooner rather than later because soon enough it's going to be excluded in the small print. And perhaps the first claim you make is a small one so they are ok with it and are then locked in to providing you that service. Its insurance and I would be very hesitant about flying the way I do without it. And DJI Care, in my mind is a must. To me insurance is a no brainer, would you buy a house or car without insurance? No way. This is not the first time I have had to use insurance with a drone, many, times. Insurance companies will try everything to get out of paying up. In your case, maybe. "I did not even fly it. A malfunction occurred during an update and it refused to take off. I had to send it back to the company for repair" Or so some such line. Don't get me wrong I never claim if it is not a genuine claim. It's an economic service you pay for.
My German Shepherd watches my Phantom fly with great interest. But that’s about it. She doesn’t chase it, but just seems annoyed with all the prop noise that it disturbed her nap.

But, I hand catch 100% anyway to avoid any surprises.

My shepherd brought mine down from about 4 feet during takeoff.
I don't let her near it now.
I will privately, in a mo. Maybe you need not to mention UAV but make sure all electrical goods and out of the home you should be ok such as cameras. And I would do it sooner rather than later because soon enough it's going to be excluded in the small print. And perhaps the first claim you make is a small one so they are ok with it and are then locked in to providing you that service. Its insurance and I would be very hesitant about flying the way I do without it. And DJI Care, in my mind is a must. To me insurance is a no brainer, would you buy a house or car without insurance? No way. This is not the first time I have had to use insurance with a drone, many, times. Insurance companies will try everything to get out of paying up. In your case, maybe. "I did not even fly it. A malfunction occurred during an update and it refused to take off. I had to send it back to the company for repair" Or so some such line. Don't get me wrong I never claim if it is not a genuine claim. It's an economic service you pay for.

Just to make a comment ...

Its better to have Insurance and not need it - than to need it and not have it ... old line from CICA business course I was on many years ago,

But there is another factor that needs to be taken into consideration :

Every Insurance Claim regardless of any previous is always weighed up against 'risk', 'circumstances', 'item', 'any mitigating factors' and willingness of Underwriters to accept Brokers advice. Underwriters are under no obligation whatsoever to uphold a claim even if a previous was accepted for same article. I know this to my own cost on my yacht where I suffered losses twice ... first was accepted, second was refused by direct Underwriter intervention. I had to eventually 'strike a deal' with him.

Many insurance companies - Underwriters - will refuse cover on RC models other than for 3rd Party liability. Using House Contents as a cover in my opinion is extremely debatable course. It would not surprise me at all if a claim was accepted for a drone stolen from a car ... but refused for a flyaway / FW bricking / going in a river etc.

Underwiters also rate premiums based on 'risk' and frequency of claims overall on the market. Each claim made by an insured person adds weight to increased premiums. Best example is motor vehicle insurance. Drone Insurance is a small market compared to most other and in that number of claims would have a greater effect.

Just chatting ....
I find myself wondering... usually, in my experience, even where dogs are allowed to run off-leash owners are responsible for maintaining control of them. It sounds to me like the dog's owner in this case may be responsible and liable for the damage to the drone.

While insurance may cover the loss it may be that premiums will rise because of losses like this and it would be drone owners that have to pay for the losses through increased premiums.

If the dog's owner is responsible then he should pay for the loss and insurance left out of it, IMHO.
Hand Catch. Anywhere public. Always. My dog, my own loving dog, has an overwhelming desire to retrieve my p3p. I'm sure he would not hurt it excessively. Born and trained to chase and retrieve anything that flies or was recently flying. He prefers pheasant and quail. He has been trained to stay until released. He is a dog after all. Slightly smarter than a bear or a cat. That same loving dog has taught me to be creative in take off spots as well. I need both hands to start the motors or I would hand launch as well.
Hand Catch. Anywhere public. Always. My dog, my own loving dog, has an overwhelming desire to retrieve my p3p. I'm sure he would not hurt it excessively. Born and trained to chase and retrieve anything that flies or was recently flying. He prefers pheasant and quail. He has been trained to stay until released. He is a dog after all. Slightly smarter than a bear or a cat. That same loving dog has taught me to be creative in take off spots as well. I need both hands to start the motors or I would hand launch as well.

You can start the motors with one hand, assuming your drone starts with both sticks toward the center.
Well. What if the dog jumps at you?.. Not that unusual, imho..
I love dogs. They are the best pets. But I pitty the dog that jumps on me. I've knocked more than one dog out. Mostly German Shepherds. They always come to ok, but leave me alone afterwards. Lol
I agree ... hand catching when you are around dogs and children is a must. BTW, my dog is a Collie, and my parents had Great Danes. Dogs of a size large enough to destroy your balance if they jumped up toward your drone should have been trained/disciplined not to jump on people. The Collie and the Great Danes wouldn't even entertain jumping on people.
Beware of dogs in parks. I was talking to the owner of this dog and the guy said "I am surprised the dog isn't going crazy over your drone, it looks like he doesn't care." So when I brought it down to land. Bang! The dog jumped up and killed my Phantom.

Yes sir, I killed your drone, it was me!
View attachment 107760
Click on pic to see the Drone killing dog. least the dog looks happy! That's pretty funny.
It's the ultrasonics and the prey drive. My dog thinks it's a flying pork chop. He's absolutely the most well behaved dog I've ever owned - I usually don't even have him on leash when walking because he does not react to other dogs, cyclists, joggers, nothing. But get a drone that has ultrasonics and he goes batpoop crazy trying to get it and I can see the inner struggle when I tell him "no!" - literally being tempted by Satan himself. lol
So - best just not to fly around any dogs much less strange dogs.
BTW - A guy came down to the dog park - note, DOG PARK - with an RC truck. I pointed out that my dog loved to chase things on the ground (pittie mix). He says - and I quote - "ah, he can't catch this thing". You can guess the punch line. Sprocket had that thing within 50 feet. He brought it back and the guy looked it over and said "no harm" and did the dumbest thing imaginable - he did it again. This time he thought he'd take off while Sprocket was returning with a frisbee. Well, that just made it a challenge and this time the tires got munched pretty good.
Never saw him back at the dog park.
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Well my Border Collie has the most sensitive hearing I have ever come across in all the dogs I have owned and just sits and watches my drone take off and land.
John the dog in your photo looks like a Blue Healer known in Australia as a " Bloody Bastard " a well earned name.............. you should have known better coming from Perth...

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