Sunrise at Canal Park in Duluth & a 1000 foot freighter

I was using a Phantom 2 Vision + V3. I had used up 1 of my 2 batteries before I figured out that was a 1000 footer out there coming in. I used up the 2nd one flying out over and hovering over the boat. I was at less than 15% as I landed and filming until the point I landed.

I get the occasional opportunity to ride these for work and might bring the phantom along for the ride. But flying off a ship that can do 15 knots when its headed into a 10-15mph wind can quickly exceed the Phantom's top relative speed and with taking 3 miles to stop the ship, the Phantom would likely be lost. I have been in this situation on a pleasure boat, but it was simple enough to turn the boat around and let the Phantom catch up.
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I was using a Phantom 2 Vision + V3. I had used up 1 of my 2 batteries before I figured out that was a 1000 footer out there coming in. I used up the 2nd one flying out over and hovering over the boat. I was at less than 15% as I landed and filming until the point I landed.

I have this trouble too sometimes... great video though.
looks like you had some 'golden light' ... I love flying over boats...

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