Saving Satellite Imagery for off-line use

Jun 1, 2023
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New here. I use a Phantom 4RTK to survey with. It used to save the satellite imagery for the base image even when not connected to WiFi as long as you planned the flight while connected to the internet. I have the controller with a screen but can't find a setting so I have the satellite image while in the field if I need to make adjustments. We don't have cell service in a lot of areas here so hotspotting to get internet isn't always an option. Thanks in advance!
Are you caching the maps in satellite view at close enough to see vehicles? I prefer hybrid mode to read the street names. Just need wifi and caching maps in background turned on in general settings. Maps will be there when you get to the destination as long as you don’t disable GO4 or shut down your device before you get there. You can confirm by turning off your device wifi after loading maps. They should still be there.
New here. I use a Phantom 4RTK to survey with. It used to save the satellite imagery for the base image even when not connected to WiFi as long as you planned the flight while connected to the internet. I have the controller with a screen but can't find a setting so I have the satellite image while in the field if I need to make adjustments. We don't have cell service in a lot of areas here so hotspotting to get internet isn't always an option. Thanks in advance!
One of the waypoint programs I use specifically allows the user to create a polygon on a map, and download it and store that map section locally as a file. That's how all drone software should work IMHO. Unfortunately, none of the DJI offerings do this.

The best I've been able to do with the Go, Go 4 and Ground Station Pro apps is navigate to the area in question and move about the map. If you move the map around and zoom in and out, your iPad will sort of "unofficially" cache the area you're working in. Sometimes the cacheing is persistent in that it remains in cache for a week or more, and sometimes it's not. In which case I have to recache the mapping area. It's a crappy system, but that's the best DJI offers.

FWIW, I've been flying remote sites for years and have never had Internet access. So this method works, but you have to be diligent and virtually move about the mapping area while you have an Internet connection. I usually do it the night before a mission. I'll do it in two iPads for redundancy.

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New here. I use a Phantom 4RTK to survey with. It used to save the satellite imagery for the base image even when not connected to WiFi as long as you planned the flight while connected to the internet. I have the controller with a screen but can't find a setting so I have the satellite image while in the field if I need to make adjustments. We don't have cell service in a lot of areas here so hotspotting to get internet isn't always an option. Thanks in advance!
I'm running into the same problem flying in remote Colorado locations with no cell service. Am using the P4 RTK controller with the built-in screen. It's still a great drone system but now is a bit handicapped since you can't view the satellite image to tweak a flight path while in the field. From what I understand, the problem started earlier this year when a controller firmware upgrade removed the ability to cache the satellite images for the mission flight path area. I've also heard that you can't roll back to a previous firmware version that still supported that feature. I'd appreciate hearing about work-arounds users have come up with. Thanks.
I'm running into the same problem flying in remote Colorado locations with no cell service. Am using the P4 RTK controller with the built-in screen. It's still a great drone system but now is a bit handicapped since you can't view the satellite image to tweak a flight path while in the field. From what I understand, the problem started earlier this year when a controller firmware upgrade removed the ability to cache the satellite images for the mission flight path area. I've also heard that you can't roll back to a previous firmware version that still supported that feature. I'd appreciate hearing about work-arounds users have come up with. Thanks.
I have a P4P, not the RTK model. That said...

The maps are cached in the iPad. I can cache them without ever connecting to the drone or controller. I simply navigate to the shoot location (which CAN be a bit of a challenge for far-away, remote locations) and manipulate the satellite image by zooming in and out and moving about the location. Since I'm often not even connected to the drone when I do this, safe to say that map cacheing is independent of drone/controller firmware. I concede that the RTK version may be different, especially if it forces the user into a firmware/hardware/software package that doesn't allow for platform, software and hardware options.

It appears that a recent P4 RTK firmware upgrade has brought back satellite image caching for the controller with attached screen. Some of my projects are repeat flights. If I Open an older task created earlier this year (e.g. pre-September) when caching was not available and then Edit, Save and select Overwrite Task when connected to wifi, the satellite image backgrounds are now part of the task when working remotely without wifi access.
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A rare improvement with firmware update. Glad to see DJI is turning around. But are you sure the images are being cached in the controller? Dollars to doughnuts, they are being cached in the tablet.

I always fly without cell service. I will open Google Earth while at home on WiFi and, as others have described, call up the area I will be flying and zoom in and out to cache as much detail as I feel I may need in the flight area. I will also open my flight software, usually Litchi, and do the same. I DO NOT close either of those apps or shut down my tablet. While traveling to the site, I keep the tablet on and constantly charging in the car to guarantee I still have a fully charged tablet upon arrival. I once accidentally forgot to cache the aerial image before driving to the job, but was able to locate a McDonalds that had free wifi which saved me. Many places these days do offer free wifi to patrons such as McDonalds, Panera Bread, coffee shops, town libraries, etc. if one accidentally looses the cached aerial.
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A rare improvement with firmware update. Glad to see DJI is turning around. But are you sure the images are being cached in the controller? Dollars to doughnuts, they are being cached in the tablet.

Yep. I'm sure. I have the GL300N controller with the attached, small screen (no tablet). While in the office early last week I set up a new 2D project on the controller to fly in a very remote area (no cell service and definitely no wifi within a 30 minute drive). When I opened up the project while in the field to adjust the flight height before launching, it didn't initially register in my head that I was seeing the satellite image. Then it dawned on that I shouldn't be seeing it, but there it was, clear as day. So, did a couple of tests back in the office over the weekend to make sure the caching is consistent and it is. Even older tasks that were created without caching were updating with cached images when they're edited and resaved. I confirmed those by simply turning off the controller's wifi before opening the edited tasks to see if the images were cached and they definitely are. Given the issues and frustration with the DJI firmware updates this year, it was a pleasant surprise.

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