Third flight first crash

Glad everything went well SGF. Keep it close and away from the trees.

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You're right for sure. I tend to like to push the envelope sometimes. When I flew it yesterday I got a bit close to that same tree and forced myself to move away from it. I want to leave beginner mode but I still have to stop and orient myself, as in were is the Phantom's front end, which way do I have to move the stick, etc.

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Lol, I stay well clear of trees for this very reason, they have a tendency to be wider and taller than they first appear! :)
Glad to hear your bird is A-Ok.
You're right for sure. I tend to like to push the envelope sometimes. When I flew it yesterday I got a bit close to that same tree and forced myself to move away from it. I want to leave beginner mode but I still have to stop and orient myself, as in were is the Phantom's front end, which way do I have to move the stick, etc.

Sent from my SM-T710 using Tapatalk

Trees are a bit like the piped piper (Hans Christen Anderson). They are Phantom catchers......stay away.... :)
"Phantom Catchers"
I like that, I going to work with that!
Magnetic Trees?

Give me a few days....

May want to become familiar with home lock. Might help in some of these situations. Have a look at this guy's video.


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