So I'm A Ham

From what I understand, with a ham license, You can use more transmit power giving you a longer range and supposedly you need a ham license to use FPV!
I was hoping one of you guys could give me more clarity!
From what I understand, with a ham license, You can use more transmit power giving you a longer range and supposedly you need a ham license to use FPV!
I was hoping one of you guys could give me more clarity!
Near as I can tell, that is BS. No radio license is required, but you will hear that your transmitting power output and/or frequency could be causing you to operate illegally. So to protect yourself, they say you should get a license.
You still have to fly LOS.
From what I understand, with a ham license, You can use more transmit power giving you a longer range and supposedly you need a ham license to use FPV!
I was hoping one of you guys could give me more clarity!
If you are using DJI equipment, it's all got FCC certification, so the article is irrelevant.
It's mostly all smoke & mirrors. The basic rules of FPV flight exclude the need for any additional boost of signal strength.

I don't know about the rest of you guys, but my P4 will easily fly so far away with full control that I wouldn't be able to find it with an excellent pair of binoculars. As far as that goes, I'd much rather risk irritating the FCC than the FAA. I think the relative investigatory and enforcement authority of the FCC is pretty tame compared to what the FAA can do. Both agencies are rather tame, however, compared to the FBI & the US Postal inspectors.

I had a felon working for me many years back that had been charged with breaking into USPS stations and stealing large volumes of stamps. He told me that the postal inspectors were ruthless in their pursuit of him. Canada wouldn't extradite him, so the postal inspectors ended up kidnapping him illegally out of Vancouver so that they could arrest him on the ferry boat within the USA borders. But that tale isn't related to any drones, so it's a bit off topic. Nonetheless, it does demonstrate that federal agencies sometimes do what they want to do, regardless of the rules.
The article isn’t strictly wrong, just very misleading in using drone FPV as a selling point for ham radio. Yes as a ham Technician you can operate within 2.39-2.45 & 5.65-5.925 GHz @ 1W max but from the ham radio perspective this is meant for communication experimentation & DIY equipment purposes, not drone FPV. Taken to the extreme, even if you did design ur own drone FPV system from the ground up, that 1W output is wasted because ur still limited to visual line of sight / 400ft altitude. Those limits are easily met by most off the shelf DJI drones, as others have said.
Bottom line: a ham radio license is great, but offers no advantages for drone FPV.
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I just earned my Ham Radio license, I understand that I receive more privilege's for my drone by having it.
Does anyone know what extra privilege's come with having a ham license?
No extra priveledges... you can brag that you have a drone though. Been a Ham since mid 70s and love the hobby..but not extras just for passing a license for the FCC. If you want extra priveledges pass part 107 from the FAA
No extra priveledges... you can brag that you have a drone though. Been a Ham since mid 70s and love the hobby..but not extras just for passing a license for the FCC. If you want extra priveledges pass part 107 from the FAA
I have passed the Part 107 a year or so ago, while taking the Ham classes there was talk of it affecting the use of the drone and just didn't know how it applied, so now I know it doesn't. But thanks WD9W, maybe we will meet some day on the radio,KE8RUU
I have passed the Part 107 a year or so ago, while taking the Ham classes there was talk of it affecting the use of the drone and just didn't know how it applied, so now I know it doesn't. But thanks WD9W, maybe we will meet some day on the radio,KE8RUU
What about Cincinnati WKRP ..was great TV show,,,sorry but me being me had to add the ham radio..I used to have one in me car a few years back,other buddies had them and great way to communicate even though we had no idea about them,yip congrats on license,
Please I dont mean no disrespect to you but I thought the picture was funny and probably as far as I get to bein a ham operator so good stuff on that
Well, I'm not totally across U.S. Amateur rules and allocations but what I could say from the Australian perspective is that an Advanced Class Amateur is allowed 400w in parts of the 2.4 and 5Ghz bands (1kw with a high power endorsement) but drones are "type approved" as far as the transmitters are concerned so you can still only operate them at the power levels the type approved equipment are allowed in the relevant approval which in this case for the U.S. is F.C.C. approved power levels for low interference potential devices and in Europe and here a C.E. approval for same.


I can see it now. They are looking for TX/RX mods. HA! LOL de N2KI dit dit

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