Spark VS P3A cam quality

Jul 13, 2017
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Anybody have any first-hand experience with the Spark's photo quality vs the older Phantom 3 Advanced? I've seen comparison videos of the Mavic's cam and the Spark, but nothing on the older Phantom 3. I know the Spark doesn't have raw photo support, but I was just wondering if the Spark's newer sensor was a significant upgrade.
I don't have first-hand experience but looking at videos and photos on YouTube about both devices, you can see clearly that the advanced is much better in quality.
Anybody have any first-hand experience with the Spark's photo quality vs the older Phantom 3 Advanced? I've seen comparison videos of the Mavic's cam and the Spark, but nothing on the older Phantom 3. I know the Spark doesn't have raw photo support, but I was just wondering if the Spark's newer sensor was a significant upgrade.

They are two different drones for different uses. My Phantom is great, but I can not fly with people around. They get alerted and scared. My Spark is always in my car, so if I find a place that I want to shoot and I can not fly my Phantom I fly the Spark. Photography is adequate for many uses. People ignore my flying the Spark. It is quiet, small and may be perceived as just a toy. Of course, I never get close to people such that I would ever cause an issue.
If the photography that I get with the Spark is something i like and need better, I go back with the Phantom at a time when people may not be there.
Comments and criticisms welcome, George

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