snowing ...

I do and no problem. Snow is Fresh Water Vapour frozen.

As long as its only light stuff - its fine. The motors run warm, model internals are warm from the battery, just give it a good wipe down after each flight.

There is a lot of rubbish given out about damage to motors etc. - which is bunkum.
If it was true - then can someone explain how models survive winter meetings when snow on the ground, landing into it etc.

My YouTube channel - solentlifeuk - has many videos of models having great time in deep snow .... others post videos as well .....

I flew yesterday at just below 0 Celsius. Thick fog and at about 80m altitude, I got a motor overheating error. Auto descent, but much too fast - shattered the lens cover.

The rotor blades were iced over, so I'm guessing the extra weight caused the overheat.

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I live an hour north of Toronto and fly all the time in the snow well below freezing. Flying in fog around the freezing mark will get you for sure, I avoid flying then even though it would make for an amazing video.

Sent from my iPhone using PhantomPilots
Nice to read about others flying .....

Here in my club - we look forward to winter flying. We even have special party meetings with all manner of models including expensive professional survey drones attending.


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