Soooo,,,, any one notice this?

May 6, 2017
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Has anyone ever noticed that your drone attracts wasps or hornets?
I was flying at about 180' high and balls out and I kept noticing something flickering on the main camera.
Didn't think much of it until I cam in to land when I noticed there were several insects following my drone.
When I came in for a touch down, they flew away. Didn't give it much thought but it happened again today using a different drone.
When I came in to land there were 8 or 10 bugs that had followed my drone.
Does the drone emit a sound that attracts wasps and hornets??
I've noticed they attract several different items. Carpenter Bees (Boring Bees) and butterflies seem to be drawn to them often.
I have found Hawks, Eagles, Ravens and turkey vultures very attracted to my P4P obsidian!

Have you thought about placing some of those "Wobbly Eyes" on the aircraft? Many people have reported this to be effective against birds of prey but I've not seen any tests to support it.
I too find that hawks have a keen interest in my drone. They’ve never gotten too close, but they get close enough that I worry... can only imagine what they are thinking.

And as far as bees being attracted, maybe it’s the sound? My P4P+ with old style props sounds like a swarm of bees...
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Never had bees follow my drone but I have had hawks stalk my drone I know its paranoia but 100 feet high and 500 feet out in a farm field I start flying way off to the right and the bird starts flying towards me I think nothing of it so I lower my altitude cause I'm in the hawks airspace lol and I fly towards myself and the hawk starts to follow me and I panic and just haul *** back to me and land.
Have you changed the color of your drone by adding red or yellow? That definitely attracts them. ?

I only have trouble with seagulls and buzzards.
I have had Hawks straight out dive on my P4P. There is a big pine tree in the yard next to mine and every year a pair of hawks (Red Tail Kites) builds their nest in it. During nesting season they get very territorial. These ones don't like my P4P but don't appear too bothered by my Mavic 2 Pro or my Typhoon H+. (Do they not like the best drone ever??)
But the wasps and hornets, that's strange. Wasn't there reports of people who were mowing their lawns getting attacked by swarms of Affricanized Bees?
At 2:39 in this video my P4 is being attacked by a swarm of honey bees as I’m trying to shoot this shopping center. They’re hard to see on a phone but you can see them good on a bigger Screen. Props were orange and gooey.
Definitely wanna stay away from the color yellow.... I had a yellow skin on my MA and it seemed like every time I turned around there was some kind of big *** bird (hawk, buzzard, crow) chasing me lol. Once I figured out that it was the skin I got it off ASAP and haven't had a problem since.
actually, I bet its common for bees to take interest in flying things, as there is a park by us where I can throw a frisbee up 30 ft, and see about 200 bees suddenly collecting around it. It has been that way for years.
There must be bee corridors out there and the Part 107 regs are not protecting us from them.
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Has anyone ever noticed that your drone attracts wasps or hornets?
I was flying at about 180' high and balls out and I kept noticing something flickering on the main camera.
Didn't think much of it until I cam in to land when I noticed there were several insects following my drone.
When I came in for a touch down, they flew away. Didn't give it much thought but it happened again today using a different drone.
When I came in to land there were 8 or 10 bugs that had followed my drone.
Does the drone emit a sound that attracts wasps and hornets??
I posted a shot ages ago (cant find it now) of my P4 covered with dead small insects after they swarmed around drone and followed it down till it landed.Was a nice warm summer day.
Now that you mention it, There seems to be a lot of bug guts on my props.
A member over on Yuneec Pilots mentioned how he could convert a cheap toy drone with a little paint and Styrofoam to look like a wasp and go and bug people walking their dogs in a near by park. I thought that would be fiendishly brilliant.

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