Soooo,,,, any one notice this?

Has anyone ever noticed that your drone attracts wasps or hornets?
I was flying at about 180' high and balls out and I kept noticing something flickering on the main camera.
Didn't think much of it until I cam in to land when I noticed there were several insects following my drone.
When I came in for a touch down, they flew away. Didn't give it much thought but it happened again today using a different drone.
When I came in to land there were 8 or 10 bugs that had followed my drone.
Does the drone emit a sound that attracts wasps and hornets??

6+ years of professional flying, 30+ years of hobby flying, I never noticed that.

I have found Hawks, Eagles, Ravens and turkey vultures very attracted to my P4P obsidian!
If you put that reflective multicolor tape on it (and some googly eyes if you can), they see it's not interesting to them and leave it alone. I had this problem last spring. Also, if they attack, fly UP not down as down is what they'll expect. Unless they're right on top of it, of course.
Like this.. lol


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