This battery could change the world

Nothing really game-changing about it --- at least from the viewpoint of a Phantom owner.

Charge times and charge cycles mean very little to me. I own 4 batteries for my Vision+ so I dont need to worry about fast recharge time out in the field. I also don't worry much about max. # charging cycles because I'll already be moving on to a better quad in a year or two before reaching that max.

Vastly increasing ENERGY DENSITY of a rechargeable battery would be a game-changer. Design a 25,000 mAh battery that gives 1 hour flight time and is the same size & weight as the current Phantom battery and then you are really changing the game!

Haha how many times have I read posts of new phenomenal batteries!
But one day it will come true - even though these "evolutionary" changes appear in small steps rather than big ones.

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